NAME msgctl - message control operations SYNOPSIS # include # include # include int msgctl ( int msqid, int cmd, struct msqid_ds *buf ) DESCRIPTION The function performs the control operation specified by cmd on the message queue with identifier msqid. Legal values for cmd are: IPC_STAT Copy info from the message queue data struc- ture into the structure pointed to by buf. The user must have read access privileges on the message queue. IPC_SET Write the values of some members of the msqid_ds structure pointed to by buf to the message queue data structure, updating also its msg_ctime member. Considered members from the user supplied struct msqid_ds pointed to by buf are msg_perm.uid msg_perm.gid msg_perm.mode /* only lowest 9-bits */ msg_qbytes The calling process effective user-ID must be one among super-user, creator or owner of the message queue. Only the super-user can raise the msg_qbytes value beyond the system parame- ter MSGMNB. IPC_RMID Remove immediately the message queue and its data structures awakening all waiting reader and writer processes (with an error return and errno set to EIDRM). The calling process effective user-ID must be one among super-user, creator or owner of the message queue. RETURN VALUE If successful, the return value will be 0, otherwise -1 with errno indicating the error. ERRORS For a failing return, errno will be set to one among the following values: EACCESS The argument cmd is equal to IPC_STAT but the calling process has no read access permissions on the message queue msqid. EFAULT The argument cmd has value IPC_SET or IPC_STAT but the address pointed to by buf isn't acces- sible. EIDRM The message queue was removed. EINVAL Invalid value for cmd or msqid. EPERM The argument cmd has value IPC_SET or IPC_RMID but the calling process effective user-ID has insufficient privileges to execute the command. Note this is also the case of a non super-user process trying to increase the msg_qbytes value beyond the value specified by the system param- eter MSGMNB. NOTES The IPC_INFO, MSG_STAT and MSG_INFO control calls are used by the ipcs(1) program to provide information on allocated resources. In the future these can be modified as needed or moved to a proc file system interface. SEE ALSO ipc(5), msgget(2), msgsnd(2), msgrcv(2).