News & Views Index



Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations(CAPA) Releases Its Key Priorities for Election 2010.    30/07/10

     Postgraduates comprise 27% of the total student population and support close to 60% of Australia’s R&D effort. [More]


US Administration Releases Its "Science and Technology Priorities for the FY 2012 Budget."    30/07/10

    The memo reiterates the President's long-term goal for investment in R&D to reach 3% of GDP. [More]


FASTS and AAS Ask a Sample of 1,515 Australians 6 Questions Involving Scientific Knowledge and 1 Opinion.    30/07/10

    They have now released the results of their nationwide science literacy survey. [More


Federation Fellow, Economist John Quiggin Addresses the Spectre of Howardian Antipathy to Academe.    28/07/10

    While the popular media obsesses as to whether a barren-unwed-avowed-non-militant atheist should occupy The Lodge with her partner... [More]


Tracking Marsupial Evolution Through Retroposons.    28/07/10

    The relationship between American and Australian marsupial populations has proved to be an enigma... until now. [More]


Two ANU Academics Voice Disgust Regarding Lack of Climate Change Policy.    23/07/10

    Professor Warwick McKibbin Director of the Research School of EconomicsDr Frank Jotzo, Fellow at the ANU Crawford School of Economics and Government. [More]


Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Remember Their Origins.    23/07/10

    Two recent studies show that iPS cells retain some signatures of the tissue from which they were derived. [More]


BP Accused of Seeking to Limit Gulf Scientists' Publications.    23/07/10 [More]

    [Updated July 29, 2010] 


The Webcast of the 7th (July 16, 2010) PCAST Meeting of the Obama Administration.    22/07/10

The US President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology met on Friday, July 16, 2010 - the three scientific envoys have their say. [More]


Senator Carr Temporises on Research Funding.    21/07/10

    Surely there is a better way to allocate $114 million, not to mention the resources diverted to undertake the machinations to implement Senator Carr's managerial obsessions. [More


Some Comments by AAS President Suzanne Cory.    20/07/10

    A short  question and answer session with Professor Cory. [More


Can Employer Demand for Researchers in Australia be Fulfilled?    19/07/10

    Four years have past and by the end of next month we will have elected three different prime ministers and the response remains inadequate. [More]  


Does the Sword of Damocles Hang Over British Science?    17/07/10

    Britain's newly elected coalition government committed to public funding cuts of up to 25% and set October to be the month of reckoning. [More]


An Email from Mehitabel.    17/07/10

       "The contract is what I now see as a typical public service project." [More


Australian Stem Cell Centre Omitted from 2011-12 Federal Budget.    16/07/10

    WEHI Director: "We're not likely to get all the skills we need if half the people are disenfranchised." [More]  


Ari Shavit Looks Over Israeli Higher Education and Mourns.    15/07/10

    Ari Shavit is a well known political columnist for Haaretz, which is considered Israel's most influential daily newspaper. [More]


Perhaps Some Useful Support for Science in Britain's New Coalition Government.    15/07/10

     "In today's tough climate, UK science must produce evidence to affirm its worth to the nation." [More


NSF Reports on Increase in Foreign Science and Engineering Enrollments.    15/07/10

     Foreign enrollment rose in 2009 in all S&E fields except psychology. Mathematics and economics showed the greatest percentage gains. [More]


Life After CSIRO for Dr Geoffrey Garrett AO.    14/07/10 [More]


PCAST's July 16 Meeting.    14/07/10

    Included will be updates on the  Health Information Technology Study, the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education Study and the President’s Innovation and Technology Advisory Committee (PITAC). [More]


Two Hippocratic Oaths for University Scholars and Managers.    14/07/10

    Geoff Sharrock outlines codes of behaviour in an attempt to unify a sense of purpose for universities. [More]  


Algal Synthesiser Pilot Facility for Rapid CO2 Emissions Reduction Under Way.    11/07/10

    The facility is intended to be progressively expanded over the coming five to 10 years to consume daily "more than half of all of Tarong Power Station's problem flue-gas emissions". [More


Britain's Research Excellence Framework Delayed.    10/07/10

    The UK Minister for Universities and Science, David Willetts, yesterday announced a one-year delay in the introduction of its Research Excellence Framework (REF). [More]


NSF to Undertake Fostering Expanding Participation in STEM.    09/07/10

     Its "goal is to enrich the quality and innovation potential of tomorrow’s STEM workforce through comprehensive broadening participation of undergraduates in STEM". [More]


More on Metric Pitfalls.    08/07/10

    This past June TFW summarised an extensive Nature assessment regarding "The Use and Misuse of Metrics in Evaluation". Today's issue of the journal publishes three "correspondence" in response. [More]


A Pithy Comment on the Russell Report from Kevin Trenberth.    08/07/10

     I am really criticizing the mandate for the committee and they did not go beyond that. [More


Senator Carr Addresses the Innovate Research Universities Senior Staff Forum.    07/07/10

    Much, but not all, of what he had to say was reiteration of what the past 30 months under a Labor government has achieved. [More]


Fifteen Academic Researchers Awarded Australian Laureate Fellowships.    07/07/10

    These fellowships replace the Federation Fellowships provided by the federal Coalition Government under Prime Minister John Howard. [More


Thumbnails of the Royal Society's 350 Years.    06/07/10

    Eight glimpses into the history of the Royal Society. [More]


CSIRO Being Joined at the Hip to Fossil Fuels?    05/07/10 [More]


The Effect of Ocean Changes.    05/07/10

     By 2100, rising sea levels from ocean thermal expansion and increasing ocean mass... will expose an additional tens of millions of people annually to the risk of coastal flooding. [More]


Next PCAST Meeting Scheduled for July 16.    02/07/10

    The portion of the meeting open to the public is scheduled to hear presentations on space policy and science, technology, and diplomacy. [More


National Academies to Study the Future of US Research Universities.    01/07/10

    US research universities argue the federal government needs to play a greater role in financing science and research at public institutions. [More