My *TSUNAMI* messages related to the continued struggle to rescue/save
the higher education system in Israel.
This page was started on March 8, 2005 and has been last updated on January 8, 2018. For
additional relevant materials since January 2000 [the date of the
Maltz Report (Hebrew, 81 pages, 3417KB)] go to the homepage of The Inter-Senate
Committee (ISC) of the
Universities for the
Protection of Academic Independence, of which I have been privileged to be (one of the) founder(s),
member, and Chairman (2002-2005). This link is using the "Internet Archive WayBackMachine" supplying a snapshot
of the ISC homepage taken on October 24, 2013. The ISC still exists but, to the best of my knowledge, does not
have a current homepage.
Back to Yair Censor's homepage.
Ten opinion articles of Yair Censor on the crisis in the higher
education system in Israel:
(1) "A University is
Not A Business", Haaretz, December 17, 2002. (Hebrew, PDF, 25KB),
(2) "The End of An
Education System", Haaretz, October 15, 2003. (Hebrew, PDF, 567KB),
(3) "In the Absence of
Academic Independence", Haaretz, July 6, 2004. (Hebrew, PDF, 27KB),
(4) "How is A Nobel
Prize Created", Haaretz, March 23, 2005. (Hebrew, PDF, 24KB),
(5) Y. Censor and I. Gur-ze'ev, "The struggle of the academic community for the future of Israeli
academia: Alternative assessments of the activity of the Inter-Senate Committee of the Universities for
the Protection of Academic Independence", in: Ilan Gur-Ze'ev (Editor), The End of Israeli
Academia? Published by the Faculty of Education, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel, 2005, pp.
92-109. (PDF, Hebrew, 434KB),
(6) "The tiger fable, or 'send your bread over the water'", Panim, Quarterly for
Society, Culture and
Education, Published by the Israel Teachers Union (ITU), Tel-Aviv,
Israel, Issue No. 34, December
2005, pp. 21-29. (Hebrew, PDF, 620KB),
(7) "The Loss of Academic
Freedom", Haaretz, February 18, 2007. (Hebrew, PDF, 88KB),
(8) "On
the Sins of the Committee of University Presidents",
"Israel Today" (Israel Hayom), November 20, 2007. (Hebrew, PDF, 220KB),
(9) "The Annihilation of the
Academia", Haaretz, December 5, 2007. (Hebrew, PDF, 38KB),
"The Efficient Science", Haaretz, December 13, 2009. (Hebrew, PDF, 436KB).
*TSUNAMI-447* A labor dispute agreed upon by the general assembly
of the senior academic faculty
staff at the University of Haifa. Read a message from Prof. Shuli Wintner, Chairman of the Senior Faculty
Association in the University of Haifa, dated: July 1, 2018. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 131KB).
*TSUNAMI-446* A one page summary about the struggle of the Senate
against the Executive Committe of the Board of Governors at the Ben-Gurion University (BGU) in the Negev.
Posted by BGU Physics Professor Doron Cohen ( on: and on the "Academia network IL" on
January 7, 2018. (PDF,
Hebrew, 2 pages, 147KB).
*TSUNAMI-445* Here is a message that may help the older among us to
recall and
the younger among us to learn about the beginnings of the down slope of the governance of our research
universities. It seems to have all started in January 2000, the date of the
Maltz Report (Hebrew, 81 pages, 3417KB). Please go to the homepage of The
Committee (ISC) of the Universities for the
Protection of Academic Independence, of which I have been privileged to be (one of the) founder(s),
member, and Chairman (2002-2005). In particular, go to "ISC Documents" and click on "Archive" at the bottom and
read. This link is using the "Internet Archive WayBackMachine" supplying a snapshot of
the ISC homepage taken on October 24, 2013. The ISC still exists but, to the best of my knowledge, does not have
a current homepage.
*TSUNAMI-444* "Frail Academic Freedom", an essay by Prof. Oded
Balaban from the University of Haifa, posted on: on July 23, 2017. (PDF,
Hebrew, 3 pages, 102KB).
*TSUNAMI-443* A response letter to the proposed Code of Ethics for
Academic Activities from the chairpersons of Senior
Faculty Associations in six research universities in Israel, Dated June 13, 2017. (PDF,
Hebrew, 1 page, 302KB).
*TSUNAMI-442* Professor Asa Kasher's proposed Code of Ethics for
Academic Activities, posted on June 12, 2017, on the newsletter The Seventh Eye (Ha'A'in Ha'schvi'it) at: (PDF,
Hebrew, 13 pages, 861KB).
*TSUNAMI-441* A letter from the chairpersons of Senior Faculty
Associations in five research universities in Israel to the Minister of Education Mr. Naftali Bennett
protesting against plans to implement gender separation in universities, Dated May 28, 2017. (PDF,
Hebrew, 1 page, 98KB).
*TSUNAMI-440* A petition letter from the Tel-Aviv University
(TAU) community against Dr. Giora Yaron, Chairperson of the Executive Committee (Vaad Menahel) of Tel-Aviv
University, who, according to the text of this petition, has hinted that ALL administrative employees of TAU
should be transferred to outsourcing. The petition was posted on May 9, 2017, on
which is the TAU electronic bulletin list. (PDF,
Hebrew, 1 page, 215KB).
*TSUNAMI-439* The pension payments agreed upon in the last labor
agreement have not yet been paid to the pensioners! Read an email received today from a rank and file
professor emeritus, dated May 4, 2017. (PDF,
Hebrew, 1 page, 375KB).
*TSUNAMI-438* The sixth final document on the
agreement regarding the pensiya takzivit. Due to the differences among the existing
agreements of pensiya takzivit in the universities there are different such final documents
on the agreement regarding the pensiya takzivit. Here is the agreement at the University of
Haifa (PDF, Hebrew, 28 pages,
5,685KB). For a copy of the agreement in your university please contact your local
Senior Faculty Association.
*TSUNAMI-437* Five final documents related to the
2016 recent new salary agreement. (1) The salary agreement: (PDF, Hebrew, 27 pages,
11,262KB). (2) Sal Klita: (PDF, Hebrew, 4 pages, 988KB). (3) Maanak
Academi: (PDF, Hebrew, 5 pages, 1,507KB). (4) Keren
Kishrei Mada Legimlaim: (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 322KB). (5) Madregot
Mechkar: (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 692KB).
*TSUNAMI-436* An update letter from the
negotiating team of the Coordinating Council (Mo'etza
Me'ta'emet) of the Senior Faculty Associations in the universities, Dated: December 6, 2016,
with details about the new labor agreement. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages,
*TSUNAMI-435* An update letter from Prof.
Shuly Wintner, chairperson of the
Senior Faculty Association in the University of Haifa, dated: October 9, 2016, regarding the
current status of the salary negotiations. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages,
*TSUNAMI-434* A Few Words About The Budgetary Pension
[Pensiya Takzivit]. An explanatory letter from the negotiating team of the Coordinating
Council (Mo'etza
Me'ta'emet) of the Senior Faculty Associations in the universities, Dated: July 24, 2016. (PDF, Hebrew, 4
pages, 100KB).
*TSUNAMI-433* Three update letters: (1) From the
Senior Faculty Association in the University of Haifa, dated: July 19, 2016, (PDF, Hebrew, 4 pages,
168KB), (2) From the
Senior Faculty Association in the Technion, dated: July 19, 2016, (PDF, Hebrew, 2
pages, 86KB), and (3) From the Coordinating Council (Mo'etza
Me'ta'emet) of the Senior Faculty Associations in the universities, dated: July 17, 2016, (PDF, Hebrew, 4 pages, 192KB),
all about the current salary negotiations.
*TSUNAMI-432* Update letter from the Senior Faculty
Association in Tel-Aviv University (TAU) about the current state of the salary
negotiations. Dated: July
8, 2016. (PDF, Hebrew, 1
page, 143KB).
*TSUNAMI-431* Our Strength Is In Our
Unity. June 26, 2016 update letter from Prof. Eli Weitz, Chairperson of the Coordinating
Council (Mo'etza Me'ta'emet) of the Senior Faculty Associations in the universities about the
current salary negotiations.
(PDF, Hebrew, 1 page,
*TSUNAMI-430* Letter from Prof. Eli Weitz,
Chairperson of the Coordinating Council (Mo'etza Me'ta'emet) of the Senior Faculty
Associations in the universities, to Prof. Peretz Lavie, Chairperson of the Committee of
Universities Heads [in Israel] (VER"A) about the salary negotiations. Dated: June
17, 2016. (PDF, Hebrew, 1
page, 149KB).
*TSUNAMI-429* "The Academia is Drowning and Its Leaders Are
Asleep", by Prof. Gabi Weimann
from the University of Haifa. Appeared as a guest article in Haaretz Daily Newspaper
on Thursday, May 26, 2016. The following copy was received from the
author: (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 89KB). If you follow and observe the higher
education arena in recent years you may wish to amuse yourself by re-reading: "On
the Sins of the Committee of University Presidents",
"Israel Today" (Israel Hayom), November 20, 2007. (Hebrew, PDF, 220KB)
*TSUNAMI-428* Update letter from Prof. Eli Weitz,
of the Coordinating Council (Mo'etza
Me'ta'emet) of the Senior Faculty Associations in the universities about the current
salary negotiations after the seventh meeting of the parties, Dated: May 16, 2016.
(PDF, Hebrew, 1 page,
*TSUNAMI-427* Letter from Prof. Eli Weitz, Chairperson
of the Coordinating Council (Mo'etza
Me'ta'emet) of the Senior Faculty Associations in the universities about the current
salary negotiations, Dated: May 8, 2016.
(PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 119KB).
*TSUNAMI-426* The Supreme Court of Israel in his capacity as the High Court of Justice (BAGAT"Z)
issued his ruling on August 9, 2015, on the appeal of the universities against the supervision of the Ministry of Finance on their [financial]
activity. The court ruling contains an analysis of the notion of academic freedom. Read clauses 28-37 in the complete verdict (PDF, Hebrew, 14 pages, 2,945KB).
April 9, 2015. We sadly inform all those who are concerned with the fate, destiny and
future of the higher education system here and elsewhere about the
termination of activity of the well-known Australian Blog 'The Funneled
Web' (TFW).
Its founder, editor and maintainer, Dr. Alex Reisner wrote on the parting
page at
"The Funneled Web had examined Australia's Higher Education and Research
Policies 2001 - 2013. It Retired From the Fray on October 31 2013 Having
Demonstrated a Total Lack of Influence During the 12-years of its
Existence. Alex Reisner, Editor.
As the NYT's Gail Collins might say: "TFW had all the traction and clout
of a small mouse attempting to cross a frozen lake. During a windstorm.
While wearing bedroom slippers.""
Anyone interested in materials posted over the years on The Funneled Web
will find on a link to its archive at:
*TSUNAMI-424* In Amsterdam We Founded The New University, by Dr. Hilla Dayan from the
Amsterdam University College (AUC). Posted on March 25, 2015, on the blog Ha'oketz
( (PDF, Hebrew, 6 pages, 2,201KB).
*TSUNAMI-423* A letter from the the Coordinating Council (Mo'etza Me'ta'emet)
of the Senior Faculty Associations in the universities regarding freedom of speech and freedom of opinion. Sent to Prof.
Menahem Ben-Sasson, Chairperson of the Committee of Heads of the Universities (VERA, Va'ad Ra'shei Ha'u'ni'ver'si'ta'ot) on
July 28, 2014. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 470KB).
*TSUNAMI-422* "Separate Academic Frameworks for the Orthodox - A Disaster". An
opinion article by Prof. Ran Chermesh from Ben-Gurion University (BGU) of the Negev, posted on July 18, 2014, on The following copy was received from the
author: (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 139KB).
*TSUNAMI-421* An E-mail about the budegtary pension [Pensiya taktzivit], dated June 5, 2014, posted on the University of
Haifa E-bulletin board (Segel-Plus) by Prof. Udi Makov, Chairman of the Senior Faculty Association
at the University of Haifa (UH). (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 234KB). Link to the
item in TheMarker:
*TSUNAMI-420* "Muhammad Ali as An Allegory". An opinion article by
Prof. Elia Leibowitz from Tel-Aviv University (TAU). The article appeared as a guest article in Haaretz Daily Newspaper
on Friday, April 25, 2014. The following copy was received from the
author: (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 74KB).
*TSUNAMI-419* "The Struggle Against the Closure of the Department of French Studies in
Tel-Aviv University". A post by Prof. Oded Goldreich and Lin Halusin-Dovrat posted on the Forum for the Protection of
Public Education ( on April 13, 2014. (PDF, Hebrew, 4 pages, 153KB).
*TSUNAMI-418* An update from the desk of the Coordinating Council (Mo'etza Me'ta'emet)
of the Senior Faculty Associations in the universities, dated April 9, 2014, posted on the University of Haifa E-bulletin
(Segel-Plus) by Prof. Udi Makov, Chairman of the Senior Faculty Association at the University of Haifa (UH). (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 267KB).
*TSUNAMI-417* "Minister of Education Wants to Expand His Authority Over Academia".
A report published in Haaretz Daily Newspaper on Tuesday, April 1, 2014, and posted (where it can be read free of charge if you just register) at:, or click: (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 105KB).
*TSUNAMI-416* A Position Paper submitted
in January 2014 to the Committee for Dealing With Governability [Meshilut] of the Higher
Education System [in Isarel], see:, by the Inter-Senate
Committee (ISC) of the Universities for the Protection of Academic
Independence. (PDF, Hebrew, 3 pages, 143KB).
*TSUNAMI-415* A Position Paper submitted on Wednesday, January 15, 2014,
to the Committee for Dealing With Governability [Meshilut] of the Higher Education System [in Isarel], by the Forum for
the Protection of Public Education (
(PDF, Hebrew, 3 pages, 204KB).
*TSUNAMI-414* "Who Wants Governability [Meshilut]". An opinion article by
Prof. Elia Leibowitz from Tel-Aviv University (TAU). The article appeared as a guest article in Haaretz Daily Newspaper
on Sunday, January 5, 2014, and is posted at: under the title:
"The Universities Do Not Need A Governor". The following copy was received from the
author: (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 89KB).
Dan (Dani) Censor (1936 - 2013) passed away on Sunday, October 13,
2013, after a fierce battle with cancer. He died at his son's
home in Beer-Sheva surrounded by his loving family. He was a Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering at Ben-Gurion
University of the
Negev. Dani will be remembered by the academic community in Israel for his devotion to the struggle to protect academic
independence and freedom in face of the wave of commercialization of the higher education system. He was the maintainer of the
unedited free subscription list "Academia". Dani will remain in the hearts of his many students and colleagues and friends.
*TSUNAMI-412* An E-Mail from Prof. Udi Makov, Chairman of the Senior Faculty
Association at the University of Haifa (UH) regarding the currently announced labor dispute in the universities, posted on
the University of Haifa (UH) "Segel-Plus" E-Bulletin Board on August 25, 2013. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 67KB).
*TSUNAMI-411* "Abundance Defeated the Spirit". An opinion article by Prof. Minna
Rozen from the University of Haifa
(UH). The article appeared as a guest article in Haaretz Daily Newspaper on Friday, August 16, 2013, and is posted at: The following copy was received from the
author: (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 72KB).
*TSUNAMI-410* The Senior Faculty Associations in All Universities Will Soon Declare a Labor Dispute. A letter
from Prof. Michael Mond, Chairperson of the Senior Faculty Association of Ben-Gurion University (BGU) of The Negev, posted August
7, 2013, on the BGU faculty list. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 117KB).
*TSUNAMI-409* Casus Belli Between the Council for Higher Education (CHE, MALA"G) and the
Planning and Budgeting Committee (PBC, VATA"T) and the Senior Academic Faculty Associations in All Universities. A letter
from Prof. Ely Weitz, Tel-Aviv University (TAU), Chairperson of the Senior Faculty Association of TAU, dated August 1, 2013. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 134KB).
*TSUNAMI-408* "Protect Higher Education from the Politicians". An opinion article by Prof. Batia Laufer from the
University of Haifa (UH), posted on July 18, 2013, on Ynet at:,7340,L-4406489,00.html. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 128KB).
*TSUNAMI-407* "Not Education and Not Higher". An opinion article by Prof.
Gabriel Weimann from the University of Haifa
(UH). The article appeared as a guest article in Haaretz Daily Newspaper on Friday, May 31, 2013, and is posted at: The following copy was received from the
author: (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages,
*TSUNAMI-406* "San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment: Putting science into
the assessment of research". Posted at: The San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment
initiated by the American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) together with a group of editors and publishers of scholarly journals,
recognizes the need to improve the ways in which the outputs of scientific research are evaluated. (PDF, English, 10 pages, 249KB).
*TSUNAMI-405* "President [of the Supreme Court] Grunis: An Institution
Based On Academic Freedom Should Protect Freedom of Speech". A press release of The Association for Civil Rights in Israel
(, dated April 25, 2013. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages,
*TSUNAMI-404* "The Hebrew University is Bleeding 500 Million Shekels A Year Due to the
Budgetary Pension [Pensiya Taktzivit]". A report posted on Thursday, April 11, 2013, on "Calcalist"
( (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 94KB).
*TSUNAMI-403* "Who is A Professor? Senior Lecturers At The Technion Will Carry The Title 'Professor Mishne'". A reportage
published in TheMarker, Haaretz daily newspaper Business Supplement, on Monday, March 4, 2013. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages,
*TSUNAMI-402* "The Strong Woman of Higher Education in Israel: "Any Cut in Higher
Education is A Red Line"". An interview with Dr. Avital Stein, Director-General for the Council for Higher Education (CHE,
MALA"G) and Director-General for the Planning and Budgeting Committee (PBC, VATA"T), published in TheMarker, Haaretz daily
newspaper Business Supplement, on Sunday, February 24, 2013. (PDF, Hebrew, 5 pages,
*TSUNAMI-401* "Born Free". An opinion article
by Prof. Ami Volansky from Tel-Aviv University (TAU) published in Haaretz daily newspaper on Friday, February 22, 2013. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 85KB).
*TSUNAMI-400* "EL-AL's [Israeli Airlines] Damaging Medical and Scientific Research". A letter from Prof. Nir Shaviv,
Chairman of the Coordinating Council (Mo'etza Me'ta'emet) of the Senior Faculty Associations in the universities, dated January 2013. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 313KB).
*TSUNAMI-399* "There Was No Persecution Here". An opinion article
by Dr. Yaacov Bergman from the Hebrew University of
Jerusalem (HUJI), published in Haaretz daily newspaper on Thursday, January 24, 2013. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 233KB).
*TSUNAMI-398* "Trajtenberg: 'I Am Very Worried About the [Future] Standing of the Israeli Research in the World'". An
interview with Prof. Manuel Trajtenberg, Chairman of the Planning and Budgeting Committee (PBC - VATA"T) of the
Council for Higher Education (CHE - MALA"G), published in TheMarker, Haaretz daily newspaper Business Supplement,
on Thursday, January 10, 2013. (PDF, Hebrew, 3 pages, 346KB).
*TSUNAMI-397* "Under Academic Robes". The daily Editorial of Haaretz daily newspaper on Sunday, January 6, 2013. (PDF, Hebrew, 1
page, 139KB). English version posted on: (PDF, English, 1 page,
*TSUNAMI-396* "[It is] Final: The Center in Ariel Will be Recognized as A University". A report
published in Haaretz daily newspaper on Tuesday, December 25, 2012. (PDF, Hebrew, 2
pages, 252KB). English version posted on: "Israel Decides to Recognize West Bank
College as Accredited University". (PDF, English, 1 page, 858KB).
*TSUNAMI-395* "Prof. Rivka Feldhay, An Honorable Member of the Black List". A
reportage published in Musaf Haaretz, The Weekly Magazine of Haaretz daily newspaper, on Friday, December 14, 2012. (PDF, Hebrew, 8 pages, 150KB).
*TSUNAMI-394* "'The Checks and Balances System Collapsed'. The [State] Comptroller About
Bar-Ilan [University]: Exceptional Salary Benefits, Nepotism, Tainted Appointments and Information Concealment". A report
published in Haaretz daily newspaper on Thursday, December 6, 2012. (PDF, Hebrew, 4
pages, 194KB).
*TSUNAMI-393* "Shock at The Holon Institute of Technology (HIT): The President Was
Ousted Due to 'Too Much Research'". An article in TheMarker, Haaretz daily newspaper Business Supplement,
published on Sunday, December 2, 2012. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 91KB).
*TSUNAMI-392* "A German proverb, Useful Idiots, and the Futility of Reviving a Corpse by
Transfusions". An opinion article by Prof. Dan Censor from Ben-Gurion University (BGU) of the Negev
regarding the Department of Politics and Government at BGU. [Proper disclosure: Dan Censor is the brother of the maintainer of this
TSUNAMI page, a fact which does not necessarily mean agreement of opinions]. The article was posted on October 26, 2012,
on the "Kr8-Israeli Patriyoti" blog on:
(PDF, English, 2 pages, 269KB). Note: the text starts on page two of the PDF.
