äúåëðéåú äáàåú îîçéùåú ùéîåù áñâîðèé æéëøåï îùåúôéí, åùéîåù áòøëéí ùåðé àôñ ùì key:

#include <sys/shm.h>

#include <sys/ipc.h>

#include <sys/types.h>


int shmget(key_t key, int size, int shmflg);



void *shmat(int shmid, const void *shmaddr, int shmflg);


int shmctl(int shmid, int cmd, struct shmid_ds *buf);


int shmdt(const void *shmaddr);



/* memdemo31.c - demonstrate shared memory segments - UNIX system V */


#include <stdio.h>


#include <sys/types.h>

#include <sys/ipc.h>

#include <sys/shm.h>


void sys_err(char s[])






void main()


  int id;

  volatile int *nptr;

  int memid;

  struct shmid_ds buff;


  if ( (memid = shmget(4040, sizeof(int),

                        0666|IPC_CREAT | IPC_EXCL)) < 0)

         sys_err("Cannot shmget");



  if ( ( id =  fork() ) == 0 )

  {  /* select child process */

     puts("\n**************  child process ***********\n");


     if ( (nptr = (int *)shmat(memid,0,0)) == (int *) -1)

           sys_err("Cannot shmat");


     *nptr = 999;


     printf("PID is %d and ID is %d.\n", getpid(), id);

     printf("*nptr is %d and nptr is %p.\n", *nptr, nptr);

     puts("\n**************  child process ***********\n");




     puts("\n**************  child process ***********\n");


     printf("PID is %d and ID is %d.\n", getpid(), id);

     printf("*nptr is %d and nptr is %p.\n", *nptr, nptr);

     puts("\n**************  child process ***********\n");


     if (shmdt(nptr) < 0)

         sys_err("Cannot shmdt");


                           /* Release the shared segment */

     if ( shmctl(memid, IPC_RMID, &buff) < 0 )

        sys_err("Cannot shmctl"); 

                                  /* Note that child terminates last */




  } /* if */



/* Parent process only */




     if ( (nptr = (int *)shmat(memid,0,0)) == (int *) -1)

           sys_err("Cannot shmat");


     puts("\n**************  parent process ***********\n");

     printf("PID is %d and ID is %d.\n", getpid(), id);

     printf("*nptr is %d and nptr is %p.\n", *nptr, nptr);


     *nptr = 444;

     printf("*nptr is %d and nptr is %p.\n", *nptr, nptr);


     puts("\n**************  parent process ***********\n");


     if (shmdt(nptr) < 0)

         sys_err("Cannot shmdt");








math2:/home/ronn/OS > cc memdemo31.c

math2:/home/ronn/OS > a.out


**************  child process ***********


PID is 29419 and ID is 0.

*nptr is 999 and nptr is ff170000.


**************  child process ***********



**************  parent process ***********


PID is 29418 and ID is 29419.

*nptr is 999 and nptr is ff170000.

*nptr is 444 and nptr is ff170000.


**************  parent process ***********


math2:/home/ronn/OS >

**************  child process ***********


PID is 29419 and ID is 0.

*nptr is 444 and nptr is ff170000.


**************  child process ***********





/* memdemo32.c - demonstrate shared memory segments - UNIX system V */


#include <stdio.h>


#include <sys/types.h>

#include <sys/ipc.h>

#include <sys/shm.h>



void sys_err(char s[])








void main()


  int id;

  volatile int *nptr;

  int memid;

  struct shmid_ds buff;


  if ( (memid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, sizeof(int), 0666)) < 0)

         sys_err("Cannot shmget");



  if ( ( id =  fork() ) == 0 )

  {  /* select child process */

     puts("\n**************  child process ***********\n");


     if ( (nptr = (int *)shmat(memid,0,0)) == (int *) -1)

           sys_err("Cannot shmat");


     *nptr = 999;


     printf("PID is %d and ID is %d.\n", getpid(), id);

     printf("*nptr is %d and nptr is %p.\n", *nptr, nptr);

     puts("\n**************  child process ***********\n");




     puts("\n**************  child process ***********\n");


     printf("PID is %d and ID is %d.\n", getpid(), id);

     printf("*nptr is %d and nptr is %p.\n", *nptr, nptr);

     puts("\n**************  child process ***********\n");


     if (shmdt(nptr) < 0)

         sys_err("Cannot shmdt");


                           /* Release the shared segment */

     if ( shmctl(memid, IPC_RMID, &buff) < 0 )

        sys_err("Cannot shmctl"); 

                                  /* Note that child terminates last */




  } /* if */



/* Parent process only */




     if ( (nptr = (int *)shmat(memid,0,0)) == (int *) -1)

           sys_err("Cannot shmat");


     puts("\n**************  parent process ***********\n");

     printf("PID is %d and ID is %d.\n", getpid(), id);

     printf("*nptr is %d and nptr is %p.\n", *nptr, nptr);


     *nptr = 444;

     printf("*nptr is %d and nptr is %p.\n", *nptr, nptr);


     puts("\n**************  parent process ***********\n");


     if (shmdt(nptr) < 0)

         sys_err("Cannot shmdt");


} /* main */





math:/home3/ronn/OS > cc memdemo32.c

math:/home3/ronn/OS > ./a.out


**************  child process ***********


PID is 9109 and ID is 0.

*nptr is 999 and nptr is 0x40018000.


**************  child process ***********



**************  parent process ***********


PID is 9108 and ID is 9109.

*nptr is 999 and nptr is 0x40017000.

*nptr is 444 and nptr is 0x40017000.


**************  parent process ***********


math:/home3/ronn/OS >

**************  child process ***********


PID is 9109 and ID is 0.

*nptr is 444 and nptr is 0x40018000.


**************  child process ***********




/* memdemo4.c - demonstrate shared memory segments - UNIX system V */

/* sperate shmget and shmat  */


#include <stdio.h>


#include <sys/types.h>

#include <sys/ipc.h>

#include <sys/shm.h>



void sys_err(char s[])








void main()


  int id;

  volatile int *nptr;

  int memid;

  struct shmid_ds buff;




  if ( ( id =  fork() ) == 0 )

  {  /* select child process */

     puts("\n**************  child process ***********\n");


     if ( (memid = shmget(4040, sizeof(int), 0666|IPC_CREAT)) < 0)

         sys_err("Cannot shmget");


     if ( (nptr = (int *)shmat(memid,0,0)) == (int *) -1)

           sys_err("Cannot shmat");


     *nptr = 999;


     printf("PID is %d and ID is %d.\n", getpid(), id);

     printf("*nptr is %d and nptr is %p.\n", *nptr, nptr);

     puts("\n**************  child process ***********\n");




     puts("\n**************  child process ***********\n");


     printf("PID is %d and ID is %d.\n", getpid(), id);

     printf("*nptr is %d and nptr is %p.\n", *nptr, nptr);

     puts("\n**************  child process ***********\n");


     if (shmdt(nptr) < 0)

         sys_err("Cannot shmdt");


                           /* Release the shared segment */

     if ( shmctl(memid, IPC_RMID, &buff) < 0 )

        sys_err("Cannot shmctl"); 

                                  /* Note that child terminates last */





/* Parent process only */




     if ( (memid = shmget(4040, sizeof(int), 0666)) < 0)

         sys_err("Cannot shmget");


     if ( (nptr = (int *)shmat(memid,0,0)) == (int *) -1)

           sys_err("Cannot shmat");


     puts("\n**************  parent process ***********\n");

     printf("PID is %d and ID is %d.\n", getpid(), id);

     printf("*nptr is %d and nptr is %p.\n", *nptr, nptr);


     *nptr = 444;

     printf("*nptr is %d and nptr is %p.\n", *nptr, nptr);


     puts("\n**************  parent process ***********\n");


     if (shmdt(nptr) < 0)

         sys_err("Cannot shmdt");








mathcs31:/home4/ronn/OS > cc memdemo4.c

mathcs31:/home4/ronn/OS > a.out


**************  child process ***********


PID is 7942 and ID is 0.

*nptr is 999 and nptr is 10000.


**************  child process ***********



**************  parent process ***********


PID is 8103 and ID is 7942.

*nptr is 999 and nptr is 10000.

*nptr is 444 and nptr is 10000.


**************  parent process ***********


mathcs31:/home4/ronn/OS >

**************  child process ***********


PID is 7942 and ID is 0.

*nptr is 444 and nptr is 10000.


**************  child process ***********


/* memdemo41.c - demonstrate shared memory segments - UNIX system V */

/* sperate shmget and shmat  */


#include <stdio.h>


#include <sys/types.h>

#include <sys/ipc.h>

#include <sys/shm.h>



void sys_err(char s[])







void main()


  int id;

  volatile int *nptr;

  int memid;

  struct shmid_ds buff;




  if ( ( id =  fork() ) == 0 )

  {  /* select child process */

     puts("\n**************  child process ***********\n");


     if ( (memid = shmget(4040, sizeof(int),

                        0666| IPC_CREAT | IPC_EXCL)) < 0)

         sys_err("Cannot shmget");


     if ( (nptr = (int *)shmat(memid,0,0)) == (int *) -1)

           sys_err("Cannot shmat");


