News & Views item - October 2011



 Japan to Boost Overall Science Budget by 5.8%. (October 7, 2011)

The journal  Science reports that Japan's ministry of education wants to boost overall science-related spending next year by 5.8%, to US$14.7 billion. However, spending on nuclear-related research will drop 9.8%, to US$2.3 billion.

The government proposes an increase of US$918 million to fund new projects to accelerate work on renewable and alternative energy programs.


Work on induced pluripotent stem cells and regenerative medicine will increase by 40%, to US$69 million while  space-related research (including Earth observation)  will go up by 36%, to US$631 million.


In addition there will be a 6% increase, to US$3 billion, in competitively reviewed grants which now includes multi-year grants, inaugurated last year.

Finally, regardless that nuclear power remains official government policy, many politicians and the public have turned against it. In consequence Japan's troubled experimental fast breeder reactor, Monju, is to receive a “maintenance budget” pending a review of the nation's energy policy.