*TSUNAMI-391* "A letter from The Inter-Senate Committee (ISC)
of the Universities for the Protection of Academic Freedom to Minister of
Education and Chairman of the Council for Higher Education (CHE - MALA"G), Mr. Gideon Saar, regarding the
blow to the academic independence of the universities (dated: October 21, 2012, signed by Prof. Zvi Ziegler from the Technion,
Chairperson of the ISC). (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 30KB).
*TSUNAMI-390* "A letter (dated: October 21, 2012) from all members of the Coordinating Council
(Mo'etza Me'ta'emet) of the Senior Faculty Associations in the universities (except for Bar-Ilan University) to Minister of
Education and Chairman of the Council for Higher Education (CHE - MALA"G), Mr. Gideon Saar, regarding the
Department of Politics and Government at BGU. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 70KB).
*TSUNAMI-389* "'A Barrel of Explosive': The Pension Obligations of the
Universities Are About 26 Billion Shekels". An Inquiry of TheMarker, Haaretz daily newspaper Business Supplement,
published on Sunday, October 21, 2012. (PDF, Hebrew, 5 pages, 194KB).
*TSUNAMI-388* A letter, dated October 11, 2012, from Prof. Zvi HaCohen,
Rector of the Ben-Gurion University (BGU) of the Negev regarding the Department of Politics and Government at BGU.
(PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 168KB).
*TSUNAMI-387* Two items concerning academic freedom issues
in the wake of the recent story about the Department of Politics and
Government at Ben-Gurion University (BGU) of the Negev.
(1) "Israeli Counter-Intellectuals Take Aim at Academic Freedom". An opinion article by Dr. Gadi Taub
from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI), published in the Magazine DISSENT
( on October 5, 2012. (PDF, English, 4 pages, 105KB).
(2) An Open Letter to the Members of the Council for
Higher Education (CHE - MALA"G) (Dated: October 7, 2012) by Dr. Iris Agmon from Ben-Gurion University (BGU) of the
Negev, posted on the Blog of the Forum For The Protection of Public Education
( (PDF, Hebrew, 4 pages, 152KB).
*TSUNAMI-386* "Academia on the Sight". An opinion article by Professor
Uriel Procaccia from
the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya, published in Haaretz Daily Newspaper on Friday, September 28, 2012. (PDF, Hebrew, 3 pages, 102KB). For related materials consult
*TSUNAMI-385*, *TSUNAMI-369* and *TSUNAMI-368* below. The full report of the Committee for the Evaluation of Political
Science and International Relations Programs appears in *TSUNAMI-369*.
*TSUNAMI-385* Four items concerning the department of Politics and
Government ( at Ben-Gurion University (BGU) of the Negev:
(1) The September 4, 2012, recommendation of the Subcommittee for Quality Assurance of the Council for
Higher Education (CHE - MALA"G) regarding the department of Politics and Government at BGU. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 60KB).
(2) A response letter (Dated: September 19, 2012) from the President, the Rector and the Dean of the
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of BGU to the Faculty
and students of BGU. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 225KB).
(3) A letter from Ms. Michal Neumann, Deputy Director General for Quality Assessment at the Council for
Higher Education (CHE - MALA"G) (, dated: September 20, 2012. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 136KB).
(4) "To Cope Properly with the "Leftist Department"". An opinion article by Prof. Israel David from the
Ben-Gurion University (BGU) of The Negev. Posted on Ynet on Wednesday, September 19, 2012. (PDF, Hebrew, 3 pages, 112KB).
*TSUNAMI-384* "The Academic Code Has Been Broken".
An opinion article by Prof. Gadi Ariav from Tel-Aviv University (TAU), published in Haaretz daily newspaper on
Sunday, August 26, 2012. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 393KB).
*TSUNAMI-383* "The Universities Petition the Supreme Court: Ariel Should Not
Be Recognized [as A University]". A news item (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages,
110KB) posted on Ynet
(,7340,L-4270604,00.html) on Monday, August 20, 2012.
"The Legend of Mathematics: Professor David Chillag from the Technion, 1946-2012".
Professor David Chillag from the Technion passed away on Sunday, July 29, 2012, leaving the mathematical community and
thousands of his students heart broken. An obituary about this extraordinary man, teacher, and mathematician
(PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 81KB), appeared in Haaretz daily
newspaper on Friday, August 10, 2012.
*TSUNAMI-381* Three items concerning the Ariel Academic Center in the West
(1) "The Ariel Academic Center Will Be Recognized Today As a University". An article
published in Haaretz daily newspaper on Tuesday, July 17, 2012. (PDF, Hebrew, 3 pages, 95KB).
(2) The Criticism of Trajtenberg [Prof. Manuel Trajtenberg,
Chairman of the Planning and Budgeting Committee (PBC - VATA"T) of
the Council for Higher Education (CHE - MALA"G)]. Published in Haaretz daily newspaper on Tuesday, July 17, 2012.
(PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 207KB).
(3) "To Save Higher Education [in Israel]: MALA"G Members Must Resign". An opinon article by Yossi Sarid
published in Haaretz daily newspaper on Tuesday, July 17, 2012. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 81KB).
*TSUNAMI-380* "The Universities Are A Neglected Gold Mine". An opinion
article by Prof. Nir Shaviv, Chairman of the Coordinating Council
(Mo'etza Me'ta'emet) of the Senior Faculty Associations in the universities, published (and posted) on TheMarker,
Haaretz daily newspaper Business Supplement, on Tuesday, May 15, 2012. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages,326KB).
*TSUNAMI-379* The University of Haifa in Turmoil Toward the Election of
Its Next President. Here are two reports and one opinion article published in Haaretz daily newspaper on this
(1) "Criticism on the Appointment of Amos Shapira to President of the University of Haifa". An article
published in Haaretz daily newspaper on Thursday, March 1, 2012. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 86KB).
(2) "This is How It Is When In Love?". An article
published in Haaretz daily newspaper on Friday, March 9, 2012. (PDF, Hebrew, 4 pages, 99KB).
(3) "Capital and Academia". An opinon article by Prof. Gur Alroey from the University of Haifa,
published in Haaretz daily newspaper on Friday, March 9, 2012. (PDF, Hebrew, 3 pages, 90KB).
*TSUNAMI-378* "The Next Target of the Students: A Reform of the Higher
Education System". A report published in TheMarkerWeek, Haaretz daily newspaper Weekend Business Supplement on
Friday, March 2, 2012, citing a new report of The Movement for Quality Government in Israel (HaTenu'a LeEychut
HaShilton BeIsrael). (PDF, Hebrew, 3 pages, 122KB).
*TSUNAMI-377* "You Would Not Believe Which is The War That Costs Hundreds of
Milliards of Dollars". A report published in TheMarkerWeek, Haaretz daily newspaper Weekend Business Supplement on
Thursday, February 23, 2012, with a subsection entitled: "The Academia has Joined the Race". (PDF, Hebrew, 9 pages, 185KB).
*TSUNAMI-376* "It is Not Lapid, it is Clause 15 [the Higher Education Law
1958, Section 15]". An opinion article by Professor Ehud Keinan from
the Technion, published in Haaretz Daily Newspaper on Sunday, February 19, 2012. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 82KB).
*TSUNAMI-375* "On the Nature of the Current Tension Between the University and
the Authority". An article by Prof. Israel David of The Ben-Gurion University (BGU) of the Negev. Appeared in
"The Public Sphere" (Ha'Merchav Ha'Tziburi), [] Issue Number 5, Fall 2011, pp. 131-148. (PDF, Hebrew, 18 pages, 284KB).
*TSUNAMI-374* "A Double-Edged Sword [LAHAV is the name of a popular program
at TAU]: This is How the "Combina" Works at
Tel-Aviv University (TAU)". An investigation by Kalkalist reveals the method for over-paying in the academia,
posted on "Kalkalist"
on Thursday, January 12, 2012. (PDF, Hebrew, 6 pages, 262KB).
"The Last Lecture: This is How to Take Farewell From Life".
Professor Ilan Gur-Zeev (Homepage: passed away today, Thursday, January 5, 2012,
at the tender age of 56. According to his request, he was brought yesterday to the University of Haifa for a farewell
meeting. Here is a brief report about this moving extraordinary meeting (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 85KB), posted on the
Mako News List.
Click on this Mako News List link to watch the news item aired last night on the Second Channel (Arrutz 2) in Israel.
Ilan's relentless work in the struggle to protect the Israeli universities is
documented also on this TSUNAMI page in the following TSUNAMI items: *TSUNAMI-14* , *TSUNAMI-16* ,
*TSUNAMI-43* , *TSUNAMI-117* , *TSUNAMI-157* , and *TSUNAMI-336* .
Ilan was one of the founders and a vivid member of The Inter-Senate Committee (ISC) of the
Universities for the
Protection of Academic Independence, on which I have been privileged to work with him. See also:
Y. Censor and I. Gur-ze'ev, "The struggle of the academic community for the future of Israeli
academia: Alternative assessments of the activity of the Inter-Senate Committee of the Universities for
the Protection of Academic Independence", in: Ilan Gur-Ze'ev (Editor), The End of Israeli
Academia? Published by the Faculty of Education, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel, 2005, pp.
92-109. (PDF, Hebrew, 434KB).
*TSUNAMI-372* "On the Quality Evaluation Committees of the MALA"G [Council for
Higher Education (CHE - "MALAG")]". An opinion article by Prof. Oded Goldreich from The Weizmann Institute of
Science, posted on Wednesay, January 4, 2012, on the Israeli Social Sciences Net
( (PDF, Hebrew, 5 pages, 174KB).
*TSUNAMI-371* A letter to all academic faculty and all students in the
universities regarding the struggle of the Junior Academic Staff in Israel, from Dr. Esther Sarok, Chairperson of
The Coordinating Forum of Junior Academic Staff Associations in Israel, dated December 18, 2011. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 73KB).
*TSUNAMI-370* "Thundering But Not Surprising". An opinion article by Dr.
Iris Agmon from the Ben-Gurion University (BGU) of the Negev, posted on
Tuesday, December 13, 2011, on the blog "Ha'okets" (The Sting,
(PDF, Hebrew, 4 pages, 260KB).
*TSUNAMI-369* Political Sciences or Scientific Politics?
(1) "Ben Gurion University Department of Politics and Government Evaluation Report", by the Committee for the
Evaluation of Political Science and International Relations Programs appointed by The Council for Higher Education
(CHE - "MALAG") in Israel (including a Copy of Letter of Appointment of the committee and its Site Visit Schedule). (PDF, English, 21 pages, 404KB).
(2) "BGU (Ben Gurion University) response to Department of Politics and Government Evaluation Report, October
2011", (PDF, English, 2 pages, 26KB).
*TSUNAMI-368* Political Sciences or Scientific Politics? Read
about this unprecedented move. "Recommendation: Shut Down 'Leftist' Department", a Report by Tamar
Trabelsi-Hadad, Published on Ynet on Wednesday, November 23, 2011,
(PDF, English, 2 pages, 37KB), and in the newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 776KB).
(1) "The Junior Faculty at Tel-Aviv University Strikes: "The Negotiations Are Stuck"", A
report published in TheMarker, Haaretz daily newspaper Business Supplement
on Tuesday, November 22, 2011. (PDF, Hebrew, 3 pages,
(2) Junior Faculty Strike Today at Tel-Aviv University (TAU). An informative posting on, Tel-Aviv University's faculty e-bulletin, posted on Tuesday,
November 22, 2011. (PDF, Hebrew, 4 pages, 388KB).
*TSUNAMI-366* A letter about the national strike planned for tomorrow,
dated November 6, 2011, signed by
Prof. Nir Shaviv, Chairman of the Coordinating Council (Mo'etza Me'ta'emet) of the Senior Faculty Associations in the
universities. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 100KB).
*TSUNAMI-365* "Researchers
Against the Centers of Excellence: A Tiny
Minority Wins the Whole Cash Box". A reportage by Asaf Shtull-Trauring published in Haaretz Daily Newspaper on
Friday, October 28, 2011. (PDF, Hebrew, 3 pages, 116KB). (PDF, English, 2 pages, 40KB).
*TSUNAMI-364* "Expensive Private Master's Programs Proliferating at Public
Universities [in Israel]". A reportage by Asaf Shtull-Trauring published in Haaretz Daily Newspaper on Wednesday,
October 26, 2011. (Part 1, PDF,
Hebrew, 3 pages, 617KB). (Part 2, PDF,
Hebrew, 2 pages, 352KB). (Part 3, PDF,
Hebrew, 1 page, 205KB). (PDF,
English, 2 pages, 1005KB).
*TSUNAMI-363* A letter about the new labor agreement of the senior academic
staff at the research universities, dated September 23, 2011, posted today by Tel-Aviv University (TAU) Senior
Faculty Association (Irgun Hasegel Habachir) on their E-bulletin board. (PDF,
Hebrew, 2 pages, 42KB). Here is the official version of this letter, dated September 25, 2011, signed by Prof. Nir
Shaviv, Chairman of the Coordinating Council (Mo'etza Me'ta'emet) of the Senior Faculty Associations in the
universities. (PDF,
Hebrew, 2 pages, 143KB).
*TSUNAMI-362* "If Industry Will Enter Academia It Will Be A Catastrophe".
An interview with Professor Daniel Zajfman, President of the Weizmann Institute of Science, posted on Friday, July 1,
2011, on "Calcalist" (
(PDF, Hebrew, 7 pages, 391KB).
*TSUNAMI-361* "An Open Letter to the Students of the
Faculty of Law at the University of Haifa" regarding the "Hatikva Issue",
from Professor Fania Oz-Salzberger, posted on Wednesday,
June 29, 2011, on "Segel-plus" - the University of Haifa E-Bulletin Board.
(PDF, Hebrew, 4 pages, 165KB).
*TSUNAMI-360* "Novel Tools are Needed to Attract Academic
Talents". An interview with Chairman of the Planning and Budgeting Committee (PBC - VATA"T)
of the Council for Higher Education (CHE - MALA"G), Prof. Manuel Trajtenberg from Tel-Aviv
University (TAU), posted on Tuesday, June 28, 2011, on "Calcalist" (
(PDF, Hebrew, 5 pages, 299KB).
*TSUNAMI-359* "The Australian Science Academy Welcomes
Decision to Drop Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) Journal Rankings". A media release
of The Australian Academy of Science, dated May 30, 2011. (PDF, English, 1
page, 190KB). The full submission by the Australian Academy of Science is
here (PDF, English, 2 pages, 19KB).
*TSUNAMI-358* "It Appears That University Academic Faculty Will Receive
A Wage Increment of 3% Per Year For The Next 4 Years". A
news report published (and posted) on TheMarker, Haaretz daily newspaper Business Supplement,
on Sunday, May 22, 2011. (PDF, Hebrew, 1
page, 94KB).
*TSUNAMI-357* "Failure in Investments Can Harm the Universities". A
news report posted on Ynet (,7340,L-4069665,00.html),
on Tuesday, May 17, 2011. (PDF, Hebrew, 2
pages, 139KB). Read the complete two relevant chapters from the 2011 Annual Report of The
State Comptroller
( here:
(1) On The Executive Committee of Tel-Aviv University (TAU) (PDF, Hebrew, 50 pages, 550KB).
(2) On the management of Financial investments at TAU (PDF, Hebrew, 34 pages, 393KB).
*TSUNAMI-356* "Not Only at the University:
Research Budgets Also to the Colleges". A news report posted on Ynet
(,7340,L-4053585,00.html) on Sunday, April 10, 2011. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 88KB).
*TSUNAMI-355* "After Seven Years of Foot-Dragging - The Hebrew
University Will Change Its Constitution". A
news report published (and posted) on TheMarker, Haaretz daily newspaper Business Supplement,
on Wednesday, March 9, 2011. (PDF, Hebrew, 2
pages, 214KB).
(1) You can read the original Grossman Document (with annotations by the
Inter-Senate Committee
(ISC) of the Universities for the Protection of Academic Independence) here: (PDF, Hebrew, 11 pages, 1,662KB).
(2) Observe that the accepted compromise between the Hebrew
University and the MALA"G [The Council for Higher Education] does not adopt the Grossman Document on the dot. There is
room left for variations characteristic to the University, see the table inside the news report.
(3) For further documents, including the Maltz Report and the struggle conducted by the ISC,
go to the homepage of the
Inter-Senate Committee (ISC) of the Universities for the Protection of Academic Independence by clicking on: ISC.
*TSUNAMI-354* "Arbitrariness in Academia". An opinion article by Prof.
Na'ama Sheffi, published in Haaretz daily newspaper on Friday, March 4, 2011. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 94KB).
*TSUNAMI-353* "A MALA"G [The Council for Higher Education] Report: The Level
of Mathematics [Studies] At a Low Point". A news report posted on Ynet
(,7340,L-4031682,00.html) on Monday, February 21, 2011. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 110KB).
*TSUNAMI-352* A letter from Prof. Nir Shaviv,
Chairman of the Coordinating Council (Mo'etza Me'ta'emet) of
the Senior Faculty Associations in the universities, dated Sunday, February 20, 2011,
regarding the current lack of labor agreement and the declaration of a "labor dispute". (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 148KB). See also *TSUNAMI-348* and
*TSUNAMI-337* below.
*TSUNAMI-351* "The Jewish Genius Has Shrunk to Technological Studies".
An opinion article by Prof. David Faraggi, Rector of the University of Haifa (UH), published (and posted) on TheMarker,
Haaretz daily newspaper Business Supplement, on Wednesday, February 16, 2011. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 95KB). This is a response to the item posted as
*TSUNAMI-350* below.
*TSUNAMI-350* A Researcher in the Weizmann Institute Raises Research Grants
Eight Fold More Than a Researcher in the University of Haifa. A report published (and posted) on TheMarker, Haaretz
daily newspaper Business Supplement, on Thursday, February 10, 2011. (PDF, Hebrew, 3 pages, 184KB).
*TSUNAMI-349* A Ruling of The High Court
of Justice, bagatz 7793/05. Given on January 31, 2011, on the question of whether or not, or to what extent,
are the deliberations of appointment committees in the universities privileged. (PDF, Hebrew, 34 pages, 458KB).
*TSUNAMI-348* A letter from Prof. Nir Shaviv,
Chairman of the Coordinating Council (Mo'etza Me'ta'emet) of
the Senior Faculty Associations in the universities, dated Sunday, January 23, 2011,
regarding the current lack of labor agreement and the declaration of a "labor dispute". (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 143KB). See also *TSUNAMI-337* below.
*TSUNAMI-347* "Freedom of Academic Expression"
(Cho'fesh Ha'Bituy Ha'Academi), by Prof. Amnon Rubinstein from The Interdisciplinary
Center (IDC) Herzliya. Published in Law and Business, Vol. 13, September 2010, pp. 11-59
( (PDF, Hebrew, 50 pages, 625KB).
*TSUNAMI-346* "The Collapse of the Humanities in Israel". An opinion
article by Dr. Gali Weinstein, posted on Ynet (,7340,L-4016839,00.html)
on Friday, January 21, 2011. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 108KB).
*TSUNAMI-345* "Putting Out Fires in the Higher
Education [System]". An opinion article by Ofek Birnholtz, Ph.D. Student in Physics at the
Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI), posted on Ynet (,7340,L-4013506,00.html)
on Friday, January 14, 2011. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 112KB).
*TSUNAMI-344* "Tel-Aviv University and the
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Excelled - The Government Will Increase Their Budgets". A
report published (and posted) on TheMarker, Haaretz daily newspaper Business Supplement,
on Sunday, January 9, 2011. (PDF, Hebrew, 4
pages, 383KB).
*TSUNAMI-343* A Public Statement and a Council
Decision of the Council for
Higher Education (CHE - "MALAG"), both from December 21, 2010, regarding academic
freedom, and academic boycott on Israel. (PDF, Hebrew, 3 pages, 94KB).
*TSUNAMI-342* "Education Is Not An Economic
Business". An opinion article by Professor Nimrod Aloni of Hakibbutzim College of Education,
published (and posted) on TheMarker, Haaretz daily newspaper Business Supplement,
on Tuesday, November 30, 2010. (PDF, Hebrew, 1
page, 77KB). Take a look, if you wish, also at: "A University is
Not A Business", Haaretz, December 17, 2002. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 25KB).
*TSUNAMI-341* "The Failure of Economics Studies
in Israel". An opinion
article by Hadar Lavi, student in the Economics Department at the Hebrew University of
Jerusalem (HUJI), published
(and posted) on TheMarker, Haaretz daily newspaper Business Supplement, on Monday, October 18,
2010. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 78KB).
*TSUNAMI-340* "On the Involvement of the Government in
the Encouragement of Excellence in the Academia". An opinion article by Prof. Oded Goldreich from the Faculty of
Mathematics and Computer Science at the Weizmann Institute of Science. Posted on Monday, September 26, 2010, on the
Blog "Social Sciences - Israel" ( (PDF, Hebrew, 5 pages, 215KB).
