News & Views item - September 2010



 Australian Universities' Review Available on Line. (September 19, 2010)

The Australian Universities' Review (AUR) is published twice yearly by the National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) with the avowed purpose "to encourage debate and discussion about issues in higher education and its contribution to Australian public life".



The September 2010 issue has just been released and can be downloaded in either PDF or e-book format from:


 The current articles and their abstracts are list below:
















National research ethics education leadership and targeted educational activities will ensure that the opportunity for ongoing researcher engagement in ethics review will not be lost. Enhanced research integrity in all Australia research will follow. Without educational leadership within a considered national framework, potentially serious problems will be hard to prevent.


The topic of academic workload allocation is perennial and seems to be becoming more salient in an era of performance management and resource problems




But what is this mysterious entity called ‘quality’? Much of it boils down to a calibration of publications, grant acquisitions, information systems, qualification and program accreditation, teaching performance and learning outcomes. On closer inspection this grand assurance exercise turns out to be a four lane highway leading to a cowpat.
