ãåâîà ùì fork
forkdemo1.c - first use of fork() */
int main()
printf("Before fork:\n");
printf("After fork.\n");
return 0;
/* main */
math:/home3/ronn/OS > cc forkdemo1.c
math:/home3/ronn/OS > ./a.out
Before fork:
After fork.
After fork.
math:/home3/ronn/OS >
forkdemo2.c */
int main()
printf("Before fork: My pid =
%d\n", getpid());
printf("After fork: My pid = %d\n", getpid());
return 0;
/* main */
math:/home3/ronn/OS > cc forkdemo2.c
math:/home3/ronn/OS > ./a.out
Before fork: My pid = 21370
After fork: My pid = 21371
After fork: My pid = 21370
math:/home3/ronn/OS >
/* forkdemo3.c */
int main()
int pid;
pid = getpid();
printf("Before fork: My pid =
%d\n", getpid());
printf("After fork: My pid = %d, pid = %d\n", getpid(),
return 0;
/* main */
math:/home3/ronn/OS > cc forkdemo3.c
math:/home3/ronn/OS > ./a.out
Before fork: My pid = 21458
After fork: My pid = 21459, pid = 21458
After fork: My pid = 21458, pid = 21458
math:/home3/ronn/OS >
/* forkdemo5.c */
int main()
int pid1, pid2;
pid1 = getpid();
printf("Before fork: My pid =
%d\n", getpid());
pid2 = fork();
if ( pid2 != 0)
printf(" I am the parent! getpid() =
%d, pid = %d, id = %d\n",
getpid(), pid1, pid2);
printf(" I am the child! getpid() = %d, pid = %d, id = %d\n",
getpid(), pid1, pid2);
return 0;
/* main */
math:/home3/ronn/OS > cc forkdemo5.c
math:/home3/ronn/OS > ./a.out
Before fork: My pid = 22066
I am the child! getpid() = 22067, pid = 22066, id = 0
I am the parent! getpid() = 22066, pid =
22066, id = 22067
math:/home3/ronn/OS >
úåëðéú ãåâîà
äëåììåú âí àú äô÷åãåú execl,
wait, system
/* date0.c - Use the system command */
void main()
printf("Here comes the date:\n");
printf("That was the date.\n");
mathcs4:/home4/ronn/OS > cc date0.c
mathcs4:/home4/ronn/OS > a.out
Here comes the date:
Mon Dec 23 18:37:46 IST 1996
That was the date.
mathcs4:/home4/ronn/OS >
date1.c - call system date routine using execl */
void main()
printf("Here comes the date:\n");
"date", 0);
fprintf(stderr, "execl failed.\n");
mathcs11:/home4/ronn/OS > cc date1.c
mathcs11:/home4/ronn/OS > a.out
Here comes the date:
Sun Jan
7 17:32:52 WET 1996
mathcs11:/home4/ronn/OS >
date2.c - first use of fork() */
void main()
printf("Here comes the date:\n");
"date", 0);
printf("That was the date.\n");
mathcs11:/home4/ronn/OS > cc date2.c
mathcs11:/home4/ronn/OS > a.out
Here comes the date:
Sun Jan
7 17:33:39 WET 1996
Sun Jan
7 17:33:39 WET 1996
mathcs11:/home4/ronn/OS >
date4.c - Third use of fork() */
void main()
int id;
printf("Here comes the date:\n");
if ( ( id =
fork() ) == 0 )
{ /*
select child process */
printf("PID is %d and ID is
%d.\n", getpid(), id);
/* parent process */
printf("PID is %d and ID is %d.\n",
getpid(), id);
printf("That was the date.\n");
mathcs11:/home4/ronn/OS > cc date4.c
mathcs11:/home4/ronn/OS > a.out
Here comes the date:
PID is 20439 and ID is 0.
PID is 19414 and ID is 20439.
That was the date.
Sun Jan
7 17:52:13 WET 1996
mathcs11:/home4/ronn/OS >
/* date5.c - Use of fork() and wait() */
void main()
int id, wid, status;
printf("Here comes the date:\n");
if ( ( id =
fork() ) == 0 )
{ /*
select child process */
printf("PID is %d and ID is
%d.\n", getpid(), id);
wid = wait(&status);
printf("That was the date.\n");
printf("PID is %d and ID is %d.\n",
getpid(), id);
printf("wid = %d and status =
%d\n", wid, status);
mathcs11:/home4/ronn/OS > cc date5.c
mathcs11:/home4/ronn/OS > a.out
Here comes the date:
PID is 23794 and ID is 0.
Sun Jan
7 17:54:55 WET 1996
That was the date.
PID is 20465 and ID is 23794.
wid = 23794 and status = 0
mathcs11:/home4/ronn/OS >
/* date6.c - Use of fork() and wait() */
void main()
int id, wid, status;
printf("Here comes the date:\n");
switch (
id = fork() )
{ /*
select child process */
case -1:
case 0:
} /* switch */
wid = wait(&status);
printf("That was the date.\n");
/* main */
math2:/usr/users/home7/ronn/OS > cc
math2:/usr/users/home7/ronn/OS > a.out
Here comes the date:
Mon Jan 21 15:51:42 IST 2002
That was the date.
math2:/usr/users/home7/ronn/OS >