*TSUNAMI-339* "Prof. Omer Moav: "A Big Part of
[Scientific] Research in Israel is Low-Level". An interview with Prof. Omer Moav
from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI), posted on Calcalist
( on Monday, September 13, 2010.
(PDF, Hebrew, 5 pages, 155KB).
*TSUNAMI-338* Uncovered in Calcalist: Leora
Meridor, Chairperson of the Executive Committee of the Board of Governors of Tel-Aviv
University (TAU), Submitted her Resignation. Posted on Calcalist
( on Monday, September 6, 2010. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 140KB).
*TSUNAMI-337* A letter from Prof. Nir Shaviv,
[new, interim] Chairman of the Coordinating Council (Mo'etza Me'ta'emet) of
the Senior Faculty Associations in the universities, dated Thursday, September 2, 2010,
regarding the current lack of labor agreement. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 102KB).
*TSUNAMI-336* "An Interview to "Calcalist":
Steinitz Betrayed the Academic Mission". An interview
with Prof. Ilan Gur-Zeev from The University of Haifa (UH), posted on Calcalist
( on Wednesday, September 1, 2010. (PDF, Hebrew, 4 pages, 147KB).
*TSUNAMI-335* "An Additional Step in The Takeover of
The Universities By The Ministry of Finance". About an opinion
article by Gideon Eshet published in Yediot Ahronot newspaper on Thursday, August 26,
2010. Posted by Dr. Iris Agmon from the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev on the Blog of the
Forum For The Protection of Public Education ( on
Sunday, August 29, 2010. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 127KB).
*TSUNAMI-334* A public statement (to be) released by the Coordinating Council
(Mo'etza Me'ta'emet) of the Senior Faculty Associations in the universities on Friday, August 20, 2010. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 121KB).
*TSUNAMI-333* "On "Encouragement of Excellence" as
A Smoke Screen". An opinion
article by Prof. Oded Goldreich from the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at
the Weizmann Institute of Science. Posted by Dr. Iris Agmon from the Ben-Gurion University of
the Negev on the Blog of the Forum For The
Protection of Public Education ( on Friday, July 30, 2010.
(PDF, Hebrew, 3 pages, 195KB).
*TSUNAMI-332* A Moment of Truth:
(1) "Guns Instead of Academics: The Price of An Inflated Defense Budget", An
article by Meirav Arlosoroff published in TheMarker, Haaretz daily newspaper Business Supplement
on Thursday, July 15, 2010. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages,
(2) "Higher Education is Losing Altitude". An opinion article by Ari Shavit published on
Thursday, July 15, 2010, in Haaretz daily newspaper. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 79KB). (PDF, English, 1 page, 22KB).
*TSUNAMI-331* About the "Students' Revolution" in
the higher education
(1) "The Students' Declaration of Independence: They Demand to Participate in Managing the
Universities", An
article by Meirav Arlosoroff published in TheMarker, Haaretz daily newspaper Business Supplement
on Sunday, June
13, 2010. (PDF, Hebrew, 5 pages, 117KB).
(2) A response article by Prof. Udi Makov, Chairman of the Senior Faculty Association at
the University of Haifa
(UH), that Haaretz refused to publish. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages,
(3) An e-mail from Prof. Makov, posted on the University of Haifa (UH) "Segel-Plus" E-Bulletin Board on June 28,
2010. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 219KB).
*TSUNAMI-330* "3.5 Milliard Shekels for Returning 2,000
Brains to Israel". A news item published (and posted) on TheMarker, Haaretz daily newspaper
Business Supplement, on Monday, May 31, 2010. (PDF, Hebrew,
2 pages, 146KB).
*TSUNAMI-329* "The Governance Method of the
Universities". An open Forum meeting of Bashaar on Friday, June 11, 2010, at the
Tel-Aviv University (TAU), with Mr. Eitan Raf, Chairman of the
Executive Committee of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI) and Prof. Zvi Ziegler,
Chairman of the Inter-Senate Committee (ISC) of the Universities for the
Protection of Academic Independence. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page,
*TSUNAMI-328* Letter (Number 3) from Prof. Udi Makov,
Chairman of the Senior Faculty Association at the University of Haifa (UH),
dated May 17, 2010, regarding relevant new data about
the budgetary pension (Pensiya Taktzivit) of the academic faculty.
(PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 165KB). Earlier letters appear in
*TSUNAMI-325 and 326* below.
*TSUNAMI-327* "Hit the Pensioners and Save the
Universities". A letter to the Editor by Prof. Marius Ungarish from the Technion, published
in Haaretz daily newspaper on Sunday, May 16, 2010. (PDF,
Hebrew, 2 pages, 78KB).
*TSUNAMI-326* Letter (Number 2) from Prof. Udi Makov,
Chairman of the Senior Faculty Association at the University of
Haifa (UH), dated May 12, 2010, regarding the budgetary pension (Pensiya Taktzivit) of the
academic faculty. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 100KB).
*TSUNAMI-325* A letter from Prof. Udi Makov, Chairman
of the Senior Faculty Association at the University of
Haifa (UH), dated May 11, 2010, regarding the budgetary pension (Pensiya Taktzivit) of the
academic faculty. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 76KB).
*TSUNAMI-324* "New Constitution at the
Tel-Aviv University; President
Klafter: 'A New Era Has Begun'". Published (and posted) on TheMarker, Haaretz daily
newspaper Business Supplement,on Monday, May 10,
2010. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 147KB).
*TSUNAMI-323* "The Universities Did Not Fail Like
the Educational System. Maybe This Is Why Their Budgets Were Cut". An interview with Dr.
Meir Zadok, Executive Director of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities published
(and posted) on TheMarker, Haaretz daily newspaper Business Supplement, on Tuesday, April 27,
2010. (PDF, Hebrew, 3 pages, 188KB).
*TSUNAMI-322* "We Can Rely Only on Those Who
Tied Their Future in Israel". An interview
with Prof. Ariel Rubinstein from Tel-Aviv University (TAU), posted on Calcalist
( on Monday, April 19,
2010. (PDF, Hebrew, 6 pages, 162KB).
*TSUNAMI-321* "The Senior Faculty in Tel-Aviv
University Will Give Up 3.5% of Salary for One Year, The Saving - 15 Million New Israeli
Shequels". A report posted on Calcalist ( on Thursday, April 15,
2010. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 87KB).
*TSUNAMI-320* "The Agreement Between the Students
Associations and the Ministry of
Finance: Tuition Raise and Conversion of [Higher] Education into a Consumer Product".
An article by Roii Ball, student in the
Department of History at the Tel-Aviv University (TAU), posted on
The Forum for the
Protection of Public Education ("Ha'Forum Le'Haganat Ha'Haskala Ha'Tziburit") on Wednesday, March 31, 2010.
(PDF, Hebrew, 6 pages (the length of the article is just 2 pages though), 220KB).
*TSUNAMI-319* "The Ministry of Finance and the Students in One Boat". An article by Meirav
Arlosoroff published in TheMarker, Haaretz daily newspaper Business Supplement on Friday, March 26, 2010. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 88KB).
*TSUNAMI-318* "The Real Stars Are At The
Universities in Israel - Not
Abroad". A letter to TheMarker, Haaretz daily newspaper Business Supplement, from
Dr. Tsaffrir Zor from
Tel-Aviv University (TAU), Published (and posted) on Wednesday, March 24, 2010. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 89KB).
*TSUNAMI-317* "The Initiative of "Chok Ha'Tze'irim" ["Law of
the Young"]:
Students Against Public Higher Education?", an article by Roii Ball, student in the Department of History at the
Tel-Aviv University (TAU), posted on the Blog "Ha'Oketz" ["The Sting"]
( on March 18, 2010. For the complete Position
Paper and Bill Proposal of the Initiative of "Chok Ha'Tze'irim"
["Law of the Young"] go to: (PDF, Hebrew, 3
pages, 185KB).
*TSUNAMI-316* "The National Program for "Bringing
Brains" to Israel",
Government of Israel Decision Number 1503, of March 14, 2010. (PDF, Hebrew, 4
pages, 159KB).
*TSUNAMI-315* "Fighting an Endangered Specie" [English Version Title: "An
Unnecessary Energy Shot"]. An opinion article by Prof. Elia Leibowitz from Tel-Aviv University (TAU),
regarding the recent government decision to found new centers of excellence in the universities in Israel, published in
Haaretz daily newspaper on Wednesday, March 17, 2010. (PDF,
Hebrew, 1 page, 88KB), (PDF, English, 3 pages, 237KB).
*TSUNAMI-314* "Israel Tries to Bring Back Brains: A Revolution on the Road to
the Degree". A report posted on Ynet on Sunday, March 14, 2010. (PDF, Hebrew, 3
pages, 102KB).
*TSUNAMI-313* A letter from Prof. Zvi HaCohen, Chairman
of the Coordinating Council (Mo'etza Me'ta'emet) of the Senior Faculty Associations in the
universities, dated March 9, 2010, to the academic faculty members regarding the forthcoming renewal of our salary
agreements. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 375KB).
*TSUNAMI-312* "The University of Haifa Will Establish A Faculty of Sciences
and A School of Engineering in the Galilee". A report posted on Calcalist ( on
Monday, March 1, 2010. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 88KB).
*TSUNAMI-311* ""At the Tel-Aviv University I Learned the Meaning of Capital,
Government and Ego"". Posted on "Calcalist" on Wednesday, February 11, 2010. Read also the relevant
*TSUNAMI-274, 275, 278, 284, 288, 296 and 310*. (PDF, Hebrew, 11 pages, 331KB).
*TSUNAMI-310* "The Board of Governors [of Tel-Aviv University (TAU)] Against
Leora Meridor: Chapter 2". Posted on "Calcalist" on Tuesday, February 10, 2010. Read also the relevant
*TSUNAMI-274, 275, 278, 284, 288 and 296*. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 143KB).
*TSUNAMI-309* "Israeli Academics Reject University Status for
Settlement College". A report posted on Haaretz.Com ( on Wednesday, February 10,
2010. (PDF, English, 3 pages, 297KB).
*TSUNAMI-308* "Don't Teach Us Zionism" (Al Tarbitzu Banu Ziyonut). An
opinion article by Dr. Yoav Shaul and Dr. Ido Bachelet, posted on Ynet on Friday, February 5, 2010, following Minister
of Finance Dr. Yuval Steinitz's
meeting with Israeli scientists in Boston, MA, USA. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 122KB).
*TSUNAMI-307* "The Israeli Academia at the Top of the World". An
opinion guest article by Prof. Gideon Dagan of the University of Tel-Aviv (TAU), published in Haaretz
Daily Newspaper TheMarker Business Supplement on Monday, January 18, 2010. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 34KB).
*TSUNAMI-306* "This is How We Fight the Brain Drain: The
Price Tag for Every Doctor is 120 Thousand Shekel". A report posted on Calcalist ( on
Sunday, January 17, 2010. (PDF, Hebrew, 4 pages,267KB).
*TSUNAMI-305* "Haifa Takes Off the Gloves in the Battle
on the Medical School". A report posted on Ynet on Monday, January 12, 2010, and a copy of
the letter from Prof. Yossi Ben-Artzi, Rector of the University of Haifa (UH), sent to the
Council for Higher Education (CHE - MALA"G) in this matter. (Ynet Report, PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 108KB). (Letter of Prof. Ben-Artzi, PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 106KB).
*TSUNAMI-304* A letter, dated January 10, 2010, from
Prof. Aaron Ben-Zeev,
President of the University of Haifa (UH) and Chairman of VER"A (The Committee of Presidents of
the Universities) regarding the new Parliamentary Lobby for the Higher Education System in
Israel, and a copy of the Presentation given by Chairman of the Planning and Budgeting Committee
(PBC - VATA"T) of the Council for Higher Education (CHE - MALA"G), Prof. Manuel Trajtenberg from
Tel-Aviv University (TAU), at the first Lobby meeting. (Letter, PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 145KB). (PDF, Hebrew, 18 pages, 501KB).
*TSUNAMI-303* "To the Joy of Ahmadinejad the Academia
is Collapsing". An opinion article by Professor Ehud
Keinan from the Technion, posted on "Ynet" on Wednesday, January 6, 2010. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 92KB).
*TSUNAMI-302* "The Council for Higher Education
Sacrifices the Scientific Quality of Israel". An opinion article by 2004 Israeli Nobel
Laureate Prof. Aaron Ciechanover, published in Haaretz Daily Newspaper TheMarker Business
Supplement on Monday, January 4, 2010. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page,893KB).
*TSUNAMI-301* A letter from Prof. Udi Makov, Chairman
of the Senior Faculty Association at the University of Haifa (UH), dated: December
31, 2009, regarding the salary
increase of the academic faculty starting January 1, 2010. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 63KB).
*TSUNAMI-300* "The State of Tel-Aviv Again
Won Over the Galilee". An opinion guest article by Prof. Yossi Ben-Artzi, Rector of the
of Haifa (UH), published in Haaretz daily newspaper TheMarker Business Supplement on Thursday,
December 31, 2009. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 80KB).
*TSUNAMI-299* "The Efficient Science".
An opinion guest article
by Prof. Yair Censor from the University of Haifa (UH), published in Haaretz daily newspaper
on Sunday,
December 13, 2009. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 436KB).
*TSUNAMI-298* "The Brain Drain Is An Existential
Danger". An opinion article by Dr. Orna Berry published
on Tuesday, December 8, 2009, in Haaretz
daily newspaper TheMarker Business Supplement. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 290KB).
*TSUNAMI-297* "[The Grade] 'Failed' to Tel-Aviv
University". An opinion article by Professor Ehud
Keinan from the Technion, posted on "Ynet" on Sunday, November 29, 2009. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 90KB).
*TSUNAMI-296* "Leora Meridor: No One Can Fire Me". An interview with Ms. Leora Meridor,
Chairperson of the
Executive Committee of the Board of Governors of Tel-Aviv University (TAU). Published
on Friday, November 27, 2009, in Haaretz
daily newspaper TheMarker Business Supplement. (PDF, Hebrew, 9 pages, 158KB).
*TSUNAMI-295* "Israel is First in The World in Brain Drain: By Far". A
report posted on Ynet on Monday, October 26, 2009. (PDF,
Hebrew, 3 pages, 199KB).
*TSUNAMI-294* "Inspiration: University Against Apocalypse". An interview
with Professor Elia Leibowitz from Tel-Aviv University (TAU) posted on "Calcalist" ( on
Thursday, October 22, 2009. (PDF, Hebrew, 6 pages, 222KB).
*TSUNAMI-293* "Students of the Humanities Demonstrated: The Academia is
Collapsing". A report posted on Ynet on Wednesday, October 21, 2009. (PDF,
Hebrew, 3 pages, 188KB).
*TSUNAMI-292* "Closing the Faucet for Tel-Aviv
University: "If Meridor Will Not Resign We Will Stop the Stream of Donations"." Posted on
"Calcalist" on Sunday, October 18, 2009. Read also the relevant *TSUNAMI-274,
275, 278, 284 and 288*. (PDF, Hebrew, 4 pages, 121KB).
*TSUNAMI-291* "Nobel Prize for
An opinion article by 2004 Israeli Nobel Chemistry Laureate Prof. Aaron Ciechanover, published
in Haaretz Daily Newspaper on Tuesday, October 13, 2009. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 38KB).
*TSUNAMI-290* "More Nobel Prizes? Israel Must Invest More into Research".
An article posted on Ynet on Thursday, October 8, 2009. (PDF, Hebrew, 4 pages,
*TSUNAMI-289* "On the Agenda of
Prof. Manuel Trajtenberg: Cancellation of the Second Degree". An
interview with Chairman of the Planning and Budgeting Committee (PBC - VATA"T) of
the Council for Higher Education (CHE - MALA"G), Prof. Manuel Trajtenberg from
Tel-Aviv University (TAU), published on Tuesday, September 29, 2009, in Haaretz
daily newspaper TheMarker Business Supplement. (PDF, Hebrew, 3 pages, 166KB).
*TSUNAMI-288* "Exclusive: The Investment
Committee of Tel-Aviv University is Paralyzed". Posted on "Calcalist" on
September 24, 2009. Do not fail to compare this item with *TSUNAMI-274, 275,
278, and 284*. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages,
*TSUNAMI-287* "The Beginning of the End of Free Thinking". An opinion
article by Beni Cohen, Strategic Advisor, posted on Ynet on Monday, September
21, 2009. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 108KB).
*TSUNAMI-286* "Following the [State] Comptroller
Report: Wages in Academia Will be Revealed". A report posted on Ynet on Wednesday, September
16, 2009. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 89KB).
*TSUNAMI-285* Ten additional names from Haaretz daily
newspaper TheMarker Business Supplement list of "The 50 Most Influential People in Education in
Israel 2009", related to the higher education system. Published also as the September 2009
Education Supplement of the local newspaper "Ha'ir" (The City). See also *TSUNAMI-284*
(1) Chairman-Elect of the Planning and Budgeting
Committee (PBC - VATA"T) of the Council for Higher Education (CHE - MALA"G), Prof. Manuel
Trajtenberg from Tel-Aviv University (TAU).
(PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 65KB).
(2) Ministry of Finance Director of Wages Mr. Ilan Levin.
(PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 50KB).
(3) State Comptroller Justice Micha Lindenstrauss. See also *TSUNAMI-243*
(PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 72KB).
(4) Dr. Yaacov Bergman from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI).
(PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 75KB).
(5) Prof. Uriel Reichman, President of the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC)
in Herzliya. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 65KB).
(6) Prof. Zeev Rubin Za"l from Tel-Aviv University (TAU).
(PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 77KB).
(7) Ms. Sharon Kitron, Chairperson of the Academic Faculty Association at the Open
University of Israel.
(PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 132KB).
(8) President of the Open University of Israel, Prof. Hagit Messer-Yaron.
(PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 57KB).
(9) Former financier and convicted felon, Mr. Bernard Lawrence ("Bernie") Madoff.
(PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 66KB).
(10) Ms. Ortal Ben-Dayan, student at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI).
(PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 79KB).
*TSUNAMI-284* Dr. Leora Meridor has been nominated,
by Haaretz daily newspaper TheMarker Business Supplement, one
of "The 50 Most Influential People in Education in Israel 2009" for having ousted the president,
Prof. Galil, of Tel-Aviv University (TAU). Posted on TheMarker on Wednesday, August 26,
2009. (PDF,
Hebrew, 2 pages, 93KB).
*TSUNAMI-283* "The University's Ivory Tower".
An opinion article by
Prof. Elia Leibowitz from Tel-Aviv University (TAU), published in Haaretz daily newspaper
on Friday, August 28, 2009. (PDF,
Hebrew, 2 pages, 102KB), (PDF,
English, 3 pages, 452KB).
*TSUNAMI-282* An ad from the Coordinating Council
(Mo'etza Me'ta'emet) of the Senior Faculty Associations regarding the ousting of the
president of Tel-Aviv University (TAU). Published in Haaretz Daily Newspaper on Wednesday,
August 19, 2009. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 150KB), (scroll to the bottom of the
*TSUNAMI-281* "Professor Menachem Ben-Sasson [President
of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI)] Explains How to Connect the People to the
University". A reportage published in Haaretz Daily Newspaper on Thursday,
August 13, 2009, by reporter Ofri Ilani. (PDF, Hebrew, 4 pages, 91KB).
*TSUNAMI-280* "The Ministry of Finance Harasses Bar-Ilan University".
An interview with Prof. Shlomo Grossman, outgoing Chairman of the Planning and Budgeting
Committee (PBC - VATA"T) of
the Council for Higher Education (CHE - MALA"G). Posted on "Calcalist" on Sunday, August 2, 2009. (PDF, Hebrew, 4 pages, 168KB).
*TSUNAMI-279* A Public
of the Coordinating Council (Mo'etza Me'ta'emet) of the Senior Faculty Associations in the universities
the removal of the President of Tel-Aviv University (TAU). [undated, electronically posted in
the universities on Sunday July 26, 2009.] (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 407KB).
*TSUNAMI-278* "He Got a Lesson". A reportage from
the Saturday July 24, 2009, Supplement of Yedioth Ahronoth, on the ever more amazing story of
how the Executive Committee (EC) of the Board of Governors (BOG) of Tel-Aviv University (TAU) ousted
the President Prof. Zvi Galil. (PDF, Hebrew, 4 pages, 4,887KB).
*TSUNAMI-277* "The Target: To Bring Back to the
Academia in Israel 700 Brains Within Five Years". A reportage by Moti Basuk, published in
TheMarker, Haaretz Daily Newspaper Business Supplement, on Sunday July 26, 2009, about the
recommendations of the recent
Report of the Inter-Ministerial Committee, headed by Prof. Moshe Oron, that were put on the
Government table. (PDF, Hebrew, 3 pages, 122KB).
