News & Views item - April 2011


National Tertiary Education Union Supports Campaign to Protect Medical Research Funding. (April 11, 2011)

The National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) has thrown its support behind the campaign "Discoveries Need Dollars" in order to protect medical research funding. The campaign, initiated by the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, is in response to a Federal Cabinet leak that funds for medical research would be cut by $400 million over the next three years in the 2011 Federal Budget.


NTEU National Assistant Secretary Matthew McGowan speaking for the NTEU said:


If this is true, it is an extremely short-sighted and dangerous proposal. A funding cut of this magnitude would be disastrous for the medical research community and for all Australians. Patients here are usually the first to benefit from Australian discoveries. Medical research improves the long-term outcomes of all Australians. It significantly boosts the Australian economy, and has to be seen as a long-term investment that requires ongoing support. Most importantly, cuts to the medical research budget will almost certainly force our best scientists and researchers overseas. NTEU calls on the Australian Government to not proceed with this proposal, and urges all Australians to support the 'Discoveries Need Dollars' campaign.