     *nptr = 999;


     printf("PID is %d and ID is %d.\n", getpid(), id);

     printf("*nptr is %d and nptr is %p.\n", *nptr, nptr);

     puts("\n**************  child process ***********\n");




     puts("\n**************  child process ***********\n");


     printf("PID is %d and ID is %d.\n", getpid(), id);

     printf("*nptr is %d and nptr is %p.\n", *nptr, nptr);

     puts("\n**************  child process ***********\n");


     if (shmdt(nptr) < 0)

         sys_err("Cannot shmdt");


                           /* Release the shared segment */

     if ( shmctl(memid, IPC_RMID, &buff) < 0 )

        sys_err("Cannot shmctl"); 

                                  /* Note that child terminates last */




  } /* if */


/* Parent process only */




     if ( (memid = shmget(4040, sizeof(int), 0666)) < 0)

         sys_err("Cannot shmget");


     if ( (nptr = (int *)shmat(memid,0,0)) == (int *) -1)

           sys_err("Cannot shmat");


     puts("\n**************  parent process ***********\n");

     printf("PID is %d and ID is %d.\n", getpid(), id);

     printf("*nptr is %d and nptr is %p.\n", *nptr, nptr);


     *nptr = 444;

     printf("*nptr is %d and nptr is %p.\n", *nptr, nptr);


     puts("\n**************  parent process ***********\n");


     if (shmdt(nptr) < 0)

         sys_err("Cannot shmdt");





sci2:/home3/ronn/OS > cc memdemo41.c

sci2:/home3/ronn/OS > ./a.out


**************  child process ***********


PID is 14705 and ID is 0.

*nptr is 999 and nptr is 0xb7f09000.


**************  child process ***********



**************  parent process ***********


PID is 14704 and ID is 14705.

*nptr is 999 and nptr is 0xb7f0a000.

*nptr is 444 and nptr is 0xb7f0a000.


**************  parent process ***********


sci2:/home3/ronn/OS >

**************  child process ***********


PID is 14705 and ID is 0.

*nptr is 444 and nptr is 0xb7f09000.


**************  child process ***********



/* memdemo5a.c - demonstrate shared memory segments - UNIX system V */

/* opposite extreme shmget and shmat before fork - recommended

   whenever possible  */



#include <stdio.h>


#include <sys/types.h>

#include <sys/ipc.h>

#include <sys/shm.h>



void sys_err(char s[])








void main()


  int id;

  volatile int *nptr;

  int memid;

  struct shmid_ds buff;


  if ( (memid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, sizeof(int), 0666)) < 0)

         sys_err("Cannot shmget");


  if ( (nptr = (int *)shmat(memid,0,0)) == (int *) -1)

           sys_err("Cannot shmat");


  if ( ( id =  fork() ) == 0 )

  {  /* select child process */

     puts("\n**************  child process ***********\n");



     *nptr = 999;


     printf("PID is %d and ID is %d.\n", getpid(), id);

     printf("*nptr is %d and nptr is %p.\n", *nptr, nptr);

     puts("\n**************  child process ***********\n");




     puts("\n**************  child process ***********\n");


     printf("PID is %d and ID is %d.\n", getpid(), id);

     printf("*nptr is %d and nptr is %p.\n", *nptr, nptr);

     puts("\n**************  child process ***********\n");


     if (shmdt(nptr) < 0)

         sys_err("Cannot shmdt");


                           /* Release the shared segment */

     if ( shmctl(memid, IPC_RMID, &buff) < 0 )

        sys_err("Cannot shmctl"); 

                                  /* Note that child terminates last */




  } /* main */


/* Parent process only */





     puts("\n**************  parent process ***********\n");

     printf("PID is %d and ID is %d.\n", getpid(), id);

     printf("*nptr is %d and nptr is %p.\n", *nptr, nptr);


     *nptr = 444;

     printf("*nptr is %d and nptr is %p.\n", *nptr, nptr);


     puts("\n**************  parent process ***********\n");


     if (shmdt(nptr) < 0)

         sys_err("Cannot shmdt");







alpha6:/home/ronn/OS > cc memdemo5a.c

alpha6:/home/ronn/OS > a.out


**************  child process ***********


PID is 2572 and ID is 0.

*nptr is 999 and nptr is 10000.


**************  child process ***********



**************  parent process ***********


PID is 2594 and ID is 2572.

*nptr is 999 and nptr is 10000.

*nptr is 444 and nptr is 10000.


**************  parent process ***********


alpha6:/home/ronn/OS >

**************  child process ***********


PID is 2572 and ID is 0.

*nptr is 444 and nptr is 10000.


**************  child process ***********