*TSUNAMI-276* "If We Were Berkeley". An opinion
article by Prof. Menachem Natan from Tel-Aviv University (TAU), published in the daily newspaper
HAARETZ on Sunday July 26, 2009. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages,
*TSUNAMI-275* "A University or Leora's Class?" An Opinion Article
by Prof. Ehud Keinan from the Technion, member of the Inter-Senate Committee (ISC) for the Protection of Academic
Independence [in Israel], posted on "Ynet" on Friday, July 24, 2009. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 94KB).
*TSUNAMI-274* Why was the President of Tel-Aviv University (TAU) forced to
resign? The two sides present their versions, and how does all this affect the general arena of the seven research
(1) "Business Unusual in the Ivory Tower" ["Galil Me'Ku'tzar" in the Hebrew version], a reportage by Or Kashti,
published in Haaretz Daily Newspaper on Friday, July 24, 2009. (PDF, Hebrew, 3
pages, 120KB). (PDF, English, 5 pages, 143KB).
(2) "Introduction to the History of the War", by Ofri Ilani,
published in Haaretz Daily Newspaper on Friday, July 24, 2009. (PDF,
Hebrew, 1 page, 91KB).
*TSUNAMI-273* "Against the Stream: Don't Shoot
the Professors". An opinion article by Yoel Esteron, posted on Kalkalist
(,7340,L-3330485,00.html) on Tuesday, July 21, 2009.
Hebrew, 2 pages, 86KB).
*TSUNAMI-272* "The Academia to the Academics".
An opinion article by
Prof. Elia Leibowitz from Tel-Aviv University (TAU), published in Haaretz daily newspaper
on Friday, July 17, 2009. (PDF,
Hebrew, 2 pages, 93KB).
*TSUNAMI-271* "Hating the Universities". An article
by Prof. Ram Frost from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI), published in Haaretz
daily newspaper TheMarker
Business Supplement on Thursday, July 16, 2009. (PDF,
Hebrew, 1 page, 77KB).
*TSUNAMI-270* A Call to participate in a Rally in front
of the Prime Minister's office in Jerusalem. The Rally will be on Wednesday, July 14, 2009
from 09:30 to 12:00noon. A message posted on the of Tel-Aviv
University (TAU) by Prof. Ben Tzion Munitz, Chairman of the Senior Faculty Association at
Tel-Aviv University. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 135KB).
*TSUNAMI-269* A letter from Prof. Zvi HaCohen, Chairman
of the Coordinating Council (Mo'etza Me'ta'emet) of the Senior Faculty Associations in the
universities, sent on Sunday, July 12, 2009, to the Prime Minister, regarding the recent
announcement that funding for the KAME"A program for absorption of immigrating scientists will
be terminated. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 375KB).
*TSUNAMI-268* "The President of Tel-Aviv University Received an Ultimatum and
Resigned". A report posted on "Ynet" on Wednesday, June 30, 2009. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 111KB).
*TSUNAMI-267* "Mao's Cultural Revolution in the
Universities". An article by Meirav Arlosoroff, published in the Opinions
Section of TheMarker, Haaretz's Business Journal on June 29, 2009. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 85KB).
*TSUNAMI-266* A reply letter from the Director General of the Prime
Minister's Office in response to the five rectors' letter of May 7,
2009 (see TSUNAMI 259(1) below). (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 48KB).
*TSUNAMI-265* A complaint with the legal counselor to the government (HaYoetz
HaMishpatee LahMemshalah) and with the state comptroller (Mevaker HaMedinah) against the five rectors' letter of May 7,
2009 (see TSUNAMI 259(1) below). The complaint by Dr. Yaacov Bergman from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
(HUJI), accuses the rectors with an attempt to unlawfully
undermine the public policy decision making process. (PDF, Hebrew, 19 pages, 556KB).
*TSUNAMI-264* A letter from Prof. Zvi HaCohen,
Chairman of the Coordinating Council (Mo'etza Me'ta'emet) of the Senior Faculty Associations
in the universities, sent on Thursday, June 4, 2009, regarding the
recent questionnaire sent by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS). (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 79KB).
*TSUNAMI-263* "Don't Stop The Strike [at the Open
University] Now!". An opinion article by Gil Ventura, Teaching Coordinator and Advisor at
the Open University, posted on "Ynet" on Thursday, June 4, 2009. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 87KB).
*TSUNAMI-262* An urgent letter from Prof. Zvi HaCohen,
Chairman of the Coordinating Council (Mo'etza Me'ta'emet) of the Senior Faculty Associations
in the universities, sent on Tuesday, May 26, 2009, regarding the
recent questionnaire sent by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS). (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 101KB).
*TSUNAMI-261* "Defending Basic Research in Israel". An interview
with Prof. Daniel Hershkowitz, Israel's Minister of Science and Technology, Published
in NatureNews on May 15, 2009. (PDF, English, 2 pages, 148KB).
*TSUNAMI-260* "The Decisive Turning Point
of the Universities". An opinion article by Prof. Yitzhak Apeloig, President of
the Technion in Haifa, posted on "Ynet" on Monday, May 11, 2009. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 91KB).
*TSUNAMI-259* Three items related to the
"Chok Hahesderim Bameschek" that is being debated now.
(1) A letter from the Rectors of all research universities in Israel to the
Prime Minister, the Minister of Education and the Minister of Treasury, dated May 7,
2009. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 41KB).
(2) "Commissars on the Israeli Universities". An opinion article by
Professor Ehud Keinan from the Technion, posted on "Ynet"
on Friday, February 8, 2009. (PDF,
Hebrew, 2 pages, 89KB).
(3) "Protest in Academia: They Liquidate Like in the Underworld". A Report
posted on "Ynet" on Friday, February 8, 2009.
(PDF, Hebrew, 3 pages, 89KB).
*TSUNAMI-258* "Minister of Industry, Trade and
Labor, How Would the State Have Looked Like Without Science?",
an opinion article by Prof. Peretz Lavie, President-Elect of the Technion in Haifa. Posted on
"Ynet" on Wednesday, May 5, 2009.
(PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 102KB).
*TSUNAMI-257* A letter from Prof. Udi Makov,
Chairman of the Senior Faculty Association at the University of Haifa (UH). The letter
emphasizes some points from the recent Haifa Regional Labor Court ruling in the matter of
how the funds accumulated in the Budgetary Pension Fund of the Academic staff (Pensiya Takzivit)
may be used (see *TSUNAMI-256* below):
(1) The letter from Prof. Makov, dated May 3, 2009.
(PDF, Hebrew, 4 pages, 319KB).
(2) A report published in the Haifa local newspaper "Yediot Haifa", entitled: "The Office
of the State Comptroller Gets Involved in the Pension Crisis in the University of Haifa", which
was attached to the letter in (1) above. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page,
*TSUNAMI-256* The full text of The Haifa Regional
Labor Court ruling in the
case of the University of Haifa (UH) Senior Faculty Association against the University of Haifa. The ruling makes
ground-breaking statements about the limitations of "Managerial Prerogative" in the matter of
how the funds accumulated in the Budgetary Pension Fund of the Academic staff (Pensiya Takzivit) may (or may not)
be used. The ruling is dated: April 30, 2009. (PDF, Hebrew, 21 pages, 1234KB).
*TSUNAMI-255* "End the University as We Know It".
Op-Ed by Mark C. Taylor, the chairman of the religion department at Columbia, published in
The New York Times on April 27, 2009. (PDF, English, 5 pages, 39KB).
*TSUNAMI-254* "President Obama Announces Major
Investments in Scientific R&D". A letter from Ms. Elizabeth A. Rogan, Executive Director of
the Optical Society of America (OSA) to all members of OSA (courtesy of Prof. Joseph Rosen from
the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Ben Gurion University (BGU) of the
Negev). (PDF, English, 1 page, 301KB).
*TSUNAMI-253* "The Treasury: The Universities Will
Lose Their Control of the Planning and Budgeting Committee (PBC - VATAT) [of the Council for
Higher Eduaction (CHE - MALAG)]". A report posted on "Haaretz Online"
( by reporter Ofri Ilani, on Monday, April 27, 2009. (PDF, Hebrew, 3 pages, 80KB).
"Hurray to the Strike at the
Open University". An opinion article by Mr. Gilad Nathan, Ph.D. candidate in the History
Department at
the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI), posted on "Ynet" on Sunday, April 19, 2009.
(PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 82KB).
*TSUNAMI-251* "Strike at the Open University: 42
Thousand Students Suffer". A report posted on "Ynet" on Sunday, April 19, 2009.
(PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 92KB).
*TSUNAMI-250* "The Humanities Are Not "Air Business"",
an opinion article by Dr. Gilad Padva, teacher at Tel-Aviv University (TAU), the Open University,
and the Beit Berl Academic College. Posted on "Ynet" on Wednesday, April 15, 2009.
(PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 105KB).
*TSUNAMI-249* Two documents regarding the dispute
between the Senior Faculty Association and the University of Haifa (UH) about the Budgetary
Pension (Pensiya Takzivit):
(1) A letter from Prof. Aaron Ben-Zeev, President, and Prof. Yossi Ben-Artzi, Rector,
of the University of Haifa (UH) to the
academic faculty members, Dated: March 15, 2009, describing the recent developments in this
issue until then. (PDF, Hebrew, 4 pages, 95KB).
(2) A report from Prof. Udi Makov, Chairman of the Senior Faculty Association, dated:
April 5, 2009, summarizing his
presentation at the March 18, 2009, general assembly of the Senior Faculty Association and the
events of that assembly. (PDF,
Hebrew, 5 pages, 265KB).
Comment: The report (2) above includes a support letter from Prof. Zvi
HaCohen, Chairman of
the Coordinating Council (Mo'etza Me'ta'emet) of the Senior Faculty Associations in the seven
research universities [in Israel], that was sent on March 16, 2009, to the Chairman of the
Senior Faculty Association at UH.
"The Academia that Everyone Loves
to Tease". An opinion article by Professor Ram Frost and Dr. Vered Vinitzky-Seroussi from
the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI), posted on "Ynet"
on Monday, March 6, 2009. (PDF,
Hebrew, 3 pages, 89KB).
*TSUNAMI-247* "University
Autonomy-Governance-Accountability: Taiwan's New Era of Higher Education?" A report by Dr.
Da-Hsuan Feng, Professor of Physics and Senior Executive Vice President, National Cheng Kung
University (NCKU) in Taiwan.
Posted on March 30, 2009 on NCKU's homepage at:,r543%20-1.php. (PDF, English, 3 pages, 216KB). See also the related Editorial on Dr. Alex Reisner's
Australian well-known page: "The Funneled Web" which
"Examines Australia's Higher Education and Research Policies", or read it right here (PDF, English, 2 pages, 39KB).
*TSUNAMI-246* In the wake of the recent
State Comptroller's Special Report on the Higher Education System (see *TSUNAMI-243*): "The
State is Guilty, Not the Universities",
a Letter to the Editor by Prof. Udi Makov from the University of Haifa (UH), published on
Tuesday, March 31, 2009, in "Haaretz"
Daily Newspaper. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 71KB),
*TSUNAMI-245* In the wake of the recent State
Comptroller's Special Report on the Higher Education System (see *TSUNAMI-243*): "Correct,
Don't Destroy",
an opinion article by Prof. Menahem Ben-Sasson, who served as rector of
Hebrew University in Jerusalem (UHJI) from 1997
to 2001, published on Thursday, March 26, 2009, in "Haaretz"
Daily Newspaper. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 78KB),
(PDF, English, 2 pages, 95KB).
*TSUNAMI-244* In the wake of the recent State
Comptroller's Special Report on the Higher Education System (see *TSUNAMI-243*):
"Higher Education's
an opinion article by Avirama Golan, published on Wednesday, March 25, 2009, in "Haaretz" Daily
Newspaper. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 79KB), (PDF, English, 2 pages, 128KB).
*TSUNAMI-243* The State Comptroller's Special Report on
the Higher Education
System [in Israel] and a response posted on the University of Haifa (UH) "Segel-Plus"
E-Bulletin Board on Tuesday,
March 17, 2009, by Dr. Amir Gilat, Head of UH's Communications and Media Relations System:
(1) Comptroller's Special Report, Part 1 (PDF,
Hebrew, 132 pages, 1,878KB),
(2) Comptroller's Special Report, Part 2 (PDF,
Hebrew, 163 pages, 1,896KB),
(3) Response posted on the University of Haifa (UH) "Segel-Plus" E-Bulletin Board (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 103KB).
*TSUNAMI-242* The "Collapsing" Academia Presents: A Party of Salaries and Perks. A news report posted
on "Ynet" on Tuesday, March 17, 2009. (PDF,
Hebrew, 3 pages, 100KB).
*TSUNAMI-241* "Academic Freedom and the Involvement of
the Government in the Management of the Universities", an article by Prof. Ariel Bendor from
Bar-Ilan University (BIU). Published in "ACADEMIA" - The Periodical of the Committee of
Universities Heads [in Israel] (VER"A), Issue Number 20, February 2009. (PDF, Hebrew, 5 pages, 303KB).
"So Does Israel Miss An Opportunity to Return Brains". A news report posted on "Ynet"
on Wednesday, February 25, 2009. (PDF,
Hebrew, 2 pages, 100KB).
*TSUNAMI-239* "Investment in Science is Not
Philanthropy". An opinion article by Professors Ehud Keinan and Zvi Ziegler from
the Technion, posted on "Ynet"
on Saturday, February 21, 2009. (PDF,
Hebrew, 2 pages, 107KB).
*TSUNAMI-238* "Prime
Minister Olmert Against the Academic Faculty in Tel-Aviv University (TAU):
Hypocritical and Sanctimonious". A report posted on "Ynet"
on Sunday, February 1, 2009. (PDF, Hebrew, 1
page, 91KB).
*TSUNAMI-237* An open letter from Prof. Yosef Shimron
the Faculty of Education at the University of Haifa (UH). Dated: January 4, 2009, in
response to the recent public
correspondence (TSUNAMI-236) between the President and the Chairman of the Senior Faculty
regarding the Budgetary Pension. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages,
*TSUNAMI-236* A public correspondence between the President
of the
University and the chairman
of the Senior Faculty Association, at the University of Haifa (UH), regarding the Budgetary Pension and the general
budgetary situation. The following document is concatenated of three letters: the December 26, 2008, update letter
from Prof. Udi Makov, Chairman of the Senior Faculty Association of UH; the December 30, 2008, letter from Prof. Aaron
Ben-Zeev, President of UH; and the January 1, 2009, update letter from Prof. Udi Makov. Read it all and make up your
mind. (PDF, Hebrew, 6 pages, 379KB).
*TSUNAMI-235* "Presence Without A Clock", by
Prof. Avinoam Reches from the Hadassah Medical Center Ein Kerem in Jerusalem. Published in the wake of
the recent completion of the arbitration process between the Israeli Medical Association (IMA)
and the Government, in "Refuaa2009", A Commercial Supplement of the Daily News Paper "Haaretz",
December 22, 2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 194KB).
*TSUNAMI-234* "Departments of Economics in the
Universities Are in Desperate Condition: Differential Salaries Must Be Permitted". A report
by Merav Arlozorov,
published on Thursday, December 18, 2008, in TheMarker - Haaretz's Economics and Business
Supplement. (PDF, Hebrew, 3 pages, 91KB).
*TSUNAMI-233* "Only Research that is Useful to the
Public?" an opinion article by Prof. Emeritus Gavriel (Gabi) Salomon from the University
of Haifa (UH) and Israel Prize Laureate, posted on the UH faculty e-list "Segel Plus" on
Wednesday, December 17, 2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages,
*TSUNAMI-232* "Kalkalist Investigation [Reveals]:
Hundreds of Millions of Shekels Losses by the Universities Following the Crisis", a report
posted on KLAKALIST (,7340,L-3170585,00.html) on
Wednesday, December 17, 2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 4 pages, 171KB).
*TSUNAMI-231* "Scientist of Academia Must Do
Research that is Useful to the Public", an opinion article by Dr. Yaacov Bergman from the
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
(HUJI), published on Tuesday, December 16, 2008, in TheMarker - Haaretz's Economy and Business
Supplement. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 72KB).
*TSUNAMI-230* The National Labor Court of Israel
ruling on the
injunction request of the University of Haifa (UH) Senior Faculty Association against the
University of Haifa, dated December 10, 2008, (PDF,
Hebrew, 7 pages, 285KB) accompanied by a letter from Prof. Udi
Makov, Chairman of the Senior Faculty Association of UH, dated December 11, 2008 (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 64KB).
*TSUNAMI-229* The Junior Faculty Threatens to Strike. A report posted on
"Ynet" on Wednesday, December 10, 2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 105KB).
submission from the Israeli Inter-Senate Committee (ISC) of the Universities for the Protection
of Academic Independence" to the "2002 Australian Higher Education Review Process". The
submission, consisting of the four items reproduced below, can be found as item number 34 on:
(1) The
ISC cover letter (PDF, English, 5 pages, 26KB),
(2) The Maltz
Public Committee Report (PDF, English, 70 pages, 134KB),
The "Position Paper of the Inter-Senate Committee of the Universities for the Protection of
Academic Independence" (PDF, English, 12 pages, 50KB),
(4) A
copy of the Article: "The end of academic freedom" by Baruch Kimmerling, published in
the Israeli Newspaper "Haaretz",
on Tuesday, November 06, 2001 (PDF, English, 2 pages, 6KB).
*TSUNAMI-227* "Huge salaries of Dimona nuclear researchers are state secrets
too". A report by Merav Arlozorov,
posted on Friday, December 5, 2008, on Haaretz's webpage at:
(PDF, English, 2 pages, 23KB) and published in TheMarker - Haaretz's
Economics and Business
(PDF, Hebrew, 3 pages, 169KB).
*TSUNAMI-226* "Contrary to Common Practices in the
Public Sector: The Council
for Higher Education (MALAG) Manages 6.5 Billion Shekels (NIS) Without
Oversight of an Accountant". A report by
Merav Arlozorov,
published on Thursday, November 20, 2008, in TheMarker - Haaretz's Economy and Business
Supplement. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 74KB).
*TSUNAMI-225* "The Dying of the Research Universities
in Israel", an opinion article by Prof. Alon Harel from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
(HUJI), published on Monday, November 17, 2008, in TheMarker - Haaretz's Economy and Business
Supplement. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 74KB).
*TSUNAMI-224* The Universities: The
money has not been transferred, we will stop teaching. A report posted on "Ynet"
November 9, 2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 132KB).
*TSUNAMI-223* Toward A Strike in Academia:
The Last Negotiation Meeting
Failed. A report posted on "Ynet" on Wednesday, October 29, 2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 103KB).
*TSUNAMI-222* An update message, (posted on TAUFAC
list at TAU on October 28, 2008) from Prof. Ben Tzion Munitz, chairperson of
the Senior Faculty Association (Irgun Hasegel Habachir) at the University of Tel-Aviv (TAU),
calling for participation in the activities. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 140KB).
*TSUNAMI-221* A letter from
the president and the rector of the University of Haifa (UH) regarding the struggle against the
Treasury. Dated: October 27, 2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 92KB).
*TSUNAMI-220* A letter from the president and the
rector of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI) regarding the struggle against the
Treasury. Dated: October 27, 2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 57KB).
*TSUNAMI-219* Peer Review: Two Views From The
University of Haifa. A letter (PDF, English, 1 page, 100KB) published on October 24, 2008,
in "Science" by Prof. Simcha
Lev-Yadun from the Department of Science Education, Biology, The University of Haifa (UH), and a
response (PDF, English, 2 pages, 59KB) by Prof. Yair Censor from
the Department of Mathematics at UH, posted on October 26,
2008, on: "The Funneled Web: Examines Australia's Higher Education and Research Policies"
*TSUNAMI-218* "The Universities Must Change", An article by Prof.
Roni Elenblum from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI), posted
on "Ynet" on Wednesday, October 22, 2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 105KB).
*TSUNAMI-217* "A decisive blow to higher education",
an opinion guest
article by Prof. Ami Volansky from Tel Aviv University (TAU) and author of a book
on higher education policy in Israel between 1952 and 2004. Published on Monday, October 13, 2008
in Haaretz Daily
Newspaper. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 93KB), (PDF, English, 3 pages, 79KB).
*TSUNAMI-216* The Students: We Will Support the Strike in the
Universities. A report posted on "Ynet" on Sunday, October 12, 2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 100KB).
*TSUNAMI-215* In the Name of Academic Darkness. A report by Mordechai
Gilat and Michal Shabat published on Tuesday, October 7, 2008, in the free Daily "Israel Ha'Yom" (Israel Today). (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 706KB). (You may wish to use your "zoom-in" button in your
Acrobat Reader).
*TSUNAMI-214* The Students Received an E-mail: Get Ready for the Strike. A
report posted on
"Ynet" on Tuesday, October 7, 2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 107KB). To read the letter to the students from the
presidents of the universities click here.
*TSUNAMI-213* The Universities to Mrs. Livni: Without Your Intervention The
[Academic] Year Will Not
Open. A report posted on
"Ynet" on Monday, September 29, 2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 137KB).
*TSUNAMI-212* A press release (Dated: September 25, 2008) of the Inter-Senate
Committee (ISC) for the
Protection of Academic Independence condemning the attack on Professor Zeev Sternhell. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 77KB).
*TSUNAMI-211* The students embark on a nation-wide
struggle against unilateral increase of tuition. A call to participate in a rally at the
University of tel-Aviv (TAU) on Tuesday, September 23, 2008, at 18:00 hour. Posted on the TAU
faculty list on Thursday, September 18, 2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 66KB).
*TSUNAMI-210* "The
Perception That Kills Higher
Education", an article by Prof. Eliezer Schweid, Israel Prize laureate for
Thought and Emeritus Professor at The Hebrew University in Jerusalem (HUJI).
Published in Makor Rishon
on September 10, 2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 4 pages, 151KB).
*TSUNAMI-209* Quote: "MK Avraham Ravitz of the United Torah Judaism party
rejected the economic estimates. "Billion, schmillion," he said. "It's a numbers game." "Record Yeshiva Enrollment
Predicted to Cost Economy NIS 5
Billion". A report posted by Shahar Ilan, on "Haaretz Online" on Thursday, August 28,
2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 95KB).
*TSUNAMI-208* The goats are out. A report posted on
"Haaretz Online" on Monday, August 25, 2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 74KB).
*TSUNAMI-207* The Treasury proposal to establish a
"Unit for Measurement, Evaluation and Classification of Teaching and Research Quality in the
Higher Education System" outside the Council for Higher Education (MALAG). Open the file of
"Chok Ha'Hesderim 2009" (Called: "The Proposal of the
Minister of Treasury for the Economic
Policy for 2009: Economic Policy") (PDF, Hebrew, 160 pages, 1440KB), which was put on the
Government Table on August 12, 2008.
Enjoy reading the whole table of contents at the beginning and then scroll to page 27 to read
about the newly proposed Unit.
*TSUNAMI-206* "Balagan [=mess, disorder] in the Good Sense of the Word".
An Opinion Article
by Prof. Ehud Keinan from the Technion, member of the Inter-Senate Committee (ISC) for the Protection of Academic
Independence [in Israel], published in Haaretz daily newspaper on Friday, August 15, 2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 94KB).
*TSUNAMI-205* "Why Do The Researchers Need
Academic Freedom?" An article by Prof. Naftali Tishby from the Hebrew University of
Jerusalem (HUJI), published in Haaretz daily
newspaper TheMarker Business Supplement on Thursday, August 14, 2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 80KB).
*TSUNAMI-204* Two reports on a new development: (1)
"The Treasury Folds Up vis-a-vis the
Universities: Will Not Demand Changes in the Oversight and Budget Structures". A report by
Merav Arlozorov, published in Haaretz daily newspaper TheMarker
Business Supplement on Thursday, August 7, 2008. (PDF,
Hebrew, 2 pages, 77KB). (2) "The Reform of the Treasury in Higher Education:
Excellent Institutions Will Receive More Funds". A report by Shaul Amsterdamski, posted
on Kalkalist (,7340,L-3100692,00.html) on Thursday, August
7, 2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 3 pages, 131KB).
*TSUNAMI-203* "Where Will They Let Higher Education
Deteriorate to?" An article by Gavri Bargil, General Secretary of the Kibbutz Movement
(Ma'Zkal Ha'Tnu'a Ha'Kibutzit), posted on Ynet on Wednesday, August 6, 2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 83KB).
*TSUNAMI-202* "Israel is in the Seventh Place in
the World in Academic Research, So What Does the Treasury Want from the Universities?" An
article by Prof. Gideon Dagan from Tel-Aviv University (TAU), published in Haaretz daily
newspaper TheMarker Business Supplement on Monday, July 28, 2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 76KB).
*TSUNAMI-201* "Interested Powers Want to
Take Over The System". An article
by Prof. Shlomo Grossman, Chairman of the Planning and Budgeting Committee (VATAT),
published in Haaretz daily newspaper TheMarker
Business Supplement on Tuesday, July 29, 2008. (PDF,
Hebrew, 1 page, 78KB).
*TSUNAMI-200* "They Want to Transform the Universities into Bank
Ha'Poalim". An article
by Prof. Ram Frost from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI), published in Haaretz
daily newspaper TheMarker
Business Supplement on Wednesday, July 23, 2008. (PDF, Hebrew,
1 page, 88KB).
*TSUNAMI-199* An Accurate Description of the Situation
of the Higher Education System Today. Published by Shlomo Cohen in the free daily "Israel
Ha'Yom" on Monday, July 21, 2008. (PDF, 1 page, 111KB).
*TSUNAMI-198* An
update letter from Prof. Zvi HaCohen, chairman of the Coordinating
Council (Mo'a'tza Me'ta'emet) of the Senior Faculty Associations in the research universities in
Israel regarding the new attempt to hold back our wages, Dated July 17,
2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 127KB). See also
*TSUNAMI-178* and *TSUNAMI-184* below.
*TSUNAMI-197* "The Brain Drain - like in Germany
Prior to the Holocaust". A report posted on Ynet on Monday, July 14, 2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 5 pages, 148KB).
*TSUNAMI-196* A message to all senior faculty members in the universities in
Israel, from Mr. Yuval Lidor, Manager for Spokesmanship and Publicity at the MALA"G and VATA"T. Posted Sunday, July
13, 2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 94KB).
*TSUNAMI-195* "The Goal: To Castrate the Academic
Elite". An article by Prof. Dan Caspi from the Ben-Gurion University (BGU) of the
Negev, posted on Ynet on Thursday, July 10, 2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 81KB).
*TSUNAMI-194* "The Lecturers Answer Bar-On: He Who Lies
Should Resign". A report posted on Ynet on Wednesday, July 9, 2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 101KB).
*TSUNAMI-193* "Winds of War of the Treasury Against Academia". An article
by Prof. Ram Frost from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI), published in Haaretz daily newspaper TheMarker
Business Supplement on Wednesday, July 9, 2008. (PDF, Hebrew,
2 pages, 88KB).
*TSUNAMI-192* "Bar-On: Senior Faculty Takes the
Money and Travels Abroad". A report posted on
Ynet on Wednesday, July 9, 2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 3 pages, 92KB).
*TSUNAMI-191* "In Academia They Do Not Believe in
Supervision". An article by Merav Arlozorov, published in Haaretz daily newspaper TheMarker
Business Supplement on Tuesday, July 8, 2008. (PDF, Hebrew,
2 pages, 117KB).
*TSUNAMI-190* "One Minute Before Closing the Department
of Philosophy". An article by Member Knesset (MK) Haim Oron, posted on Ynet on Monday, July
7, 2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 3 pages, 87KB).
*TSUNAMI-189* A letter from Prof. Zvi HaCohen, chairman of the
Coordinating Council (Mo'a'tza Me'ta'emet) of the Senior Faculty Associations in the research universities in
Israel regarding the initiative of Member Knesset (MK) Haim Oron to submit a private
Law Proposal on funding the
higher education system, Dated July 3,
2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 130KB).
*TSUNAMI-188* "Soon Even Researchers from League 7 Will
Not Come". An article by Prof. Eyal Winter, Chairman of the Department of Economics at the
Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI), published in Haaretz daily newspaper TheMarker Business
on Tuesday, July 1, 2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 76KB).
*TSUNAMI-187* "The Privatized Struggle: On the
Deceptive Confrontation Between the Senior Faculty Associations and the Treasury". An
article by Prof. Daniel Gutwein from the University of Haifa (UH), to appear in "Ha'mer'chav
Ha'tzi'buri - Ktav Et Le'politika Ve'Chevra", Vol. 2, Spring 2008. Posted on Thursday, June
26, 2008, at The Forum For
The Protection of Public Education [in Israel] (, (PDF, Hebrew, 6 pages, 95KB).
*TSUNAMI-186* "Coming Soon: Production Lines of Technocrats in Academia".
An article by Gilad Natan, Ph.D. student in General History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI). Posted on
Ynet on Friday. June 27, 2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 95KB).
*TSUNAMI-185* A shock in the higher education
system: The treasury demands an additional cut of 920 million shekels. A report posted on Ynet
on Monday, June 22, 2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 4 pages, 103KB).
An update letter from Prof. Zvi HaCohen, chairman of the Coordinating
Council (Mo'a'tza Me'ta'emet) of the Senior Faculty Associations in the research universities in
Israel regarding the resolution of the recent attempt to hold back our wages, Dated June 22,
2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 123KB). See also
*TSUNAMI-178* below.
*TSUNAMI-183* "After Three Strikes - The Crisis Has Started" (A'charey
Sha'losh Shvitot - He'chel Ha'Mashber). A report published in Haaretz Daily Newspaper on Wednesday, June 18, 2008.
(PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 93KB).
*TSUNAMI-182* A Call for an emergency open debate on the Schochat Report
by the Forum
for the Protection of the Public Education at Tel-Aviv University (TAU) on Sunday, June 15, 2008 at 16:00. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 143KB).
*TSUNAMI-181* An Appeal to the Prime Minister and to all Ministers from The
Inter-Senate Committee (ISC) of the Universities for the Protection of Academic Independence, with 456
signatures of senate members of the research universities. Published as an
advertisement by the ISC in Haaretz daily newspaper on Friday, June 6, 2008. (jpg,
Hebrew, 1 page, 439KB).
*TSUNAMI-180* A struggle over the budget. The Treasury: "Without tuition raise
there will be no Schochat Report [implementation]". A news item posted on Ynet
(,2506,L-3552979,00.html) on Saturday, June 7,
2008, at 23:47h. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 102KB).
*TSUNAMI-179* An URGENT letter to all faculty members from Prof.
Zvi HaCohen, chairman of the Coordinating
Council (Mo'a'tza Me'ta'emet) of the Senior Faculty Associations regarding the recent back holding of wages. The
letter, dated June 3, 2008, urges each and
every one of us to contact his/her university president. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 126KB).
*TSUNAMI-178* The Universities Presidents Committee
(VERA) is holding back wages (Ha'Lanat Sa'Char) of academic faculty: Read the letter from Prof.
Zvi HaCohen, chairman of the Coordinating
Council (Mo'a'tza Me'ta'emet) of the Senior Faculty Associations in the research universities in
Israel to Prof. Menachem Magidor, Chairman of VERA, Dated June 1, 2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 121KB).
*TSUNAMI-177* Will Snowhite and the seven dwarfs (or
the Government) bail out the University of Haifa (or all universities, for that matter) from
their budgetary pension (Pensiya Takzivit) deficits? A new
ruling about the budgetary pension (Pensiya Takzivit) of the Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael-Jewish
National Fund (KKL-JNF), published in TheMarker Haaretz Newspaper Business Supplement on
Tuesday, June 3, 2008, sheds a different light on the "bail out" common belief/legend. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 118KB).
*TSUNAMI-176* Danger for the
Higher Education System, a press release from the Planning & Budgeting Committee (PBC)
VATAT, dated May 28,
2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 135KB).
*TSUNAMI-175* The Junior Faculty Association at the University of Haifa
conducts a work stoppage on Tuesday May 13, 2008. Read their Call for a Staff meeting here (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 182KB).
*TSUNAMI-174* A call from the Junior Faculty Association at the Tel-Aviv
University (TAU): Protest Meetings will be conducted in all campuses on Monday, May 12, 2008, 12:00 to 14:00,
during which time Junior Faculty members will not teach. The call is here (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 160KB), and a 16 pages PowerPoint presentation from the
Coordinating Forum of the Junior Faculty Associations in the universities, about the struggle of the Junior
Faculty is here (PPT, Hebrew, 16 pages, 222KB). A link to the Junior Faculty
Association at the Tel-Aviv
University (TAU) Webpage has been added to the links at the bottom of this page.
Back to top of this page. Back to Yair Censor's homepage, or use the links given below.
Go to The Council for Higher Education (CHE - "MALAG") in Israel.
Go to
the homepage of Tel-Aviv University (TAU) Junior Faculty Association
(Irgun Hasegel Hazutar).
Go to
the homepage of The University of Haifa (UH) Junior Faculty Association
(Irgun Hasegel Hazutar).
Go to
the homepage of the University of Haifa (UH) Senior Faculty Association
(Irgun Hasegel Habachir).
Go to
the homepage of Tel-Aviv University (TAU) Senior Faculty Association
(Irgun Hasegel Habachir).
Go to the
homepage of the Council of Academic Staff Unions in Colleges and Academies.
Go to
the homepage of the Forum For The Protection of Public Education [in Israel] or
the homepage of the University of Haifa Branch of the Forum For The Protection of
Public Education [in Israel].
Go to
the homepage of The Inter-Senate Committee (ISC) of the Universities for the
Protection of Academic Independence (The website is not updated).
Go to the homepage of the
National Union of Israeli Students.
Go to
the homepage of Tel-Aviv University (TAU) Student Union.
the homepage of the Bar-Ilan University (BIU) Student Union.
Go to
the homepage of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI) Student Union.
Go to
the homepage of the University of Haifa (UH) Student Union.
Go to the homepage of the Student Association
at Ben-Gurion University (BGU) of the Negev.
Go to the homepage of the Technion Student Association.
Go to Dr. Alex Reisner's
Australian well-known page: "The Funneled Web" which
"Examines Australia's Higher Education and Research Policies".
*TSUNAMI*- numbering starts from item number (16) below. Back to top of this page.
(1) Letter from Prof. Yinon Cohen, chairman of the
Senior Faculty Association (Irgun Hasegel Habachir) at the University of Tel-Aviv (TAU) sent March 8,
2005 (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page).
(2) Address of Prof. Yinon Cohen, chairman of the
Senior Faculty Association (Irgun Hasegel Habachir) at the students' rally in the University of Tel-Aviv
(TAU) on March 20, 2005 (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page).
(3) Address of Dr. Zohar Eitan, chairman of the
Department of Musicology in TAU at the students' rally in the University of Tel-Aviv
(TAU) on March 20, 2005 (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page).
(4) "How is A Nobel Prize Created", guest article by
Yair Censor in the daily newspaper HAARETZ (Wednesday, 23/3/05, page B2), (Hebrew, PDF, 24KB). To read three earlier guest articles on the
same issue in the same newspaper please click on the following links:
(Hebrew, PDF, 25KB),
(Hebrew, PDF, 567KB), (Hebrew, PDF, 27KB).
(5) A letter from Prof. Asher Cohen, the chair of the Coordinating
Council (Mo'a'tza Me'ta'emet) of the Senior Faculty Organizations, about a one-day strike and a
demonstration of all faculty and students in the seven research universities that will take
place on Monday 28/3/05. The main rally will probably be in Tel-Aviv University (TAU). Further
details will be available soon. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page).
(6) The resolution adopted on 23/3/05 by a joint session of the Council
for Higher Education (CHE) [MALA"G] and the Planning and Budgeting Committee (PBC) [VATA"T] that
convened in Jerusalem, including the list of participants in the meeting: (PDF,
Hebrew, 2 pages, 49KB).
(7) Letter from Prof. Yinon Cohen, chairman of the
Senior Faculty Association (Irgun Hasegel Habachir) at the University of Tel-Aviv (TAU) to the
president of TAU, Prof. Rabinovitch, regarding the lack of transparency in reporting the situation to
the senior faculty members, sent March 28,
2005 (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages).
(8) Front matter (including: title page, list of contributors, table of
contents, editor's foreword, front and back covers) of
the book: Ilan Gur-Ze'ev (Editor), The End of Israeli Academia? Published by the
Faculty of Education,
University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel, 2005 (PDF, Hebrew, 12 pages,
(9) Yair Censor and Ilan Gur-ze'ev, The struggle of the academic
community for the future of Israeli academia: Alternative assessments of the activity of the "Inter-Senate
Committee of the Universities for the Protection of Academic Independence", in: Ilan Gur-Ze'ev
(Editor), The End of Israeli Academia? Published by the Faculty of Education,
University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel, 2005, pp. 92-109. (PDF, Hebrew, 18 pages,
(10) Letter from Prof. Yinon Cohen, chairman of the
Senior Faculty Association (Irgun Hasegel Habachir) at the University of Tel-Aviv (TAU) to
all members of the Irgun at TAU announcing the declaration of a labor dispute regarding the
matter of "PENSIYA TAKZIVIT", sent December 14, 2005,
(PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages).
(WORD, Hebrew, 2 pages).
(11) Summary of the 27/12/05 meeting of the General assembly
of the Senior Faculty Association (Irgun Hasegel Habachir) at the University of Tel-Aviv
(TAU) regarding the matter of "PENSIYA TAKZIVIT". Distributed by Prof. Yinon Cohen,
chairman of the Senior Faculty Association of TAU.
(PDF, Hebrew, 1 page).
(WORD, Hebrew, 1 page).
(12) A letter from Prof. Zvi HaCohen, chairman of the Coordinating
Council (Mo'a'tza Me'ta'emet) of the Senior Faculty Associations in the research universities in
Israel, about the new agreement that will improve the pensions of current and future retirees
(Gimla'im) who are entitled to Zman Male and Criterionim, even if they started working in the
university before 1994 (the year these differential payments began). (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page). (WORD, Hebrew, 1 page).
(13) A letter from Prof. Yinon Cohen, chairman of the
Senior Faculty Association (Irgun Hasegel Habachir) at the University of Tel-Aviv (TAU) to
all members of the "Vaad Menahel" (Management Committee) of TAU regarding the crisis of "PENSIYA TAKZIVIT"
at TAU and other universities in Israel, sent April 17, 2006, (PDF, Hebrew, 3 pages, 109KB).
(14) A report for the annual General Assembly of 26/4/06
of the Senior Faculty Association (Irgun Hasegel Habachir) at the University of Tel-Aviv
(TAU). Distributed by Prof. Yinon Cohen, chairman of the Senior Faculty Association of TAU.
(PDF, Hebrew, 3 pages, 113KB).
(15) Invitation to a Yom I'yun in the memory of Dr. Moshe Shani (JPG, Hebrew, 1 pages, 203KB).
A TSUNAMI IS THREATENING THE RESEARCH UNIVERSITIES IN ISRAEL: The following items, marked by the word *TSUNAMI*, are all related to the developing struggle against the governmental "Reform Committee".
(16) *TSUNAMI* A chapter from the draft of "CHOK
HAHESDERIM 2007" ("The
Arrangements Bill- 2007") entitled: "MET'ZU'YA'NUT AKADEMIT - MIVNE HA'ASAKA VE'TIGMUL TOMCHEI
EYCHUT" ("Academic Excellence - Quality Supporting Employment Structure and Rewarding"), (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 46KB).
(17) *TSUNAMI* A letter from Prof. Zvi HaCohen, chairman
of the
Coordinating Council (Mo'a'tza Me'ta'emet) of the Senior Faculty Associations in the research
universities in Israel to the Minister of Education, Professor Yuli Tamir, Dated: September
10, 2006, regarding the chapter from the draft of "CHOK HAHESDERIM 2007" ("The
Arrangements Bill- 2007") entitled: "MET'ZU'YA'NUT AKADEMIT - MIVNE HA'ASAKA VE'TIGMUL
TOMCHEIb EYCHUT" ("Academic Excellence - Quality Supporting Employment Structure and
Rewarding"), (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 1340KB).
(18) *TSUNAMI* A letter (Dated: October 4, 2006) from
Prof. Zvi HaCohen,
chairman of the
Coordinating Council (Mo'a'tza Me'ta'emet) of the Senior Faculty Associations in the research
universities in Israel to all faculty members regarding the next Governmental Committee on
Reforms in the Higher Education System in Israel (PDF,
Hebrew, 1 page, 130KB).
(19) *TSUNAMI-2* A letter (Dated: November 7, 2006) from
Prof. Zvi HaCohen,
chairman of the Coordinating Council (Mo'a'tza Me'ta'emet) of the Senior Faculty Associations in
the research universities in Israel to all faculty members regarding the next Governmental
Committee on Reforms in the Higher Education System in Israel (PDF, Hebrew, 3 pages, 174KB).
(20) *TSUNAMI-3* A letter (undated, posted on TAUFAC list
at TAU on November 14, 2006) from Prof. Ben Tzion Munitz, chairperson of the Senior Faculty
(Irgun Hasegel Habachir) at the University of Tel-Aviv (TAU), calling for a one-hour warning
strike in all universities in Israel against the governmental "Reform Committee" (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 48KB).
(21) *TSUNAMI-4* A press release, dated November 15, 2006, from
the Coordinating Council
(Mo'a'tza Me'ta'emet) of the Senior Faculty Associations in the research
universities in Israel regarding the forthcoming one-hour
warning strike against the Governmental Committee on Reforms in the Higher
Education System in Israel. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 158KB).
