News & Views item - July  2012



Genomics X Prize Competition -- Sequence Genomes of 100 Centenarians Within 30 Days -- Collect $10M. (July 24, 2012)

The Archon Genomics X Prize competition, is scheduled for September 2013, and the conditions stipulate that:

Clifford Reid, chief executive of Complete Genomics has told Nature's Monya Baker that in his opinion it will be difficult for the judges to assess the accuracy of the newly sequenced genomes. “The technologies participating in the competition are the only technologies for judging the competition,” he says, adding that he is hopeful that contest organizers can come up with “a clever solution that makes everyone happy”.


Craig Venter, co-chairman of the competition says: “I call it the truth serum for the genome-sequencing field.”  and notes that the key challenge is not accumulating masses of  sequence data, but rather determining its biological function and medical importance. “The trivial part of the equation to solve is the sequencing technology. It’s necessary, but not sufficient.”


To date only Life Technologies of Carlsbad, California, has officially accepted the challenge. Others that may be considering to contest for the $US10 million first prize are: