Chapter 13. Fractal Curves and Dimension

Rovenski Vladimir, Haifa

> restart:

13.1 Sierpinski's Curves

Example 1 . A simple program for plotting with recursion.

> tree := proc(L::algebraic,lev::integer,x0::algebraic, y0::algebraic) local i; global s,p; options remember; s:=s+1; p[s]:=plot([[x0-L,y0+L],[x0,y0],[x0+L,y0+L]]); if lev > 1 then tree(L/2,lev-1,x0-L,y0+L);tree(L/2,lev-1,x0+L,y0+L) fi; RETURN(plots[display]([seq(p[i], i=1..2^lev-1)],scaling=constrained)) end:

> s:=0: tree(100, 3, 0, 0);

[Maple Plot]


Replace the angle by a more complicated object

> # p[s]:=plot([x0+L*sqrt(2)*sin(2*t)*cos(t), y0+L*sqrt(2)*sin(2*t)*sin(t), t=-Pi/2..Pi/2], color=green, style=point):

> cactus := proc(L::algebraic,lev::integer,x0::algebraic, y0::algebraic) local i; global s,p; options remember; s:=s+1; p[s]:=plot([x0+L*sqrt(2)*sin(2*t)*cos(t), y0+L*sqrt(2)*sin(2*t)*sin(t), t=-Pi/2..Pi/2], color=green, style=point,symbol=diamond): if lev > 1 then cactus(L/2,lev-1,x0-L,y0+L); cactus(L/2,lev-1,x0+L,y0+L) fi; RETURN(plots[display]([seq(p[i], i=1..2^lev-1)],scaling=constrained)) end:

> s:=0: cactus(100, 3, 0, 0);

[Maple Plot]

Problem 1 .

> serp1:= proc(L::algebraic, lev::integer,x0::algebraic,y0::algebraic) global p,s; options remember; if s=0 then p[0]:=plots[polygonplot]([[x0,y0],[x0+2*L ,y0],[x0,y0+2*L]], style=line) fi; s:=s+1; p[s]:=plots[polygonplot]([[x0,y0+L], [x0+L,y0+L],[x0+L,y0]], color=green); if lev>1 then serp1(L/2,lev-1,x0,y0);serp1(L/2,lev-1,x0+L,y0); serp1(L/2,lev-1,x0,y0+L) fi; RETURN(plots[display]([seq(p[i],i=0..(3^lev-1)/2)],scaling=constrained)) end:

> s:=0: serp1(100, 4, 0, 0);

[Maple Plot]


Problem 2 .

> serp2 := proc(a::algebraic,lev::integer,x0::algebraic,y0::algebraic) local i,j; global s,p; options remember; if s=0 then p[0]:=plots[polygonplot]([[x0,y0], [x0,y0+a], [x0+a,y0+a], [x0+a,y0]], style=line) fi; s:=s+1; p[s]:=plots[polygonplot]([[x0+a/3, y0+a/3], [x0+a/3, y0+2*a/3], [x0+2*a/3, y0+2*a/3], [x0+2*a/3, y0+a/3]],color=green); if lev > 1 then for i from 0 to 2 do for j from 0 to 2 do if abs(i-1)+abs(j-1) > 0 then serp2(a/3,lev-1, x0+i*a/3, y0+j*a/3) fi od od fi; RETURN(plots[display]([seq(p[i], i=0..(8^lev-1)/7)], axes=none,scaling=constrained)) end:

> s:=0: serp2(100, 3, 0, 0);

[Maple Plot]


13.2 Peano Curves

Problem 1 .


> restart:

> peano1 := proc(L::algebraic, lev::integer) local A,s,p,i; global Q; Q:=plots[polygonplot]([[L,L/2],[L/2,L],[L,3*L/2], [3*L/2,L]]); s:=1; while s <= lev do A:=L/2^(s-1); p[4]:=plot([[A/2,0], [A/2,A/4]]); p[5]:=plot([[0, A/2], [A/4, A/2]]); p[6]:=plot([[A/2,A/4],[A/4,A/2]], color=white,scaling=constrained); p[0]:=plots[display]([p[6],plottools[scale](Q,1/2,1/2), p[4], p[5]]); for i from 1 to 3 do p[i]:=plottools[rotate](p[0], i*Pi/2) od; Q:=plottools[translate](plots[display]([seq(p[i], i=0..3)]),L,L); s:=s+1 od; RETURN(Q) end:

> peano1(10, 4);

[Maple Plot]


(b) We plot the triangular Peano curve by the program peano2(L,lev) .