(22) *TSUNAMI-5* A joint message, dated: November
16, 2006, from the Tel-Aviv University (TAU) Senior Faculty Association
(Irgun Hasegel Habachir), the TAU Junior Academic Staff Association (Irgun Hasegel Hazutar)
and the TAU Students Association. Posted on TAUFAC by Prof. Ben Tzion Munitz, chairperson of
the Senior
Faculty Association (Irgun Hasegel Habachir) at TAU, calling for a joint one-hour
strike in all universities in Israel against the governmental "Reform Committee" (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 132KB).
(23) *TSUNAMI-6* A message, posted on TAUFAC list on
November 20, 2006, from Prof. Ben Tzion Munitz,
chairperson of the Senior Faculty Association
(Irgun Hasegel Habachir) at the University of Tel-Aviv (TAU), about the one-hour warning
strike in all universities in Israel against the governmental "Reform Committee" (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 48KB).
(24) *TSUNAMI-7* A message, posted on TAUFAC list on
November 27, 2006, by Prof. Ben Tzion Munitz,
chairperson of the Senior Faculty Association
(Irgun Hasegel Habachir) at the University of Tel-Aviv (TAU), about the forthcoming (on
Thursday, November 30, 2006) student's demonstration against the governmental
"Reform Committee" (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 45KB).
(25) *TSUNAMI-8* Two documents from The Inter-Senate
Committee (ISC) of the Universities for the Protection of Academic Independence, posted on the
Technion internal faculty list (ACADEMIC-STAFF-L@TECHUNIX.TECHNION.AC.IL) on December 12,
2006, by Prof. Zvi Ziegler, Chairman of the ISC: (i) A brief report describing the activities
of the ISC in the last year (until November 2006), (PDF, Hebrew,
3 pages, 61KB), and (ii) The essentials of a Position Paper
of the ISC adopted on November 9, 2006, (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page,
(26) *TSUNAMI-9* A joint message, dated: December
17, 2006, from the Tel-Aviv University (TAU) Senior Faculty Association
(Irgun Hasegel Habachir), the TAU Junior Academic Staff Association (Irgun Hasegel Hazutar)
and the TAU Students Association. Posted on TAUFAC by Prof. Ben Tzion Munitz, chairperson of
the Senior
Faculty Association (Irgun Hasegel Habachir) at TAU, calling for a joint two-hours
(12:00-14:00) strike and demonstration at TAU on Thursday, December 21, 2006, against the
governmental "Reform Committee" (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page,
(27) *TSUNAMI-10* A message posted by Prof. Udi Makov,
Chairman of the University of Haifa (UH) Senior Faculty Association (Irgun Hasegel Habachir) on
the UH faculty list (SEGEL-PLUS) on December 25, 2006, containing a warning about a nation-wide
strike at the universities if the government adheres to its refusal to enter salary
negotiations with the Coordinating Council (Mo'a'tza Me'ta'emet) of the Senior Faculty
Associations in the research universities in Israel (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 33KB).
(28) *TSUNAMI-11* Messages from the University of Haifa
(UH) Student Union and the Tel-Aviv University (TAU) Student Union regarding the one-day
strike at the universities on Wednesday 3/1/07: (PDF,
Hebrew, 1 page, 25KB),
(PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 44KB).
(PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 45KB).
(29) *TSUNAMI-12* A poster from the National Union
of Israeli Students regarding the Schochat Governmental Reform Committee and the planned
one-day strike on Wednesday 3/1/07 by the students in the universities (PDF, Hebrew, 1
page, 175KB) and an article by Biochemistry Professor Shraga Schechter from
Tel-Aviv University (TAU) about the same issue that
appeared today on Ynet ( (PDF, Hebrew, 2
pages, 116KB).
(30) *TSUNAMI-13* An urgent communication from Prof.
Zvi HaCohen, chairman of the Coordinating Council (Mo'a'tza Me'ta'emet) of the Senior Faculty
Associations in the research universities in Israel to all faculty members regarding the
break-down of our negotiations with the Schochat Governmental Reform Committee and our
support of the students strike tomorrow Wednesday 3/1/07 (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 41KB).
(31) *TSUNAMI-14* "Israeli universities face a
crisis, symposium warns", By SHELDON KIRSHNER, Staff Reporter, The Canadian Jewish News, posted
January 4, 2007. A report about the recent symposium: "Is Higher Education in Israel Headed
for Catastrophe?" organized by University of Haifa (UH) Prof. Ilan Gur-Ze'ev. (PDF, English, 3 pages, 84KB).
(32) *TSUNAMI-15* The full transcript of the replies
given to a series of questions put by Mr. Kirshner to University of Haifa Professor of
Mathematics, Yair Censor has appeared on "The Funneled Web"
(TFW) (go to:,
scroll down to:
"News & Views Last Updated: 05 Jan 2007" then click on "More" for the first item:
"Symposium at The University of Haifa Warns of Looming Crisis for Israeli Research
Universities. (05/01/07)".
The Funneled Web Examines Australia's Higher Education and Research Policies. You can also
read this item here (PDF, English, 2 pages, 76KB).
(33) *TSUNAMI-16* An article entitled: "Say No to The
Privatization of Academia", by Prof. Ilan Gur-Ze'ev from the University of Haifa (UH) posted on
Globes Online ( on January 9, 2007 (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 101KB). Prof. Gur-Ze'ev is leading
a national task-force that studies and collects reliable evidence about the potential effects of
proposed changes to the system of higher education in Israel.
(34) *TSUNAMI-17* An urgent communication from Prof.
Zvi HaCohen, chairman of the Coordinating Council (Mo'a'tza Me'ta'emet) of the Senior Faculty
Associations in the research universities in Israel to all faculty members regarding the
break-down of our negotiations with the Treasury and our
forthcoming one-day nation-wide strike in all universities on Sunday 21/1/07 (PDF, English, 1 page, 5KB).
(35) *TSUNAMI-18* An article: "The Treasury Behaves
The Wolf from Little Red Riding Hood (Kipa Aduma)", By Zvi HaCohen, published in
Haaretz's The
Marker on 16/1/07 (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 89KB).
(36) *TSUNAMI-19* "Who Needs and Who Wants
Salaries in The Universities", By Yinon Cohen, Tel-Aviv University (TAU). An article
based on a
talk delivered at The Maurice Falk Institute for Economic Research in Israel on 25/12/06. To
appear in: Riv'on Le'kal'kala ( (PDF, Hebrew, 13 pages, 263KB).
(37) *TSUNAMI-20* "On The Importance of Labor Unions
Also in Universities", By Guy Davidov, University of Haifa (UH). An article posted on the
Faculty of Law Blog ( on
26/1/07. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 76KB).
(38) *TSUNAMI-21* A message from Prof. Uri Goldburt from
Tel-Aviv University (TAU), denoted "Ma'avak-1", posted on TAUFAC list on 29/1/07,
regarding the
forthcoming extended nationwide labor struggle of the senior faculty in the seven research
universities. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 59KB).
(39) *TSUNAMI-22* "Profit Instead of Humanity
Bim'kom Ru'ach)", By Daphna Erdinast-Vulcan, University of Haifa (UH). An article posted
on Ynet
( on 29/1/07 regarding the forthcoming nationwide labor struggle
of the senior faculty in the seven research universities. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 108KB).
(40) *TSUNAMI-23* "When Did You Recently Write A
Newspaper Guest Article?" - A call from Prof.
Zvi HaCohen, chairman of the Coordinating Council (Mo'a'tza Me'ta'emet) of the Senior Faculty
Associations in the research universities in Israel, urging all faculty members to write
articles to fight back media attacks. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 26KB).
(41) *TSUNAMI-24* "There Is No Science Without
(Ei'n Mada Bli Ru'ach)", By Fania Oz-Salzberger, University of Haifa (UH). An article
in Ha'aretz daily newspaper on Wednesday, February 7, 2007. (PDF, Hebrew, 4 pages, 107KB).
(42) *TSUNAMI-25* "This Is How Education Was
(Ka'ch Chus'la Ha'ha'scala)", By Nitza Berkovitch and Neve Gordon, Ben-Gurion University
the Negev (BGU). An article posted on Ynet
( on Friday February 9, 2007. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 189KB).
(43) *TSUNAMI-26* An interview with (retired) MK
of the Knesset] Mr. Abraham (Beiga) Shochat, chairman of the governmental committee for
reform of
the universities in Israel, published in The Marker on Sunday, February 11, 2007. (PDF, Hebrew, 6 pages, 121KB).
(44) *TSUNAMI-27* "Classification of Academic
Institutions" By Ronen Perry, University of Haifa (UH). An article posted on the UH
Faculty of Law Blog ( on
Monday, February 12, 2007. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages,
(45) *TSUNAMI-28* The New Histadrut (Ha'histad'rut
Ha'cha'dasha) joins the struggle against the Shochat governmental committee for reform of the
universities. A joint declaration from February 13, 2007, of the New Histadrut, the
Coordinating Council (Mo'a'tza Me'ta'emet) of the Senior Faculty
Associations in the research universities in Israel, the Tel-Aviv University (TAU) Student
Union and the National Union of Israeli Students. (PDF,
Hebrew, 3 pages, 57KB).
(46) *TSUNAMI-29* "A Dangerous Coalition". Hebrew
title: "Listen to the Warning of A Wise Man (Hak'schi'vu La'azhara Schel Isch
By Ze'ev Sternhell, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. An article published
in Ha'aretz daily newspaper on Friday, February 16, 2007, with reference to the attempt of
the government to privatize the system of higher education. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 76KB), (PDF, English, 3 pages, 22KB).
(47) *TSUNAMI-30* "The Loss of Academic Freedom (Ov'dan
Ha'che'rut Ha'a'ka'de'mit)", By Yair Censor, University of Haifa (UH). A guest article
in Ha'aretz daily newspaper on Sunday, February 18, 2007. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 88KB). To read four earlier
guest articles of Yair Censor on the same issue in the same newspaper please click on the
following links:
"A University is Not A Business", Published: December 17, 2002. (Hebrew, PDF, 25KB),
"The End of An Excellent Education System", Published: October 15, 2003. (Hebrew, PDF,
"In the Absence of Academic Independence", Published: July 6, 2004. (Hebrew, PDF,
"How is A Nobel Prize Created", Published: March 23, 2005. (Hebrew, PDF,
(48) *TSUNAMI-31* "The Universities' Presidents Want
Personal Contracts for Academic Faculty (Ra'schei Ha'universi'ta'ot Ro'zim Cho'zim
I'schi'im La'segel)", By Tamara Traubmann. An article published
in Ha'aretz daily newspaper on Wednesday, February 21, 2007, based on a position-paper of VERA
(Vaad Ra'schei Ha'universi'ta'ot). (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 199KB).
(49) *TSUNAMI-32* "Laborious and Brilliant
(Cha'ru'tza u'ma'v'rika)", By Ronnie Ellenblum, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. A guest
article published
in Ha'aretz daily newspaper on Thursday, February 22, 2007. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 87KB). The article in the journal
"Nature" to which Ronnie Ellenblum refers to: "The Scientific Impact of Nations", By
David A.
King, NATURE, VOL. 430, pp. 311-316, 15 JULY 2004 ( In particular, look
at Figure 2. (PDF, English, 6 pages, 161KB).
(50) *TSUNAMI-33* A letter from Prof. Zvi HaCohen,
chairman of the Coordinating Council (Mo'a'tza Me'ta'emet) of the Senior Faculty Associations in
the research universities in Israel to all faculty members regarding the planned nation-wide
students' strike that will start at the beginning of the second semester next week. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 140KB).
(51) *TSUNAMI-34* Tel-Aviv University (TAU) Student
Union cancels its agreement with the Minister of Education, Prof. Yuli Tamir, about the
Shochat Governmental Reform Committee. Read the following three related documents: (1) The
original agreement signed on February 24, 2007, between the students' representatives and the
Minister of Education click here to link,
(2) The text of the official resolution adopted by the TAU Student
Union and explanations to the decision (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 106KB), and (3) A message from the
TAU Student Union posted on February 28, 2007, on TAU's Faculty electronic bulletin board
(TAU-FAC) (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 50KB).
(52) *TSUNAMI-35* "Money Is Not Everything In
Life (Ke'sef Ze Lo Ha'kol Ba'cha'yim)", By Ze'ev Sternhell, The Hebrew University of
Jerusalem. An article published in Ha'aretz daily newspaper on Friday, March 2, 2007,
regarding the public debate on the government's attempt to privatize the system of higher
education. (PDF, Hebrew, 5 pages, 94KB).
(53) *TSUNAMI-36* A Position Paper of the Inter-Senate
Committee (ISC) of the Universities for the Protection of Academic Independence, dated March 1,
2007, signed by Prof. Zvi Ziegler, Chairman of the ISC, regarding the work of the Shochat
governmental committee for reform of the universities. (PDF, Hebrew,
5 pages, 155KB).
(54) *TSUNAMI-37* A joint message from eight organizations
in the education system, including the Coordinating Council (Mo'a'tza Me'ta'emet) of the Senior
Faculty Associations in the research universities in Israel, dated: March 11, 2007, to all faculty members and all students,
regarding the planned nation-wide strikes on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (March 12, 13 and 14, 2007, respectively).
(PDF, Hebrew, 4 pages, 286KB).
(55) *TSUNAMI-38* A joint message from Tel-Aviv University (TAU) Senior Faculty Association,
Tel-Aviv University (TAU) Junior Faculty Association and Tel-Aviv University (TAU) Student Union,
dated: March 11, 2007, to all faculty members and all students in Tel-Aviv University (TAU),
regarding the planned strike in Tel-Aviv University (TAU) on Tuesday, March 13, 2007.
(PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 328KB).
(56) *TSUNAMI-39* A letter from Prof. Zvi HaCohen,
chairman of the Coordinating Council (Mo'a'tza Me'ta'emet) of the Senior Faculty Associations in
the research universities in Israel declaring officially a labor dispute and threatening a
possible strike within 15 days. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 125KB).
(57) *TSUNAMI-40* This entry includes two items:
(1) A letter containing the recent decisions of the National Union of Israeli Students
adopted on March 21, 2007, regarding their return to the struggle against the Shochat
governmental committee for reform of the universities, (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 89KB). (2) A Call from
the Tel-Aviv University (TAU) Student Union announcing their return to the struggle
against the Shochat governmental committee for reform of the universities and declaring a
strike at Tel-Aviv University (TAU) on Wednesday, March 28, 2007. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 24KB).
EFFORT TO DESTROY THE ACADEMIC TENURE. A letter from Prof. Zvi HaCohen, chairman of the Coordinating
Council (Mo'a'tza Me'ta'emet) of the Senior Faculty Associations in the research universities in Israel
describing the new situation, (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 26KB).
(59) *TSUNAMI-42* A joint letter from the
chairmen of the Tel-Aviv University (TAU) Senior Faculty Association and of the Tel-Aviv
University (TAU) Student Union about the open-ended general strike that is planned to start
on Tuesday April 10, 2007, in all universities and academic colleges in Israel against
the Shochat governmental committee for reform of the universities. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 198KB).
(60) *TSUNAMI-43* Against Industrialization of The
Universities in Israel: A Position Paper, Initiated and Edited by Ilan
Gur-Ze'ev from the Faculty of Education in the University of Haifa (UH), with the
participation of Gavriel Salomon and Peter Van Hesse and the assistance of Gali Eshet, Amit
Dolev, Pini Luson, Guy Pade and Viki Menschenfreund, University of Haifa, Haifa, 2007. (PDF, Hebrew, 120 pages, 1,792KB).
(61) *TSUNAMI-44* An e-mail from Prof. Zvi
HaCohen, Chairman, Coordinating
Council of Faculty Associations (Mo'a'tza Me'ta'emet) regarding the nationwide
students strike scheduled to begin tomorrow, Tuesday, April 10, 2007, across
the whole higher education system in Israel. (.txt format, English, 1 page, 2.5KB, just click to open
the file).
(62) *TSUNAMI-45* A letter from Prof. Zvi
HaCohen, Chairman, Coordinating
Council of Faculty Associations (Mo'a'tza Me'ta'emet) regarding the open-ended nationwide
students strike that started today, Tuesday, April 10, 2007, across
the whole higher education system in Israel. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 128KB).
(63) *TSUNAMI-46* Resolution of the Coordinating
Council (CC) of Faculty Associations (Mo'a'tza Me'ta'emet) declaring a general strike of the
senior faculty in all universities from Tuesday April 17, 2007, on. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 30KB).
(64) *TSUNAMI-47* A letter from Prof. Zvi
HaCohen, Chairman, Coordinating Council (CC) of Faculty Associations (Mo'a'tza Me'ta'emet)
containing the resolution of the CC from 13/4/07 declaring a general strike of the
senior faculty in all universities from Tuesday April 17, 2007. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 157KB).
(65) *TSUNAMI-48* A letter from Prof. Udi Makov, Chairman
of the University of Haifa (UH) Senior Faculty Association regarding the strike on Tuesday April 17, 2007. Similar information was
distributed in all research universities. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 32KB).
(66) *TSUNAMI-49* An e-mail from Prof. Ben Tzion
Munitz, Chairman of the Tel-Aviv University (TAU) Senior Faculty Association
(Irgun Hasegel Habachir) about the agreement reached this morning (April 18, 2007) between all
sides that leads to the end of the strike of the Senior Faculty in the universities. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 147KB).
(67) *TSUNAMI-50* A letter from Prof. Zvi
HaCohen, Chairman, Coordinating
Council (CC) of Faculty Associations (Mo'a'tza Me'ta'emet) regarding the end of the strike. (PDF, English, 1 page, 107KB).
(68) *TSUNAMI-51* An e-mail from Prof. Ben Tzion
Munitz, Chairman of the Tel-Aviv University (TAU) Senior Faculty Association
(Irgun Hasegel Habachir) entitled: "The Struggle is Not Yet Over" (Ha'ma'a'vak Lo Tam). (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 154KB).
(69) *TSUNAMI-52* A message from Prof. Ben Tzion
Munitz, Chairman of the Tel-Aviv University (TAU) Senior Faculty Association
(Irgun Hasegel Habachir) containing the TAU response to the recent VERA threat that students
who will not report to classes will loose
their courses. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 14KB).
(70) *TSUNAMI-53* "The Shochat Committee Does Not Have
A Public Mandate (Le'va'adat Shochat Ein Mandat Tzi'bu'ri)", By Professor Yaron Ezrahi,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. (WORD, Hebrew,
2 pages, 33KB).
(71) *TSUNAMI-54* A message from Prof. Ben Tzion
Munitz, Chairman of the Tel-Aviv University (TAU) Senior Faculty Association
(Irgun Hasegel Habachir), addressed to TAU faculty members, entitled: "The Students' Strike Continues", appeared on TAU
faculty list on May 8, 2007). (PDF, Hebrew and English, 1 page, 58KB).
(72) *TSUNAMI-55* Three documents related to the students'
strike from students' activists group, circulating all over the country today, May 10, 2007.
(WORD, Hebrew, 1 page, 28KB),
(WORD, Hebrew, 3 pages, 70KB), (WORD, Hebrew, 3 pages, 50KB).
(73) *TSUNAMI-56* "The Government Drowns The [Higher]
Education Ship (Hamem'shala Mat'bi'a Et Se'fi'nat Ha'has'kala)", By Professor Nachman
Ben-Yehuda, The Hebrew
University of Jerusalem, eluding to the ineffectiveness of MALG, VATAT and VERA!. An article
posted on YNET
(,7340,L-3398537,00.html) on May 11, 2007.
(.htm file, just click here,
Hebrew, 1 page, 20KB).
(74) *TSUNAMI-57* "The Strike: Where Do We Stand
(Ha'shvita: Ey'fo A'nu Om'dim)", By Professor Gadi Algazi, Tel-Aviv University (TAU),
explaining the current situation. A Message circulated on May 15, 2007.
(PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 90KB).
(75) *TSUNAMI-58* "A Message to Our Students
(Ho'da'aa La'stu'den'tim She'la'nu)", By two Professors from Tel-Aviv University (TAU),
promising support to the students. Posted on May 17, 2007, on the TAU faulty list.
(PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 50KB).
(76) *TSUNAMI-59* A Decision adopted by the
University of Haifa (UH) Senior Faculty Association, in support of the students' strike, in
its special urgent meeting on May 17, 2007.
(PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 105KB).
(77) *TSUNAMI-60* "Good News for Society: The
Students Cracked The System (Be'so'ra La'chev'ra: Ha'stu'dentim Pi'tzchu Et Ha'shi'ta)",
By Professor Dani Gutwein, The University of Haifa (UH). An article posted on YNET
on May 17, 2007. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 86KB).
(78) *TSUNAMI-61*An authorized copy of the current
draft agreement on which the students' leaders meet to decide tonight, Saturday May 19,
2007. Go to
and click on: "Te'yotat Ha'heskem 18.5.07".
(79) *TSUNAMI-62* A Call for An Urgent General
Meeting of the Tel-Aviv University (TAU) Senior Faculty Association. On the agenda:
(1) Report on the struggle against the Schochat Reform Committee, (2) Steps to support the
students' struggle. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 27KB).
