# | Title/References | Co-authors |
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Homotopical recognition of diagram categories
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D White |
21. |
Admissible replacements for simplicial monoidal model categories
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H Ö Bayindir |
20. |
Truncated derived functors and spectral sequences.
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D Blanc
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19. | Representability theorems, up to homotopy
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D Blanc |
18. |
A variant of a Dwyer-Kan theorem for model categories
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D White |
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A classification of small linear functors
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16. | Homotopy theory of relative simplicial presheaves
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15. | A classification of small homotopy functors
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14. | Duality and small functors Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 15 (5), 2609 − 2657, 2015 |
G Biedermann |
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J Scherer |
12. | Class-combinatorial model categories Homology, Homotopy and Applications, 14(1), 263 − 280, 2012 |
J Rosický |
11. | Class-locally presentable and class-accessible categories Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 216(10), 2113 − 2125, 2012 |
J Rosický |
10. | Brown representability for space-valued functors Israel Journal of Mathematics, 194(2), 767 − 791, 2013 |
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WG Dwyer |
8. | Abstract cellularization as a cellularization with respect to a set of objects In Davydov et al., editors, Street Festschrift. Proceedings of the conference on Categories in Algebra, Geometry and Mathematical Physics, vol. 431 of Contemporary Mathematics, pages 165 − 170, AMS, Providence, Rhode Island, 2007 |
7. | Calculus of functors and model categories Adv in Math 214(1), pages 92 − 115, 2007 |
G Biedermann O Röndigs |
6. | The orthogonal subcategory problem in homotopy theory In D. Arlettaz and K. Hess, editors, An Alpine Anthology of Homotopy Theory. Proceedings of the Second Arolla conference on Algebraic Topology, vol. 399 of Contemporary Mathematics, pages 41 − 53, AMS, Providence, Rhode Island, 2006 |
C Casacuberta |
5. | A generalization of Quillen's small object argument Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 204, 568 − 583, 2006 |
4. | Localization with respect to a class of maps. II. Equivariant cellularization and its application Israel Journal of Math 147, 141 − 155, 2005 |
3. | Localization with respect to a class of maps. I. Equivariant localization of diagrams of spaces Israel Journal of Math 147, 99 − 140, 2005 |
2. | Equivariant cellular homology and its applications High-dimensional manifold topology, 125 − 138, World Sci. Publishing, River Edge, NJ, 2003 |
1. | The model category of maps of spaces is not cofibrantly generated Proc Amer Math Soc 131(7), 2255 − 2259, 2003 |
Last update: December 31, 2024