NAME mv - rename files SYNOPSIS mv [options] source dest mv [options] source... directory Options: [-bfiuv] [-S backup-suffix] [-V {numbered,existing,sim- ple}] [--backup] [--force] [--interactive] [--update] [--verbose] [--suffix=backup-suffix] [--version-con- trol={numbered,existing,simple}] [--help] [--version] DESCRIPTION This manual page documents the GNU version of mv. If the last argument names an existing directory, mv moves each other given file into a file with the same name in that directory. Otherwise, if only two files are given, it moves the first onto the second. It is an error if the last argument is not a directory and more than two files are given. It can move only regular files across filesys- tems. If a destination file is unwritable, the standard input is a tty, and the -f or --force option is not given, mv prompts the user for whether to overwrite the file. If the response does not begin with `y' or `Y', the file is skipped. OPTIONS -b, --backup Make backups of files that are about to be removed. -f, --force Remove existing destination files and never prompt the user. -i, --interactive Prompt whether to overwrite each destination file that already exists. If the response does not begin with `y' or `Y', the file is skipped. -u, --update Do not move a nondirectory that has an existing destination with the same or newer modification time. -v, --verbose Print the name of each file before moving it. --help Print a usage message on standard output and exit successfully. --version Print version information on standard output then exit successfully. -S, --suffix backup-suffix The suffix used for making simple backup files can be set with the SIMPLE_BACKUP_SUFFIX environment variable, which can be overridden by this option. If neither of those is given, the default is `~', as it is in Emacs. -V, --version-control {numbered,existing,simple} The type of backups made can be set with the VER- SION_CONTROL environment variable, which can be overridden by this option. If VERSION_CONTROL is not set and this option is not given, the default backup type is `existing'. The value of the VER- SION_CONTROL environment variable and the argument to this option are like the GNU Emacs `version-con- trol' variable; they also recognize synonyms that are more descriptive. The valid values are (unique abbreviations are accepted): `t' or `numbered' Always make numbered backups. `nil' or `existing' Make numbered backups of files that already have them, simple backups of the others. `never' or `simple' Always make simple backups.