Part 4. Surfaces with MAPLE
Chapter 19. Surfaces in Space
Rovenski Vladimir, Haifa
> restart:
19.2 Regular Parametrized Surface
Exercise s.
1. Prove that the vector-valued function
is the
-regular parametrization of the paraboloid
What are the coordinate curves of these parametrizations? Solution . (a) First check the regularity condition (b)
> r:=[u+v, u-v, u^2+v^2]:
> ru:=diff(r,u): rv:=diff(r,v): linalg[crossprod](ru,rv); # we obtain a nonzero vector.
Then substitute the vector-valued function in the explicit equation:
> r1:=simplify(subs({x=u+v, y=u-v, z=u^2+v^2},z-(x^2+y^2)/2));
2. Find which of the following surfaces are compact, and plot them using the command implicitplot3d
(see Section 19.3.2) (a) x^2-y^4+z^6= 1, (b) x^2-2x+y^2+z^4= 1, (c) x^2+y^2z^2= 1, (d) x^2+y^4+z^6= 1.
> plots[implicitplot3d](x^2+y^4+z^6=1, x=-2..2, y=-2..2, z=-2..2, axes=boxed); # etc.
19.3 Methods of Generating Surfaces
19.3.2 Methods of Generating Surfaces
The coordinate systems
> plots[coordplot3d](cylindrical, style=`PATCH`);
> plots[coordplot3d](spherical, style=`PATCH`); # etc.
Plot graphs of functions in two variables using the command plot3d .
> plot3d(sin(x)*cos(y), x=-Pi..Pi, y=-Pi..Pi, axes=boxed);
> plot3d(x^2+y^2, x=-3..3, y=-sqrt(9-x^2)..sqrt(9-x^2), axes=boxed);
> plot3d(x^2-y^2, x=-3..3, y=-3..3, axes=boxed);
Plot level curves of these functions using the command contourplot
> plots[contourplot](x^2+y^2, x=-3..3, y=-3..3);
> plots[contourplot](sin(x)*cos(y), x=-Pi..Pi, y=-Pi..Pi);
> plots[contourplot](x^2-y^2, x=-3..3, y=-3..3);
An implicitly given surface can be visualized using the command implicitplot3d , but this method is coarse,
as can be seen from the example of the cone x^2+y^2-z^2= 0.
> plots[implicitplot3d](x^2+y^2-z^2=0, x=-3..3, y=-3..3,z=-5..5, style=patchcontour, orientation=[40,80], axes=boxed);
Starting with parametric equations, we plot both (up and down) sheets of a cone using plot3d and display3d .
> r:=[u*cos(v), u*sin(v), u]:
> P1:=plot3d(r, u=0..3, v=0..2*Pi, axes=framed): %;
> P2:=plot3d(r, u=-3..0, v=0..2*Pi, axes=framed): %;
> plots[display3d]({P1, P2}, style=patchcontour, orientation=[45,75], axes=framed);
Plot the hyperboloid of one sheet using the above program with
> S := signum(u)*sqrt(u^2+1): r := [S*cos(v), S*sin(v), u]:
> P1:=plot3d(r, u=0..3, v=0..2*Pi): P2:=plot3d(r, u=-3..0, v=0..2*Pi): plots[display3d]({P1, P2}, style=patchcontour, orientation=[45,75], axes=framed);
Plot graphs for complex expressions using the command complexplot3d
> plots[complexplot3d](GAMMA(z), z= -Pi-Pi*I..Pi+Pi*I,view=0..5, grid=[30,30], orientation=[-120,45],axes=frame, style=patchcontour, thickness=2);
Example 1
. For the function
the gradient nabla F=
is zero only at the point O(0,0,0),
> linalg[grad](x^2+y^2+z^2, [x,y,z]);
The function wind chill factor }
> restart: with(plots):
Warning, existing definition for changecoords has been overwritten
L := [[[5,35,32],[10,35,22],[15,35,16],[20,35,12],[25,35,8],