(80) *TSUNAMI-63* "The Next [Students'] Strike Is On
Its Way (Ha'shvita Ha'ba'a Kvar Ba'de'rech)", By Dr. Lev Greenberg, The Ben-Gurion
University (BGU) of The Negev. An article posted on YNET
(,7340,L-3403880,00.html) on May 24, 2007.
(PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 92KB).
(81) *TSUNAMI-64* "Are You on Budgetary Pension?
Start Worrying (Yesh La'chem Pensiya Tak'tzi'vit? Tat'chi'lu Lach'shosh)", By Meirav
Arlosoroff. An article published in the Opinions Section (page 4) of TheMarker, Haaretz's
Business Journal on June 28, 2007. (PDF, Hebrew, 2
pages, 82KB).
(82) *TSUNAMI-65* First response from the Coordinating
Council (Mo'etza Me'ta'amet) of the Senior Faculty Associations in the universities to the
Shochat Reform Committee Report. (PDF, Hebrew, one
page, 27KB).
REPORT. (PDF, Hebrew, 213 pages, 2,777KB).
(84) *TSUNAMI-67* "Fools in The Public
Sphere", By Professor Yaron Ezrahi,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. An article published in Ha'aretz daily newspaper on
Monday, July 23, 2007,
regarding the public debate on the Schochat Reform Committee. English translation from: (PDF, English, 4 pages, 89KB).
(85) *TSUNAMI-68* A letter from Prof. Zvi
HaCohen, Chairman, Coordinating
Council (CC) of Faculty Associations (Mo'a'tza Me'ta'emet), dated: July 25, 2007, regarding the forthcoming struggle for
the renewal of the labor agreements of the senior academic faculty which expired in the year 2001. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 127KB).
(86) *TSUNAMI-69* "The Sebastia of Higher
Education", By Avirama Golan. An article about The Council for Higher Education (MALAG)
and The Judea and Samaria
Council for Higher Education (MALAG-YO"SH), published in Ha'aretz daily newspaper on
Thursday, August 9, 2007, (PDF, English, 3 pages, 22KB).
(87) *TSUNAMI-70* "The Treasury is Wise with Agorot
and Stupid with Shkalim" (Ha'otzar Chacham be'agorot ve'tipesh bi'shkalim). A guest
article by Prof. Zvi HaCohen, Chairman of the Coordinating Council of Senior Faculty
Associations in the universities (Mo'a'tza Me'ta'emet), published in the "Opinions Section"
of TheMarker the daily business magazine of the daily newspaper HAARETZ, on Monday October 8,
2007 (page 6), and posted on TheMarker Online (PDF,
Hebrew, 1 page, 105KB).
(88) *TSUNAMI-71* A link to a recorded presentation of
Prof. Asher Cohen from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI) appearing before members of
Senior Faculty Association of the University of Haifa (UH) on Sunday, October 21, 2007,
describing the origins of the deep dispute with the treasury about our salaries and giving
details about the current situation. The link to
the presentation is at "mms://". Copy the whole text
within the quotation marks (without the quotation marks) to your internet browser's address line
and click enter.
(89) *TSUNAMI-72* An update message from Prof. Asher
Cohen from
the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI) who works with the Coordinating
Council (Mo'etza Me'ta'amet) of the Senior Faculty Associations in the universities in leading
the current strike. The message was posted on Tel-Aviv University (TAU) internal list on
Tuesday, October 23, 2007. (PDF,
English, 2 pages, 19KB).
(90) *TSUNAMI-73* "Determined to Continue the
Struggle" (Ne'chushim Le'hamschich Ba'ma'avak) an article by Prof. Udi Makov from
the University of Haifa (UH) published in the Yediot Ahronot newspaper on Tuesday, October
23, 2007. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 174KB).
(91) *TSUNAMI-74* "Israeli University
Lecturers Set for Long Strike". A "News & Views item - October 2007" posted on October 24,
2007, on Dr. Alex Reisner's Australian well-known page: "The Funneled Web" which "Examines
Australia's Higher Education and Research Policies". Goto: or
open the file here. (PDF, English, 3 pages, 23KB).
(92) *TSUNAMI-75* "Masa Ha'hasata Chozer", a call
from Prof. Zvi HaCohen, Chairman of the Coordinating Council of Senior Faculty
Associations in the universities (Mo'a'tza Me'ta'emet), to help with articles-writing. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 40KB).
(93) *TSUNAMI-76* "Haaretz Against the Universities"
(Haaretz Neged Ha'universita'ot), by Prof. Simon Benninga, Dean, Faculty of Management,
Recanati School of Business Administration, Tel-Aviv University
(TAU), published in the "Opinions Section"
of TheMarker the daily business magazine of the daily newspaper HAARETZ, on Thursday October 25,
2007, and posted on TheMarker Online (PDF,
Hebrew, 1 page, 89KB).
(94) *TSUNAMI-77* An update message from Prof.
Ben Tzion Munitz, Chairman of the Tel-Aviv University (TAU) Senior Faculty Association
(Irgun Hasegel Habachir) posted on TAU electronic bulletin board on October 26, 2007. (PDF,
Hebrew, 1 page, 27KB).
(95) *TSUNAMI-78* An update message from Prof.
Ben Tzion Munitz, Chairman of the Tel-Aviv University (TAU) Senior Faculty Association
(Irgun Hasegel Habachir) posted on TAU electronic bulletin board on Friday, October 26,
2007, at 12:05PM. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 25KB).
(96) *TSUNAMI-79* "Mavo Le'kalkala O Mavo
Le'kalkala", a response article to the recent mud-slinging article about the income and work
of the professors, by Professors Ram Frost and Asher Cohen from the Hebrew University of
Jerusalem (HUJI). (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 80KB).
(97) *TSUNAMI-80* "The Struggle of the Senior Academic
Faculty" (Ma'avak Ha'segel Ha'academi Ha'bachir) October 2007. A Power-Point presentation of
16 slides clearly explaining the struggle. (PPT, Hebrew, 16
slides, 139KB). (Open the file and then move between slides using the "Page Up" and "Page
Down" keys on your key-pad.)
(98) *TSUNAMI-81* An update message from Prof. Asher
Cohen from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI) who works with the Coordinating
Council (Mo'etza Me'ta'amet) of the Senior Faculty Associations in the universities in leading
the current strike. The message was posted on Tel-Aviv University (TAU) internal list on
Tuesday, October 30, 2007. (PDF,
English, 2 pages, 41KB).
(99) *TSUNAMI-82* Official work load data about senior
faculty in the universities as reported by the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics
(Ha'lischka Ha'merkazit le'statistika) (PDF,
Hebrew, 1 page, 14KB).
(100) *TSUNAMI-83* An update message from Prof. Zvi
HaCohen, Chairman of the Coordinating Council of Senior Faculty
Associations in the universities (Mo'a'tza Me'ta'emet), Dated October 30, 2007. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 139KB).
(101) *TSUNAMI-84* An update message from Prof. Zvi
HaCohen, Chairman of the Coordinating Council of Senior Faculty
Associations in the universities (Mo'a'tza Me'ta'emet), Dated November 2, 2007. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 125KB).
(102) *TSUNAMI-85* A call for a national rally
(Hafgana) in front of
the Ministry of Finance in Jerusalem on Thursday, November 8, 2007, from 10:00 - 14:00. (PDF, Hebrew and English, 2 pages, 38KB).
(103) *TSUNAMI-86* An update message from Prof. Zvi
HaCohen, Chairman of the Coordinating Council of Senior Faculty
Associations in the universities (Mo'a'tza Me'ta'emet), Dated November 6, 2007, giving details
about yesterday's events and and the current situation. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 157KB).
(104) *TSUNAMI-87* An update message from Prof. Ben
Tzion Munitz, Chairman of the Tel-Aviv University (TAU) Senior Faculty Association
(Irgun Hasegel Habachir) posted on TAU electronic bulletin board on Friday, November 9,
2007, (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 43KB) and a new Power-Point
presentation of
15 slides clearly explaining the struggle. (PPT, Hebrew, 15
slides, 383KB) (Open the file and then move between slides using the "Page Up" and "Page
Down" keys on your key-pad) or view the PDF file of the presentation (PDF, Hebrew, 15 pages, 194KB).
(105) *TSUNAMI-88* An update message from Prof. Zvi
HaCohen, Chairman of the Coordinating Council of Senior Faculty
Associations in the universities (Mo'a'tza Me'ta'emet), Dated November 11, 2007, giving details
about the lamb-silence of VERA, the forthcoming planned developments and the current situation.
(PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 126KB).
(106) *TSUNAMI-89* An update message from Prof. Ben
Tzion Munitz, Chairman of the Tel-Aviv University (TAU) Senior Faculty Association
(Irgun Hasegel Habachir) posted on TAU electronic bulletin board on Monday, November 12,
2007, at 21:43. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 44KB) and an English
version of the Power-Point presentation of 15 slides clearly explaining the struggle, which was
presented last night at the meeting of the Executive Committee (Vaad Ha'Po'el) of the Hebrew
University of Jerusalem (HUJI). (PPT, English, 15
slides, 439KB) (Open the file and then move between slides using the "Page Up" and "Page
Down" keys on your key-pad) or view the PDF file of the presentation (PDF, English, 15 pages, 266KB).
(107) *TSUNAMI-90* An update message from Prof. Zvi
HaCohen, Chairman of the Coordinating Council of Senior Faculty
Associations in the universities (Mo'a'tza Me'ta'emet), Dated November 13, 2007, giving
details about the current situation.
(PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 126KB).
(108) *TSUNAMI-91* Two documents that were presented
in the national faculty meeting on Wednesday, November 14, 2007, in Tel-Aviv University
(TAU): (1) A response letter from Prof.
Zvi HaCohen, Chairman of the Coordinating Council, to an earlier attack letter published in
Yediot Ahronot newspaper (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 122KB).
(2) A poem by Prof. Shmuel Zaks from the Technion, attacking the silence of VERA (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 74KB).
(109) *TSUNAMI-92* An update message from Prof. Ben
Tzion Munitz, Chairman of the Tel-Aviv University (TAU) Senior Faculty Association
(Irgun Hasegel Habachir) posted on TAU electronic bulletin board on Friday, November 16,
2007, at 08:44:19 (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 18KB) about the
strengthening of our sanctions as of Sunday, November 18, 2007.
(110) *TSUNAMI-93* "The Crisis in the Higher
Education System: On the Sins of the Committee of University Presidents (Ma'shber
Ha'haskala Ha'gvo'ha: Al Chet'ey Va'ad Ra'shey Ha'universitaot)", By Yair Censor, University
of Haifa (UH). A guest article published
in the newspaper "Israel Today" (Israel Hayom) on Tuesday, November 20, 2007. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 220KB). To read five earlier
guest articles of Yair Censor published in Haaretz newspaper on the crisis in the higher
education system in Israel please click on the following links:
"A University is Not A
Business", Published: December 17, 2002. (Hebrew, PDF, 25KB),
"The End of An Excellent
Education System", Published: October 15, 2003. (Hebrew, PDF, 567KB),
"In the Absence of
Academic Independence", Published: July 6, 2004. (Hebrew, PDF,
"How is A Nobel Prize Created", Published: March 23, 2005. (Hebrew, PDF, 24KB),
"The Loss of Academic
Freedom", Published: February 18, 2007. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 88KB).
(111) *TSUNAMI-94* "The Treasury Starves the Higher
(Ha'Otzar Mar'i'v Et Ha'Haskala Ha'Gvo'ha), by Prof. Elhanan Yakira from the Hebrew
University of Jerusalem (HUJI) and Prof. Avia Spivak from the Ben-Gurion University of the
Negev (BGU), published in the "Opinions Section" of TheMarker the daily business magazine of the
daily newspaper HAARETZ, on Monday November 26, 2007, and posted on TheMarker Online (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 88KB).
(112) *TSUNAMI-95* An update message from Prof. Ben
Tzion Munitz, Chairman of the Tel-Aviv University (TAU) Senior Faculty Association
(Irgun Hasegel Habachir) posted on TAU electronic bulletin board on Monday, November 26,
2007, at 20:32:06 (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 18KB) about the
current stalemate situation.
(113) *TSUNAMI-96* Two documents: (1) An update
message, Dated November 27, 2007, giving details about the current situation, and (2) A message
about helping with the struggle, both from Prof. Zvi HaCohen, Chairman of the Coordinating
Council of Senior Faculty Associations in the universities (Mo'a'tza Me'ta'emet). ((1) PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 186KB). ((2) PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 147KB).
(114) *TSUNAMI-97* An IMPORTANT update message from
Prof. Asher
Cohen from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI) who works with the Coordinating
Council (Mo'etza Me'ta'amet) of the Senior Faculty Associations in the universities in leading
the current strike. This VERY IMPORTANT message was posted on Tel-Aviv University (TAU) internal
list on Wednesday, November 28, 2007. (PDF,
English, 1 page, 9KB).
(115) *TSUNAMI-98* An update message from Prof. Ben
Tzion Munitz, Chairman of the Tel-Aviv University (TAU) Senior Faculty Association
(Irgun Hasegel Habachir) posted on TAU electronic bulletin board on Thursday, November 29,
2007, at 21:33:26 (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 36KB) about (1) The "cat
is out of the bag" outrageous demands of the treasury, and (2) The forthcoming
national joint with the students and the junior faculty rally in Tel-Aviv University (TAU)
planned for Thursday, December 6, 2007 at 12:00noon.
(116) *TSUNAMI-99* Tel-Aviv University
established a joint struggle headquarters of senior faculty, junior faculty and students.
An update message from Prof. Ben Tzion Munitz, Chairman of the Tel-Aviv University (TAU)
Senior Faculty Association
(Irgun Hasegel Habachir) posted on TAU electronic bulletin board on Friday, November 30,
2007, (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 36KB).
YOUR DESK NOW. A message from Dr.
Ovadia Ezra, activists coordinator of the Tel-Aviv University (TAU) Senior Faculty
Association (Irgun Hasegel Habachir), posted on TAU electronic bulletin board on Sunday,
December 2, 2007, (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 136KB) about
upcoming events in the struggle.
(118) *TSUNAMI-101* "Do the Treasury People Know
Arithmetic?" (Ha'Im An'shei Ha'Otzar Yod'im Cheshbon?) an article by Prof. Ronnie
Ellenblum, Chairman of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI) Senior Faculty Association
(Irgun Hasegel Habachir), posted on TAU electronic bulletin board, on the fallacy of the
recent spins about our "miscalculations" of our salary erosion (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 120KB).
(119) *TSUNAMI-102* "The Annihilation of the
Academia" (Chi'sul Ha'Academia), By Yair Censor, University of Haifa (UH). A guest
article published in Ha'aretz daily newspaper on Wednesday, December 5, 2007. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 38KB).
To read six earlier
guest articles of Yair Censor on the crisis in the higher
education system in Israel please click on the following links:
(1) "A University is
Not A Business", Haaretz, December 17, 2002. (Hebrew, PDF, 25KB),
(2) "The End of An
Education System", Haaretz, October 15, 2003. (Hebrew, PDF, 567KB),
(3) "In the Absence of
Academic Independence", Haaretz, July 6, 2004. (Hebrew, PDF, 27KB),
(4) "How is A Nobel
Prize Created", Haaretz, March 23, 2005. (Hebrew, PDF, 24KB),
(5) "The Loss of Academic
Freedom", Haaretz, February 18, 2007. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 88KB),
(6) "The
in the Higher Education System: On the Sins of the Committee of University Presidents",
"Israel Today" (Israel Hayom), November 20, 2007. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 220KB).
(120) *TSUNAMI-103* Activities starting
Monday, December 10, 2007 and onwards: Read, Redistribute and Participate:
(1) An update message from Prof. Ben
Tzion Munitz, Chairman of the Tel-Aviv University (TAU) Senior Faculty Association
(Irgun Hasegel Habachir), dated December 7, 2007, (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 63KB),
(2) A flyer from the newly
founded Joint Struggle Headquarters for the Defense of the Public University of the
Students, Junior Faculty and Senior Faculty at TAU (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 130KB),
(3) An invitation to a Meeting
on "Who Gains and who Looses from the Privatization in the Education System?" on Monday,
December 10, 2007 at TAU, (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 116KB),
(4) A call to the
Joint Rally of Students, Junior Faculty and Senior Faculty at TAU (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 440KB).
(121) *TSUNAMI-104* "How Can Philosophy be Measured"
(Eich Mo'de'dim Philosophiya), By Amalia Oliver and Vered Vinitzky-Seroussi, from
the Department of Sociology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI). A guest
article published in Ha'aretz daily newspaper on Wednesday, December 11, 2007. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 181KB).
(122) *TSUNAMI-105* An update message from Prof. Ben
Tzion Munitz, Chairman of the Tel-Aviv University (TAU) Senior Faculty Association
(Irgun Hasegel Habachir) posted on TAU electronic bulletin board on Tuesday, December 11,
2007, at 18:54:41 (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 17KB) about the
current stalemate situation.
(123) *TSUNAMI-106* An update message from Prof.
Udi Makov, Chairman of the University of Haifa (UH) Senior Faculty Association
(Irgun Hasegel Habachir) dated December 12, 2007 (PDF,
Hebrew, 2 pages, 47KB) about the current situation.
(124) *TSUNAMI-107* An open letter to the Tel-Aviv
University faculty regarding the universities strike, by Prof. Menachem Nathan from TAU,
dated: December 9, 2007, confronting lies with facts about the Israeli academia (PDF,
English, 4 pages, 92KB).
(125) *TSUNAMI-108* The Struggle Gains
International Attention: Tel Aviv University Professor Gives His View of the Prolonged
Dispute Between Israel's Academics and the Government. A "News & Views item - December
2007" posted on December 14, 2007, on Dr. Alex Reisner's Australian well-known page: "The
Funneled Web" which "Examines Australia's Higher Education and Research Policies". Go to: and click on
News & Views, or open the file here (PDF, English, 1 page, 15KB). To read Prof. Menachem
Nathan's original letter click here (PDF, English, 4 pages, 92KB).
(126) *TSUNAMI-109* "Imperforate [Hebrew slang for
Insensitive] to the Needs of the Academia" (A'tumim Le'Tzor'chei Ha'Academiya). A guest
article by Prof. Zvi HaCohen, Chairman of the Coordinating Council of Senior Faculty
Associations in the universities (Mo'a'tza Me'ta'emet), published in
the daily newspaper HAARETZ, on Sunday
December 16, 2007, (PDF, Hebrew, 3 pages, 82KB).
(127) *TSUNAMI-110* "Why Is The Strike in The
Universities on The Future of Education, Science and The Economy of Israel"
(Ma'du'a Ha'shvita Ba'universita'ot Hi Al Atid Ha'chinuch, Ha'mada Ve'Ha'kalkala Be'Israel)
December 2007. A new Power-Point presentation
of 20 slides clearly explaining all facets of our struggle. Open the presentation and slides
will change sequentially automatically in a slide-show mode. (PPS, Hebrew, 20 slides, 2,237KB).
(128) *TSUNAMI-111* An IMPORTANT update message from
Prof. Asher
Cohen from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI) who works with the Coordinating
Council (Mo'etza Me'ta'amet) of the Senior Faculty Associations in the universities in leading
the current strike. Posted on TAU faculty list on Sunday, December 23, 2007. (PDF,
Hebrew, 1 page, 50KB).
(129) *TSUNAMI-112* An update message from Prof. Udi
Makov, Chairman of the University of Haifa (UH) Senior Faculty Association
(Irgun Hasegel Habachir) posted on Tuesday, December 25, 2007, at 09:33:26 (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 76KB) about the
current stalemate situation following last night's joint meeting with VERA and VERA's decision
to request Court actions against us.
(130) *TSUNAMI-113* An update message from Prof. Ben
Tzion Munitz, Chairman of the Tel-Aviv University (TAU) Senior Faculty Association
(Irgun Hasegel Habachir) posted on TAU electronic bulletin board on Tuesday, December 25,
2007, at 10:10:48 (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 47KB) about VERA's
decision to request Court actions against us.
(131) *TSUNAMI-114* The full text of the
Resolution adopted on December 25, 2007 by the General Assembly of the Hebrew University of
Jerusalem (HUJI) Senior Faculty Association. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 42KB)
(132) *TSUNAMI-115* The presidents crossed a red
line: The full text of the Court Appeal of
the seven universities' presidents against the Senior Faculty Associations in the universities.
(PDF, Hebrew, 13 pages, 404KB).
(133) *TSUNAMI-116* The exciting development at
Tel-Aviv University (TAU) - as told by Prof. Ben
Tzion Munitz, Chairman of the TAU's Senior Faculty Association
(Irgun Hasegel Habachir), posted on TAU electronic bulletin board on Thursday, December 27,
2007, at 11:00:08 (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 45KB).
(134) *TSUNAMI-117* "A Call for Revolt in the
Universities" ("Kol Ko're Le'Mered Ba'Universita'ot") by Prof. Ilan Gur-Ze'ev from the
University of Haifa (UH) posted on YNET on Thursday, December 27, 2007. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 85KB).
