News & Views item - March 2009



The Short, Medium and Long Term of It: Budget Time Approaches. (March 27, 2009)

The Acting Prime Minister, and Minister for Education, Julia Gillard does a lively two-step around the Bradley Review.


View of the president of Lehigh University
Alice Gast on Shovel Ready Support.
From her Editorial for Science 090327.
Report of Acting Prime Minister Julia Gillard's
View on Implementation of Higher Education Review.
Comment of the Shadow Education Spokesman, Christopher Pyne
on What Government should do.
Shovel-Ready Science?

It is gratifying to see the funding for scientific research in the U.S. economic stimulus package... [but] it is worth sounding a note of caution... how does it relate to the scientific research and education programs needed to address the many challenges looming before us?

Long-term research and education provide innovative, creative discoveries that spur transformative change. The United States needs to start making the down payment on this exploration, knowing that the needed breakthroughs cannot be generated within the next 2 years.

In a letter to President Roosevelt in 1945, [Vannevar] Bush wrote: "Science offers a largely unexplored hinterland for the pioneer who has the tools for his task. The rewards of such exploration both for the Nation and the individual are great. Scientific progress is one essential key to our security as a nation, to our better health, to more jobs, to a higher standard of living, and to our cultural progress."

[A]s much as 85% of the nation's economic growth has arisen from advances in science and technology [but] [R]eaping the benefits of investments in research takes time.

The scientific community and funding agencies must ensure that our political leaders and the public understand how shovel-ready programs of rebuilding differ from the long-term research that drives innovation. Let's take the time needed to make sure we get this right.

Dennis Shanahan, the political editor of The Sydney Morning Herald writes that "Julia Gillard has been considering the new funding in line with the recommendations of the Bradley review... [but] admitted the Government had been mugged by economic reality in the budget process".

"You've got to work through all the dollars and cents in the budget, and we're in that process now," she told Sydney's 2GB radio yesterday.

Mr Shanahan also reports: "Priority is also being given to university funding that helps create jobs and builds Australia's capacity and productivity to move more quickly out of a recession.

Overall: "[The] federal Government's plans for a $7 billion revamp of higher education have been recast in the face of economic reality, with the increased funding now expected to be staggered over several years."

The Australian federal opposition says there is no excuse for the government not to boost funding for universities.

[T]he government needs to deliver on its pre-election commitment to increase funding for universities, says Mr Pyne.

"Gillard has put as a higher priority over higher education, pink bats, funding for local mayors and cash splashes over the last few months."