[15,30,9],[20,30,4],[25,30,1],[30,30,-2],[35,30,-4],[40,30,-5], [45,30,-6]],
[[5,25,22],[10,25,10], [15,25,2], [20,25,-3],[25,25,-7],[30,25,-10],
[[5,15,11],[10,15,-3],[15,15,-11], [20,15,-17],[25,15,-22],[30,15,-25],
[25,0,-44],[30,0,-49],[35,0,-52],[40,0,-53] ,[45,0,-54]],[[5,-5,-10],
[10,-5,-27],[15,-5,-38],[20,-5,-46],[25,-5,-51], [30,-5,-56],[35,-5,-58],
[40,-5,-60], [45,-5,-62]],[[5,-10,-15],[10,-10,-34],[15,-10,-45],[20,-10,-53],
> P1:=surfdata(L): P2:=plot3d(-20, x=5..45, y=-10..35):
> display3d({P1,P2} ,style=PATCHCONTOUR,labels=[W,T,WC], axes=boxed);
The commands listplot3d and matrixplot
> listplot3d([seq([seq(sin((i-15)*(j-10)/Pi/20), i=1..30)], j=1..20)], axes=framed);
> with(linalg): A:=hilbert(6): B:=toeplitz([1,2,3,-3,-2,-1]):
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> matrixplot(A+B, heights=histogram, gap=0.25, style=patch,axes=framed);
19.4 Tangent Planes and Normal Vectors
19.4.1 Main Equations and Properties
Plot the tangent plane to the surface graph using the following program:
> f:=x^2+y^2: # use any function f(x,y)
> fx:=diff(f,x); fy:=diff(f,y);
> TM:=f+fx*(u-x)+fy*(v-y); # any tangent plane
> TMP:=subs({x=1, y=2}, TM); # tangent plane at P
> p1:=plot3d(f, x=-sqrt(16-y^2)..sqrt(16-y^2), y=-4..4): p2:=plot3d(TMP, u=-1..4, v=-1..3,color=green):
> plots[display3d]({p1, p2}, axes=framed);
5. Prove that the tangent planes of the surface xyz=
form tetrahedra of constant volume
with the three coordinate planes.
Solution . Denote by TM the tangent plane at the point (x,y,z) on the surface.
be the segments of the intersection of TM with the coordinate axes:
> F:=x*y*z-a^3; gr:=linalg[grad](F, [x,y,z]);
> TM:=linalg[dotprod](gr, [xx-x, yy-y, zz-z], 'orthogonal');
> x1:=solve(subs({yy=0, zz=0}, TM), xx);
> y1:=solve(subs({xx=0, zz=0} ,TM), yy);
> z1:=solve(subs({yy=0, xx=0}, TM), zz);
> V:=subs(z=a^3/(x*y), x1*y1*z1);
The volume V= 27
does not depend on the point on the surface.
19.4.2 Extrema of Functions Defined on Surfaces
Problem 1.
Find the local extrema of the function
Solution . First plot the graph and the chart of level curves of f:
> f:=(x,y) -> 3*x^2*y-x^3-y^4;
> plot3d(f(x,y), x=-6..10, y=-4..5, axes=framed);
> plots[contourplot](f(x,y), x=-6..10, y=-4..5, contours=35);
Then calculate the partial derivatives f'_x, f'_y
> fx:=diff(f(x,y), x); fy:=diff(f(x,y), y);
and finally solve the system f'_x= 0, f'_y= 0
> sol:=solve({fx=0, fy=0}, {x, y});
Two points are possible extrema: P_1(0,0) and P_2(6,3).
Calculate second partial derivatives of the given function and the term D
> fxx:=diff(fx, x); fxy:=diff(fx, y); fyy:=diff(fy, y); Delta:=fxx*fyy-fxy^2;
At the point P_1 we have
> subs({x=0, y=0}, [fxx, fxy, fyy, Delta]);
Since a_{11}=0, a_{12}=0, a_{22}=0 hold, then D=0 and the point P_1 requires additional investigation.
Problem 2 . Find the dimensions of the cuboid of largest volume that can be fitted inside the ellipsoid
assuming that each edge is parallel to a coordinate axis.
Solution .