(135) *TSUNAMI-118* A reply message to Prof.
Carmi, President of the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU), from the Senior Faculty
Association at BGU. Posted on the BGU network on Thursday, December 27, 2007 at 13:40:11. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 96KB).
(136) *TSUNAMI-119* Two brilliant articles
published today in Haaretz and in the TheMarker Haaretz Supplement:
(1) "The Strike That Was Not" (Ha'Schvita Sche'Lo Ha'yita). A guest article by Prof. Aner Shalev, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI), published in the daily newspaper HAARETZ, on Monday December 31, 2007, (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 76KB).
(2) "The Professors Work A Lot and Get Reimbursed A Little" (Ha'Professorim Ov'Dim Ha'rbe U'mistakrim Me'at) by Prof. Zeev Segal, Tel-Aviv University (TAU), published in the TheMarker Economic Supplement of the daily newspaper HAARETZ, on Monday December 31, 2007, (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 83KB).
(137) *TSUNAMI-120* The Resolution Adopted by the
General Assembly of the Senior Faculty Association at TAU, posted on Monday, December 31,
2007, at 12:26:27 (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 44KB).
(138) *TSUNAMI-121* A Declaration of The
Inter-Senate Committee (ISC) of the Universities for the Protection of Academic
Independence, distributed by Prof. Zvi Ziegler, Chairman of the ISC, expressing the ISC's
position on the recent appeal of the universities' presidents to court. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 145KB).
(139) *TSUNAMI-122* An update message from Prof. Udi
Makov, Chairman of the University of Haifa (UH) Senior Faculty Association
(Irgun Hasegel Habachir) posted on Wednesday, January 2, 2008, (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 59KB) about the
current situation following the recent deliberations in the National Labor Court in Jerusalem.
(140) *TSUNAMI-123* The Resolution Adopted by the
General Assembly of the Senior Faculty Association at The Ben-Gurion University (BGU) of
the Negev, posted on Wednesday, January 2, 2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 26KB).
(141) *TSUNAMI-124* The Resolution Adopted by the
General Assembly of the Senior Faculty Association at The Bar-Ilan University (BIU),
posted on Wednesday, January 2, 2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 38KB).
(142) *TSUNAMI-125* An update message from Prof. Udi
Makov, Chairman of the University of Haifa (UH) Senior Faculty Association
(Irgun Hasegel Habachir) posted on Thursday, January 3, 2008, (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 62KB) about the
current situation following the prime minister comments yesterday at the KNESSET and the
most recent deliberations in the National Labor Court in Jerusalem.
(143) *TSUNAMI-126* A complete press report (with
open documents) for January 2, 2008. (PDF, Hebrew&English, 17 pages, 2,640KB).
(144) *TSUNAMI-127* A strong and courageous letter
calling for stoppage of collaboration with public and state committees and organs until the
struggle is won, by Prof. Gad Yair from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI), dated
January 5, 2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 51KB).
(145) *TSUNAMI-128* ** The black day to Israeli
universities is quickly approaching **: An IMPORTANT update message from Prof. Asher
Cohen from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI) who works with the Coordinating
Council (Mo'etza Me'ta'amet) of the Senior Faculty Associations in the universities in leading
the current strike. This VERY IMPORTANT message, posted on BGU's list on Sunday, January 6, 2008
at 12:55:30. (PDF, English, 1 page, 11KB).
(146) *TSUNAMI-129* An update message from Prof. Udi
Makov, Chairman of the University of Haifa (UH) Senior Faculty Association
(Irgun Hasegel Habachir) posted on Sunday, January 6, 2008, (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 49KB) about the
current situation following the most recent deliberations in the National Labor Court in
(147) *TSUNAMI-130* Three brilliant articles
published today in Haaretz and in the TheMarker Haaretz Supplement:
(1) "And What About The Hanging Gardens of Babylon?" (U'ma Im Ha'Ganim Ha'tlu'yim Be'Bavel?). A guest article by Prof. Arie Nadler, Tel-Aviv University (TAU), published in the daily newspaper HAARETZ, on Monday January 7, 2008, (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 81KB).
(2) "The Universities in Israel Are The Most Efficient in The World" (Ha'Uni'versita'ot Be'Israel -- Ha'Ye'ilot Be'Yoter Ba'Olam) by Prof. Menachem Natan, Tel-Aviv University (TAU), published in the TheMarker Economic Supplement of the daily newspaper HAARETZ, on Monday January 7, 2008, (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 80KB).
(3) "The University Professors as Coal Miners" (Ha'Martzim Ke'ko'reyi Pe'Cham) by Prof. Israel Doron, The University of Haifa (HU), published in the TheMarker Economic Supplement of the daily newspaper HAARETZ, on Monday January 7, 2008, (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 80KB).
(148) *TSUNAMI-131* An update and an article:
(1) An update message from Prof. Zvi HaCohen, Chairman of the Coordinating Council of Senior Faculty Associations in the universities (Mo'a'tza Me'ta'emet), posted January 7, 2008, 18:05:18, giving details about the current situation. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 70KB).
(2) "In This Struggle The Clerks Must Not Win" (Ba'Maavak Ha'Ze A'Sur La'Pekidim Le'Na'tze'ach) by Prof. Gideon Doron, Tel-Aviv University (TAU), published in the TheMarker Economic Supplement of the daily newspaper HAARETZ, on Tuesday January 8, 2008, (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 78KB).
(149) *TSUNAMI-132* ** The black day to Israeli
universities is quickly approaching **: An IMPORTANT update message from Prof. Asher
Cohen from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI) who works with the Coordinating
Council (Mo'etza Me'ta'amet) of the Senior Faculty Associations in the universities in leading
the current strike. This VERY IMPORTANT message, posted on BGU's list on Wednesday, January 9,
2008, at 20:00:06. (PDF, English, 1 page, 11KB).
(150) *TSUNAMI-133* An update message from Prof. Udi
Makov, Chairman of the University of Haifa (UH) Senior Faculty Association
(Irgun Hasegel Habachir) posted on Thursday, January 10, 2008, (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 50KB) including the exact wording
of the recent appeal of VERA to the National Labor Court in Jerusalem yesterday.
(151) *TSUNAMI-134* A correspondence from Bar-Ilan
University (BIU): A letter from Prof. Kave, President of BIU and Chairman of VERA,
(PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 58KB) and a response from Dr.
Ahiezer Shaki, Chairman of the BIU Senior Faculty Association (Irgun Hasegel Habachir),
(PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 26KB), both from Thursday, January 10, 2008.
(152) *TSUNAMI-135* "The Lecturers Strike:
Seven Absurds and A Single Solution" (Shvitat Ha'Martzim: Shiv'a Absurdim U'Pitaron Ya'Chid), an article
by Prof. Haim Harari, Chair, Davidson Institute of Science Education, and Former President, from 1988 to 2001,
of the Weizmann Institute of Science, and past Chairman of VATAT (1983). Astonishingly super strong words in support of the
struggle of the research universities senior faculty. Received on Friday, January 11, 2008.
(PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 78KB). "Better late then never".... Also
published in the daily newspaper HAARETZ, on Monday January 14, 2008.
(153) *TSUNAMI-136* An update message from Prof. Udi
Makov, Chairman of the University of Haifa (UH) Senior Faculty Association
(Irgun Hasegel Habachir) posted on Sunday, January 13, 2008, (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 58KB) about the
current situation at the begining of the deliberations in the National Labor Court in
(154) *TSUNAMI-137* An update message from Prof. Asher
Cohen from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI) who works with the Coordinating
Council (Mo'etza Me'ta'amet) of the Senior Faculty Associations in the universities in leading
the current strike. posted on TAU's list on Sunday, January 13,
2008, at 10:06:19 . (PDF, English, 1 page, 40KB).
(155) *TSUNAMI-138* A complete copy of the National Labor Court in Jerusalem
ruling to abstain from issuing restraint orders (Tza'vey Me'Ni'a) against the striking senior faculty,
dated: Monday, January 14, 2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 8 pages, 70KB).
(156) *TSUNAMI-139* An update message from Prof. Udi
Makov, Chairman of the University of Haifa (UH) Senior Faculty Association
(Irgun Hasegel Habachir) posted on Monday, January 14, 2008, (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 52KB) about the
current situation after the deliberations in the National Labor Court in Jerusalem.
(157) *TSUNAMI-140* "The Solution: To Disregard the
Treasury" (Ha'Pitaron: Le'Hit'a'lem Me'Ha'otzar), by Mr. Sever Plotzker, posted on ynet
on Tuesday, January 15, 2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 83KB).
(158) *TSUNAMI-141* An update message from Prof.
Zvi HaCohen, Chairman of the Coordinating Council of Senior Faculty
Associations in the universities (Mo'a'tza Me'ta'emet), posted January 15, 2008, 10:51:19 ,
giving details about the current situation.
(PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 153KB).
(159) *TSUNAMI-142* "This Year Cannot Be Returned"
(Et Ha'Shana Ha'Zot I E'fshar Le'Hachzir). An article by Yossi Sarid published in
the daily newspaper HAARETZ, on Wednesday January 16, 2008, (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 76KB). (PDF, English, 3 pages, 21KB).
(160) *TSUNAMI-143* An update message from Prof. Ben
Tzion Munitz, Chairman of the TAU's Senior Faculty Association
(Irgun Hasegel Habachir), posted on TAU electronic bulletin board on Wednesday, January 16,
2008, at 16:25:03 (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 25KB).
(161) *TSUNAMI-144* A Request to Delete Proceedings:
the original document submitted to the National Labor Court in Jerusalem by all universities (except TAU), requesting
to delete the continuation of proceedings to issue restraint orders (Tza'vey Me'Ni'a) against the
Senior Faculty Associations. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 30KB).
(162) *TSUNAMI-145* Resolutions adopted by
members of the senior faculty at the University of Haifa (UH) in an open faculty meeting on Wednesday, January 16, 2008.
(PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 34KB).
(163) *TSUNAMI-146* A letter from Prof. Udi
Makov, Chairman of the University of Haifa (UH) Senior Faculty Association
(Irgun Hasegel Habachir) posted on Thursday, January 17, 2008, (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 50KB) "tearing the mask off" yesterday's
VERA letter to all senior faculty members that praised their last offer.
(164) *TSUNAMI-147* A letter from Mr. Albert
Ben-Simchon, Chairman of the Administrative Staff Committee at the University of Haifa (UH),
dated Thursday, January 17, 2008,
regarding the possibility of university shutdown. (PDF, Hebrew,
1 page, 111KB).
(165) *TSUNAMI-148* An update message from Prof. Asher
Cohen from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI), who works with the Coordinating
Council (Mo'etza Me'ta'amet) of the Senior Faculty Associations in the universities,
dated: Sunday, January 19,
2008, reporting on the end of the strike. (PDF, English, 1
page, 33KB).
(166) *TSUNAMI-149* Two Fundamental Documents:
(1) A message with a summary report on the conclusion of the strike from Prof. Zvi HaCohen, Chairman of the Coordinating Council of Senior Faculty Associations in the universities (Mo'a'tza Me'ta'emet), dated January 20, 2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 114KB).
(2) The full text of the Special Labor Agreement, signed on January 18, 2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 4 pages, 105KB).
(167) *TSUNAMI-150* Strong language in the Tel-Aviv
University (TAU) resolutions adopted on Monday, January 21, 2008, at the general assembly of
the Senior Faculty Association. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page,
(168) *TSUNAMI-151* "Brain Power, Not Power Games
(Mi Ye'Na'hel Et Ha'Rosch)", By Professor Yaron Ezrahi,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI), published in the daily newspaper HAARETZ, on
Tuesday January 22, 2008, (PDF, Hebrew,
2 pages, 76KB). (PDF, English, 2 pages, 76KB).
(169) *TSUNAMI-152* "88-day Strike of Senior
Israeli University Faculty Ends". A "News & Views item - January 2008" posted on January
21, 2008, on Dr. Alex Reisner's Australian well-known page: "The Funneled Web" which "Examines
Australia's Higher Education and Research Policies". Goto: or
open the file here. (PDF, English, 2 pages, 34KB).
(170) *TSUNAMI-153* "The Lecturers Won and "HAARETZ"
is Wearing A Sour Face" (Ha'Martzim Nitz'chu Ve'Haaretz Ma'chmitz Panim) by Prof. Naftali
Tishby, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI), published in
the TheMarker Economic Supplement of the daily newspaper HAARETZ, on Thursday
January 24, 2008, (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 80KB).
(171) *TSUNAMI-154* A Scientific Report on the Brain
Drainage in Israel. "Brain Drained", by Prof. Dan Ben-David Department of Public Policy,
Tel-Aviv University (TAU), dated: January 24, 2008. (PDF,
English, 40 pages, 251KB).
"Head Cleaning: The Escape of Academic Brains from Israel" (Ni'Kuy Rosh: Bri'chat Mo'chot
A'ca'de'ma'yim Mi'Israel) - an Abstract and Executive Summary of the full report "Brain
Drained", (PDF, Hebrew, 4 pages, 156KB).
Since these documents get modified occasionally by the author, here are
direct links to their most recent versions:
The link for the complete paper in
English is here,
while the link for the executive summary in Hebrew is
(172) *TSUNAMI-155* A letter from Prof. Udi
Makov, Chairman of the University of Haifa (UH) Senior Faculty Association
(Irgun Hasegel Habachir) posted on Sunday, January 27, 2008, (PDF, Hebrew, 4 pages, 57KB) summarizing the information from,
and the resolutions adopted by, the general assembly of the University of Haifa (UH) Senior
Faculty Association on January 22, 2008.
(173) *TSUNAMI-156* A letter from Prof.
Daniel Hershkowitz, Chairman of the Technion Senior Faculty Association (Irgun
Hasegel Habachir), dated: January 31, 2008, (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 64KB) summarizing the "bad
news" and the "good news" about our forthcoming January 2008 (payable on February 1,
2008) salaries.
(174) *TSUNAMI-157* A ground
breaking Position Paper
proposing a unified position of the senior faculty at the University of Haifa
(UH). The Position Paper is put forward by Prof. Ilan Gur-Ze'ev for the special
meeting between all senior faculty of UH and the president of the university, Prof.
Aaron Ben-Zeev, scheduled for Thursday, February 7, 2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 3 pages, 91KB)
(175) *TSUNAMI-158* A correspondence at
Tel-Aviv University (TAU) regarding the demand to oust the Chairman of the TAU
Executive Committee (EC), Mr. Dov Lautman. (PDF, Hebrew, 4 pages, 125KB)
(176) *TSUNAMI-159* "VERA Is Not Competent"
(VERA Lo Mat'ima), by Prof. Israel David from the Ben-Gurion University (BGU) of
The Negev. Posted on "News First Class-NFC" at: on
February 19, 2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 204KB)
(177) *TSUNAMI-160* A letter from Prof. Daniel Hershkowitz, Chairman of the Senior Faculty Association at the
Technion, dated: February 26, 2008, about next month's salaries. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 62KB)
(178) *TSUNAMI-161* Minutes of the Senate (edited) of
the Ben-Gurion University (BGU) of the Negev, from its assembly of february 20, 2008. The
was conducted on the possibilities to make changes to the BGU organizational structure so as to
reverse some of the Maltz Report and the Grossman Paper recent changes. (PDF, Hebrew, 6 pages, 145KB)
(179) *TSUNAMI-162* The resolution adopted by the
Senate of the Ben-Gurion University (BGU) of the Negev on Sunday, March 16, 2008, regarding
the possibilities to make changes to the BGU organizational structure. Compare with
*TSUNAMI-161* above. (PDF, Hebrew, 1 page, 28KB)
(180) *TSUNAMI-163* "Shutting Off the Academic
Oxygen" (Hi'Ko'nu Le'Keshayey Ne'Shima)", by Prof. Dan Ben-David Department of
Public Policy, Tel-Aviv University (TAU), published in the daily newspaper HAARETZ, (Hebrew
and English) on
Tuesday, March 18, 2008, (PDF, Hebrew,
2 pages, 78KB). (PDF, English, 3 pages, 22KB).
Consult also *TSUNAMI-154* above.
(181) *TSUNAMI-164* Breaking News: The Technion's
Senate Takes Steps to Reverse Some of the Damaging Changes Done After the Grossman Paper and the
Maltz Report. (PDF, English, 1 page, 11KB). The
threats against the universities to withhold funds and budgets if they do not implement the
Grossman Paper dictates were in the past, and still are, illegal because they constitute a clear
breach of the famous paragraph 15 of the "Law of the Council for Higher Education - 1958" (Chok
Ha' Mo'etza Le'Haskala Ge'vo'ha - 1958). To read it go to here and click your way from
(182) *TSUNAMI-165* Field's Medallist Calls on
Colleagues to Petition Against Staff Reductions in Maths/Stats and Computer Science at the
University of Southern Queensland (USQ) at Toowomba, Australia. Read this (PDF, English, 3 pages, 57KB) and then view this item on
Alex Reisner's Internet page "The Funneled Web" at: and
click on the link at the bottom of the item to learn more and to go to where you may sign
Professor's Terence Tao Petition.
(183) *TSUNAMI-166* "TAU's 'Strategy Plan' Fails to
Please Professors" (Ma'rzim Me'Su'yagim Min 'Ha'Mit've Ha'Istra'tegy' Shel
Universitat Tel-Aviv), A Report published in the daily newspaper HAARETZ, (Hebrew
and English) on
Thursday, April 10, 2008, (PDF, Hebrew,
3 pages, 130KB). (PDF, English, 3 pages,
22KB). To read the complete Strategy Plan of Tel-Aviv University (TAU), prepared by a team
headed by the University Rector, Prof. Dany Leviatan, click here (PDF, Hebrew, 39 pages, 585KB).
(184) *TSUNAMI-167* "I, and I alone: The
Senior Faculty Version" (Ani Ve'Afsi Od: Gi'rsat Ha'Segel Ha'Bachir). An article
by Prof. Daniel Gutwein, University of Haifa (UH), posted on Ynet on Saturday. April
19, 2008, (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 84KB).
(185) *TSUNAMI-168* Minutes from
the meeting of the University of Haifa branch of the "Forum For Public
Education in Israel", held on Tuesday, April 15, 2008, at the University of
Haifa campus. Participnts: Prof. Zvi Ziegler, Technion, Chairman of the Inter-Senate
Committee (ISC) of the Universities for the Protection of Academic
Independence, and Prof. Yair Censor, University of Haifa. (PDF, Hebrew, 5 pages, 267KB), or go to
the homepage of the University of Haifa Branch of the Forum For The Protection of
Public Education [in Israel].
(186) *TSUNAMI-169* "The Treasury is
Responsible for the Decline of Higher Education", says Prof. Yitzhak Gal-Nur,
the deputy chairman of the Council for Higher Education (MALAG) in an interview
published on Tuesday, April 22, 2008, in GLOBES. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages, 89KB).
*TSUNAMI-170* "A One-Dimensional
Remedy" (Tru'fa Chad Mey'madit). An article
by Prof. Ram Frost, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI), posted on Ynet on
Thursday, April 24, 2008. (PDF, Hebrew, 2 pages,
*TSUNAMI-171* "The Treasury is Holding Higher
Education Hostage", says Prof. Yitzhak Gal-Nur,
the deputy chairman of the Council for Higher Education (MALAG) in an interview on Wednesday,
April 30, 2008, published in the daily newspaper HAARETZ, (Hebrew
and English), (PDF, Hebrew,
1 page, 96KB). (PDF, English, 3 pages,
*TSUNAMI-172* Information on the history of the
struggle to preserve academic independence of, and in, the research universities in Israel from
1994 until today. To view this 4 pages (hand-written) presentation click here.
To view some of the documents mentioned here use the following links: (1) The Maltz Report,
(2) "Guidelines for the
implementation of the Maltz report, Draft", prepared by the Planning & Budgeting
Committee, October 2001-(The "Nissan Limor Paper"), (3) Summary of The Maltz Report, by
Prof. Yair Censor (2/12/01), (4) The Government Decision of 16/9/03-"Shipur Ha'haskala
Ha'gvoha", (5) The MALAG decision of 23/09/03 regarding the Government decision of 16/9/03
click here, (6) The "Red Lines" document
of the
Inter-Senate Committee (ISC) from 22/2/04 to VATAT's "Grossman paper" of 4/2/04, click here.
*TSUNAMI-173* "The Higher Education Gets Ruined and the
Government Does Not Do Anything" (Ha'Haskala Ha'Gvo'ha Ne'Hereset Ve'Ha'memshala Lo Osa
Klum), an Interview of Sever Plotzker with Professor Menahem Yaari, Professor of Economics
at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI) and President of The Israel Academy of Sciences and
Humanities. Published on Friday, May 2, 2008, in the "Mamon" supplement of the newspaper Yediot
Aharonot, (Hebrew, 8 pages, 675KB) and one additional question,
not asked in the interview, raised here by Yair Censor, inserted in the posted document.
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