Toufik Mansour

I was born in Haifa, Israel, and grew up in Isfiya for a Druze family:
       Father: Mageed Kassem Mansour,
       Mother: Hazroni Sleman Mansour (Sharof)

I left school  in 1987 with A-levels in Mathematics, Physics, and Computer science.

I started my high education in 1988 at Technion Institute of Technology in Mathematics and Computer science. I received my B.S.C degree in 1992 and then I started  my next step, M.S.C degree, at Technion Institute of Technology in Algebra (symmetric groups) with Professor Arye Juhasz.

I married on July 1995 to Ronit Damen Rachroch. Now, I have three girls: Itar (12 January 1996), Atil (25 June 2001), Hadel (17 January 2006).

I restart my education in 1998 at Haifa University with Doctor Valdamir Hinich in Algebra (Pure Mathematics). In 1999, I received my M.A. Degree in Pure Mathematics with Thesis in "Different approaches to the representations theory of the symmetric groups".

In 1999, I started my PhD in Combinatorics (Forbidden patterns in permutations) with Professor Alek Vainshtein. I received my Doctorate in 2001, then immediately I started my  first year of postdoctoral position (Grant: Bourse Chateaubriand 2001-2002) in Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche Informatique (LaBRI) with supporter Professor Alexandre Zvonkine.

In 2002-2003, I did my second year of postdoctoral position, Chalmers University of Technology with Professor Einar Steingrimsson (Gothenborg, Sweden) and Linkoping University with Professor Svante Linusson (Linkoping, Sweden) (Supporter: EC's IHRP programme, within the Research Training Network "Algebraic Combinatorics in Europe", Grant HPRN-CT-2001-00272).

2003-2007, Senior lecturer in Department of Mathematics, University of Haifa, financed by a prestigious Maof grant from the Council for Higher Education.

2007-2014, Associate professor in Department of Mathematics, University of Haifa

Since 2014, I stay in Haifa University, full professor of Mathematics.

Newspaper and Toufik Mansour:

Israel21c on December 2003

Focus-University of Haifa (Autumn 2003).

Encyclopedias and Toufik Mansour:

Wikipedia: List of Israeli Druze

© Toufik Mansour, 2012. Last modified: October 18, 2012