News & Views item - June 2009



Some California Legislators Propose Stripping the University of California of Its Constitutional Autonomy. (June 10, 2009)

Rex Dalton, in Nature reports that the ten-campus University of California expects to see a cut of US$800 million from the US$3.2 billion in state funds it was due to receive over the next year.


In what surely must be the equivalent of throttling the goose that has laid golden eggs for the state and the nation — see for example — some of the state's legislators see as an expedient cost cutting measure, removing the University's constitutional autonomy, and giving the elected legislators immediate direct control.


Of course that autonomy has also been a bone of contention for decades.


University administrators have vowed the equivalent of over their dead bodies.


Cost cutting measures that some of the campuses have already begun or are contemplating:

According to Mr Dalton: "The true scale of that impact should become apparent on 14 July at the next meeting of the UC Board of Regents. The meeting will be held at UCSF's new Mission Bay campus — where a $135-million cancer research building opened on 1 June.