> restart: with(linalg): V:=8*x*y*z: F:=x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2+z^2/c^2:
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> GradV:=grad(V, [x,y,z]); GradF:=grad(F, [x,y,z]);
> sol:=solve({F=1, seq(GradV[i]=lambda*GradF[i], i=1..3)}, {x,y,z,lambda});
> allvalues(RootOf(3*_Z^2-1));
> x0:=allvalues(RootOf(3*_Z^2- 1))[1]*a; y0:=allvalues(RootOf(3*_Z^2-1))[1]*b; z0:=allvalues(RootOf(3*_Z^2- 1))[1]*c;
> V0:=subs({x=x0, y=y0, z=z0}, V); subs({x=x0, y=y0, z=z0}, F);
: The maximal cuboid has edges x_0= y_0= z_0= 1/
and the volume V_0= 8
/9 abc.
Exercises .
1. Find local extrema of the function
Solution .
> f:=(x,y) -> x^3/3+9*y^3-4*x*y;
> plot3d(f(x,y), x=-1..2, y=-0.5..1, axes=boxed);
> plots[contourplot](f(x,y), x=-1..2, y=-0.5..1, contours=35);
> fx:=diff(f(x,y), x); fy:=diff(f(x,y), y);
> sol:=solve({fx=0, fy=0}, {x, y});
> fxx:=diff(fx,x); fyy:=diff(fy,y); fxy:=diff(fx,y); Delta:=fxx*fyy-fxy^2;
> subs(sol[1], [fxx,Delta,f(x,y)]);
> subs(sol[2], [fxx,Delta,f(x,y)]);
Conclusion : The function has the minimum f_{min= -{64}/{81} at P_1(4/3, 4/9); the point P_2(0,0) is a saddle.
19.5 Osculating Paraboloid and Type of a Smooth Point
19.5.1 Properties of the Osculating Paraboloid
Find k_1 and k_2 as roots of the characteristic polynomial:
> sol:=solve((a11-t)*(a22-t)-a12*a12, t):
> k1:=sol[1]; k2:=sol[2];
The first three cases are general. In the last two cases F is a paraboloid of revolution or a plane.
Plot examples of surfaces with P=O of the above types:
> plot3d(x^2+9*y^2, x=-.1...1, y=-.1...1, axes=boxed);
> plot3d(x^2-y^2, x=-1..1, y=-1..1, axes=boxed);
> plot3d(-x^2+y^7, x=-1..1, y=-1..1, axes=boxed);
> plot3d(x^2+y^2, x=-1..1, y=-1..1, axes=boxed);
> plot3d(-x^7-y^6, x=-1..1, y=-1..1, axes=boxed);
19.5.2 Program for Plotting an Osculating Paraboloid
(1) Parallel translation along the vector PO congruently moves the surface M and the paraboloid S into a surface
M_1; with osculating paraboloid S_1 at the origin.
> restart: with(linalg): f:=a*x^2+b*y^2; a:=1; b:=2; # assume(a>0,b>0):
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> x0:=1: y0:=0: z0:=subs({x=x0, y=y0}, f); f1:=simplify(subs({x=x+x0, y=y+y0}, f)-z0); # point on the surface
> n:=[subs({x=0, y=0}, -diff(f1, x)), subs({x=0, y=0}, -diff(f1,y)), 1]; # normal vector
> d1:=sqrt(n[2]^2+n[3]^2); d:=sqrt(n[1]^2+n[2]^2+n[3]^2);
> Rx:= matrix([[1,0,0], [0,n[3]/d1, n[2]/d1], [0,-n[2]/d1, n[3]/d1]]);
> Ry:=matrix([[d1/d,0,n[1]/d], [0,1,0], [-n[1]/d,0,d1/d]]);
> R:=multiply(Rx, Ry); n3:=multiply(n, R); # checking n_3 || OZ
> coor:=multiply([x1, y1, z1], transpose(R));
