News & Views item - June 2009



Germany to Allocate €18 Billion More for Research Over Next 10 Years. (June 10, 2009)

Despite the German Federal finance minister, Peer Steinbrück's view that the uncertainties hanging over the German economy should dictate postponing long term public funding until after the September federal elections, Chancellor Angela Merkel announced on June 4 that she and the heads of the 16 Länder had signed off on additional research funding of €18 (A$31.5) billion over the next ten years.


The Chancellor, who holds a doctorate in physical chemistry, said the agreement will send a "signal of predictability" to researchers and help them draw up long-term plans for the money.


ScienceInsider reports: "The new money will fund three programs: €2.7 (A$4.7) billion will go to continuing the Excellence Initiative, a program that aims to create a German Ivy League, beyond 2011; the Pact for Research and Innovation promises the country’s research agencies yearly budget increases of 5% through 2015; and the Higher Education Pact promises an additional €7.9 (A$13.8) billion to the country’s universities and technical schools to help them accommodate more than 200,000 additional students by 2020."