News & Views item - May 2009



President of the Australian Academy of Science Opines on the "Super Science Initiative". (May 14, 2009)

This year's federal budget designates $1.1 billion for the "Super Science Initiative", which will fund infrastructure to support research in astronomy, climate change, marine and life sciences, biotechnology and nanotechnology.


It also provides as Kurt Lambeck, President of the Australian Academy of Science points out, funding for 100 post-doctoral fellowships, but doesn't provide for the critical lack of support for mid-career researchers.


All the focus is on material infrastructure. The human infrastructure doesn't get a great deal of attention still.


He says support for mid-career researchers is needed to ensure the next generation of university teachers and scientists.


We do need people in the future who can make effective use of the new state-of-the-art facilities [funded by the Super Science initiative].


Professor Lambeck would also like to see more attention given to support for international scientific collaboration.


Nevertheless he said the 25% budget increase [for science and innovation] is "substantial at a time of restraint. It indicates that the government has finally recognized the importance of science and technology. ... It really goes out of its way to start repairing the consequences of a decade of neglect. Although some of the funding might not flow through for a few years, the framework is there".