> g:=collect(coor[3]-(subs({x=coor[1], y=coor[2]}, f1)), [x1,y1,z1]); subs({x1=0, y1=0, z1=0}, grad(g, [x1,y1,z1])); # new equation # checking n_3 || OZ
> # readlib(coeftayl): readlib(mtaylor):
> mtaylor(g, [x1=0, y1=0, z1=0], 3);
> gz:= coeftayl(g, [x1,y1,z1]=[0,0,0], [0,0,1]); gxx:=coeftayl(g, [x1,y1,z1]=[0,0,0], [2,0,0]); gyy:=coeftayl(g, [x1,y1,z1]=[0,0,0], [0,2,0]); gxy:=coeftayl(g, [x1,y1,z1]=[0,0,0], [1,1,0]);
> a11:=evalf(-gxx/(2*gz)); a12:=evalf(-gxy/(2*gz)); a22:=evalf(-gyy/(2*gz));
The equation (19.7) of S_3
> S3:=a11*x1^2+2*a12*x1*y1+a22*y1^2;
Coefficients k_1 and k_2
> sol:=solve((a11-t)*(a22-t)-a12*a12,t): k1:=sol[1]; k2:=sol[2];
> Scan:=k1*x^2+k2*y^2; # canonical equation of S
Plot M_3 and S_3 (in new coordinates),
> plots[implicitplot3d]({g=0, S3=z1}, x1=-2..1.4, y1=-1..1, z1=-0.2..1, axes=boxed, grid=[20,20,20]);
> co1:=multiply([x,y,z], R);
> S1:=simplify(subs({x1=co1[1], y1=co1[2], z1=co1[3]}, z1-S3));
Plot M_1 and S_1 (in old coordinates),
> plots[implicitplot3d]({z=f1, S1=0}, x=-2..1, y=-1..1, z=-1..2, axes=boxed, grid=[20,20,20]);
> S:=simplify(subs({x=x-x0, y=y-y0, z=z-z0}, S1+z0));
19.6 Singular Points on Surfaces
Example 1
. The surface
> restart: r:=[u^2, u*v, v^2]; ru:=diff(r,u); rv:=diff(r,v);
> with(linalg): subs({u=0, v=0}, crossprod(ru, rv));
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> ruu:=diff(r, u$2); ruv:=diff(r,u,v); rvv:=diff(r, v$2); det([ruu, ruv, rvv]);
> r:=[u*v, u, v^2]; ru:=diff(r,u); rv:=diff(r,v); rvv:=diff(r,v$2);
> subs({u=0, v=0}, crossprod(ru, rvv));
Example 5
. The surface
. We plot it by gluing together six pieces (graphs):
> p11:=plot3d(sqrt(y^3-x^2*y), x=0..2, y=-x..0): p12:=plot3d(-sqrt(y^3-x^2*y), x=0..2, y=-x..0): p21:=plot3d(sqrt(y^3-x^2*y), x=-2..0, y=x..0): p22:=plot3d(-sqrt(y^3-x^2*y),x=-2..0, y=x..0): p31:=plot3d(sqrt(y^3-x^2*y), x=-2..2, y=abs(x)..2): p32:=plot3d(-sqrt(y^3-x^2*y), x=-2..2, y=abs(x)..2):
> plots[display]({p11, p12, p21, p22, p31, p32}, axes=boxed);
Exercises .
1. Prove that the surface
, is a singular point:
> plot3d([rho*cos(phi), rho*sin(phi), rho^(2/3)], rho=0..1, phi=-Pi..Pi, grid=[15,30], axes=boxed);
Solution :
> r:=[u, v, root(u^2+v^2, 3)]; ru:=diff(r,u); rv:=diff(r,v);
> crossprod(ru,rv): n1:=evalm(%/norm(%, 2)):
> [limit(limit(n1[1], u=0), v=0), limit(limit(n1[2],u=0),v=0), limit(limit(n1[3],u=0),v=0)];
2. Prove that points on the cylindrical surface
that lie on the axis OZ (u= 0) form the
cuspidal edge
> plot3d([u^2, u^3, v], u=-1..1, v=0..2, grid=[25,15],axes=framed);
3. Prove that O(0,0) is a singular point of the surface:
> plot3d([rho^2*cos(2*phi), rho^2*sin(2*phi), (rho*sin(phi))^5],rho=0..1, phi=-Pi..Pi, grid=[15,30],axes=boxed,grid=[35,35]);