· M. Gorelik, V. Hinich, V. Serganova, Matsumoto theorem for skeleta, arXiv:2310.13507.
· V. Hinich, On diagrams of algebras, arXiv:2304.05796.
· M. Gorelik, V. Hinich, V. Serganova, Root groupoid and related Lie superalgebras, arXiv:2209.06253.
· V. Hinich, I. Moerdijk, On the equivalence of the Lurie’s infinity operads and dendroidal infinity operads, arXiv:2206.14033.
· V. Hinich, Colimits in enriched infinity categories and Day convolution, Theory Appl. Categories, 39 (2023), 365 – 422, arXiv:2101.09538.
· V. Hinich, So, what is a derived functor?, Homology, Homotopy, Appl., (2020), no 2, 279-293, arXiv:1811.12255.
· V. Hinich, Yoneda lemma for enriched infinity-categories, Adv. Math. (2020), 367, 107129, 119 pp, arXiv:1805.07635.
· V. Hinich, Lectures on infinity categories, arXiv:1709.06271.
· Entova-Aizenbud, V. Hinich, V. Serganova, Deligne categories and the limit of categories Rep GL(m|n), IMRN, 2020, no. 15, 4602-4666, arXiv:1511.07699.
· V. Hinich, Enriched Yoneda lemma, Theory Appl. Categ. 31 (2016), Paper No. 29, 833–838, arXiv:1511.00857.
· V. Hinich, D. Lemberg, Formality theorem and bialgebra deformations, Ann. Fac. Sci. Toulouse Math. (6) 25 (2016), no. 2-3, 569–582, arXiv:1410.2132.
· V. Hinich, Rectification of algebras and modules, Doc. Math., 20 (2015), 879-926. arXiv:1311.4130.
· V. Hinich, Dwyer-Kan localization revisited, Homology, Homotopy, appl., 18 (2016), 27-48, arXiv:1311.4128.
· G. Heuts, V. Hinich, I. Moerdijk, The equivalence between Lurie's model and the dendroidal model for infinity-operads, Adv. Math. 302 (2016), 869–1043, arXiv:1305.3658.
· V. Hinich, D. Lemberg, Non-commutative unfolding of hypersurface singularity, Journal of noncommutative geometry, 8 (2014), 1147-1169 , arXiv:1207.6333
· V. Hinich, V. Schechtman, Subcanonical coordinate rings are Gorenstein, arXiv 0903.0771.
· V. Hinich, A. Vaintrob, Augmented Teichmuller spaces and Orbifolds, Selecta Math, New Series, 16(2010), 533-629, arXiv:0705.2859
· V. Hinich, A simplicial nerve in deformation theory, arXiv 0704.2503.
· V. Hinich, Plumbing coordinates on Teichmueller spaces: a counterexample, Israel J. Math, 175(2010), 151-156, arXiv math.CV/0606240.
· V. Hinich, Drinfeld double for orbifolds, Contemporary Math, 433, AMS Providence, 2007, 251-265,
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· V. Hinich, Deformations of sheaves of algebras, Advances in Math., 195 (2005), 102-164, PDF-file
· V. Hinich, A. Joseph, Orbital variety closures and the convolution product in Borel-Moore homology, Selecta Mathematica, New Series , 11(2005), 9-36, PDF-file
· Hinich, A. Vaintrob, Cyclic operads and algebra of chord diagrams, Selecta Mathematica, New Series, 8 (2002), 237-282, PDF-file
V. Hinich, Tamarkin's proof of Kontsevich formality
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Errata et addendum, PDF-file
· V. Hinich, Virtual operad algebras and realization of homotopy types, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 159 (2001), 173-185, PDF-file
· V. Hinich, Deformations of homotopy algebras, Communication in Algebra, 32 (2004), 473-494, PDF-file
· V. Hinich, DG coalgebras as formal stacks, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 162 (2001), 209-250, PDF-file
V. Hinich, Homological algebra of homotopy algebras, Communications
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Erratum, arXiv math.AG/0309453.
· >V. Hinich, Descent of Deligne groupoids, Int. Math. Research Notices, 1997, #5, 223-239, PDF-file