> peano2 := proc(L, k::algebraic, lev::integer) local f,s,p; global Q; p[0]:=plot([[-L*k/2,0], [-L*k/2,L/2], [L*k/2,L/2], [L*k/2,0]], thickness=1); p[1]:=plots[polygonplot]([[-L,0],[0,L],[L,0]], linestyle=2); Q:=plots[display]([p[0],p[1]]); f:=plottools[transform]((x,y) -> [-x,y]); s:=2; while s < lev+2 do if (s mod 2=0) then p[0]:=plot([[L*(1-(2-k)/2^(s/2)),L/2^(s/2)],[L*(1-(3-k)/2^(s/2+1)),L*(3-k)/2^(s/2+1)]],thickness=1); p[1]:=plot([[L*(1-(2-k)/2^(s/2)),L/2^(s/2)],[L*(1-(2-k)/2^(s/2)),0]],thickness=1,color=white); Q:=plots[display]([p[1],Q,p[0]]) fi; p[2]:=plottools[scale](plottools[rotate](plottools[translate](Q,0,-L),3*Pi/4),1/sqrt(2),1/sqrt(2)); Q:=plots[display]([p[2],f(p[2])],scaling=constrained); s:=s+1 od; RETURN(Q) end: # 0<k<1 defines smoothness of curve.

> peano2(10, 0.7, 6);

[Maple Plot]

(c) Recursion can be used for plotting the image known as the Hilbert's curve.

> peano3 := proc(a,b,c,dab::array,dac::array, lev::integer) local d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,m,p; global Q; options remember; d[1]:=(a[1]+c[1]-dac[1])/2; d[2]:=(a[2]+c[2]-dac[2])/2; f[1]:=d[1]+dac[1]; f[2]:=d[2]+dac[2]; i[1]:=f[1]+b[1]-a[1]; i[2]:=f[2]+b[2]-a[2]; e[1]:=(a[1]+b[1]-dab[1])/2; e[2]:=(a[2]+b[2]-dab[2])/2; g[1]:=f[1]+e[1]-a[1]; g[2]:=f[2]+e[2]-a[2]; h[1]:=g[1]+dab[1]; h[2]:=g[2]+dab[2]; j[1]:=c[1]+h[1]-f[1]; j[2]:=c[2]+h[2]-f[2]; k[1]:=i[1]-dac[1]; k[2]:=i[2]-dac[2]; m[1]:=e[1]+dab[1]; m[2]:=e[2]+dab[2]; p[1]:=plot([[a[1],a[2]],[f[1],f[2]],[i[1],i[2]],[b[1],b[2]]]); p[2]:=plot([[a[1],a[2]],[b[1],b[2]]],color=white); Q:=plots[display]([p[2],p[1],Q],scaling=constrained); if lev > 0 then peano3(a,d,e,dac,dab,lev-1); peano3(f,g,c,dab,dac,lev-1); peano3(h,i,j,dab,dac,lev-1); dab[1]:=-dab[1]; dab[2]:=-dab[2]; peano3(b,k,m,dac,dab,lev-1); dab[1]:=-dab[1]; dab[2]:=-dab[2] fi; RETURN(Q) end:

> a:=[1,1]: b:=[4,1]: c:=[1,4]: m:=3: N:=2^(m+1)-1: dac:=evalm((c-a)/N): dab:=evalm((b-a)/N): Q:=plot([[a[1], a[2]], [b[1], b[2]]], color=white, thickness=2):

> peano3(a, b, c, dab, dac, m);

[Maple Plot]


> with(plottools): a:=[0,0]: b:=[0,3]: c:=[-3,0]: Q:=plot([[a[1],a[2]],[b[1],b[2]]], color=white):

> m:=3: N:=2^(m+1)-1: dac:=evalm((c-a)/N): dab:=evalm((b-a)/N):

> q[1]:=peano3(a,b,c,dab,dac,m): q[2]:=scale(rotate(translate(q[1],0,-3),Pi/2),4/3,4/3): q[3]:=translate(scale(rotate(q[1], Pi+arcsin(4/5)),5/3,5/3),0,3): plots[display]([q[1], q[2], q[3]],axes=none);

[Maple Plot]


13.3 Koch Curves

> restart:

> triad1 := proc(L::algebraic, lev::integer, x0::algebraic,y0::algebraic) global p,s; options remember; s:=s+1; p[s]:=plots[polygonplot]([[x0,y0], [x0,y0+L], [x0+L,y0+L], [x0+L,y0]], color=green); if lev>1 then triad1(L/3, lev-1, x0+L/3, y0-L/3); triad1(L/3,lev-1,x0-L/3,y0+L/3);triad1(L/3, lev-1, x0+L/3, y0+L); triad1(L/3, lev-1, x0+L, y0+L/3) fi; RETURN(plots[display]([seq(p[i], i=1..(4^lev-1)/3)])) end:

> s:=0: triad1(100, 3, 0, 0);

[Maple Plot]


> triad2 := proc(a,b, lev::integer) local s,c,d,e,f; global p,Q; options remember; s:=.33; c[1]:=a[1]+(b[1]-a[1])*s; c[2]:=a[2]+(b[2]-a[2])*s; f[1]:=a[1]+(b[1]-a[1])*(1-s); f[2]:=a[2]+(b[2]-a[2])*(1-s); d[1]:=c[1]-(f[2]-c[2]); d[2]:=c[2]+(f[1]-c[1]);e[1]:=d[1]+f[1]-c[1]; e[2]:=d[2]+f[2]-c[2];p[1]:=plot([[c[1],c[2]],[d[1],d[2]],[e[1],e[2]],[f[1],f[2]]]); p[2]:=plot([[c[1],c[2]],[f[1],f[2]]], color=white); Q:=plots[display]([p[2],Q,p[1]], scaling=constrained);if lev>1 then triad2(c,d,lev-1); triad2(d,e,lev-1); triad2(e,f,lev-1) fi; RETURN(Q) end: # 0<s<0.5

> a:=[1,1]: b:=[4,1]: Q:=plot([[a[1],a[2]], [b[1],b[2]]]):

> triad2(a, b, 4);

[Maple Plot]

> with(plottools): setoptions(scaling=constrained, axes=none):

> f:= transform((x,y)->[-x,y]): q||1:=translate(Q,-a[1],-a[2]): q||2:=rotate(f(q||1), Pi/2): q||3:=translate(rotate(q||1, -Pi/2), b[1]-a[1], 0): q||4:=translate(rotate(q||1, Pi), b[1]-a[1], a[1]-b[1]): plots[display]([seq(q||i, i=1..4)],axes=framed);

[Maple Plot]


> triad3 := proc(a,b,lev::integer) local s,k,c,d,f,p; global Q; options remember; s:=0.4; k:=2;c[1]:=a[1]+(b[1]-a[1])*s; c[2]:=a[2]+(b[2]-a[2])*s; f[1]:=a[1]+(b[1]-a[1])*(1-s); f[2]:=a[2]+(b[2]-a[2])*(1-s); d[1]:=(a[1]+b[1])/2-k*(f[2]-c[2]); d[2]:=(a[2]+b[2])/2+k*(f[1]-c[1]); p[1]:=plot([[c[1],c[2]],[d[1],d[2]],[f[1],f[2]]]); p[2]:=plot([[c[1],c[2]],[f[1],f[2]]], color=white); Q:=plots[display]([p[2],Q,p[1]], scaling=constrained); if lev>1 then triad3(a,c,lev-1); triad3(c,d,lev-1); triad3(d,f,lev-1); triad3(f,b,lev-1) fi; RETURN(Q) end:

> a:=[1,1]: b:=[4,1]: Q:=plot([[a[1],a[2]],[b[1],b[2]]]):

> triad3(a,b,4);

[Maple Plot]

> setoptions(scaling=constrained, axes=none):

> f:=transform((x,y)->[-x,y]): q||1:=translate(Q,-a[1],-a[2]): q||2:=rotate(f(q||1), 2*Pi/3): q||3:=translate(rotate(q||1,-2*Pi/3), b[1]-a[1],0): plots[display]([seq(q||i, i=1..3)], axes=none);

[Maple Plot]


Exercise . Modify programs 13.3.1 and 13.3.2 for getting Koch curves which are inside the triangle and the square.

For obtaining Koch similar curves replace the equilateral triangle in the original

Koch curve by an isosceles triangle or try to find your own "generators".

13.4 Dragon Curve (or Polygon)

> restart: with(plottools): setoptions(scaling=constrained,axes=none):


> dragon1 := proc(m::integer, k::algebraic) local b,i; global c,p; p[1]:=plot([[0,0],[1-k,0],[1,k],[1,1]]); c[1]:=circle([1,0],0.04); for i from 1 to m-1 do b:=[2^(i/2)*cos(i*Pi/4),2^(i/2)*sin(i*Pi/4)]; c[i+1]:=circle(b,0.05); p[i+1]:=plots[display]([plot([[b[1],b[2]-k],[b[1],b[2]],[b[1]-k,b[2]]], color=white), p[i],plot([[b[1],b[2]-k],[b[1]-k,b[2]]]),translate(rotate(translate(p[i],-b[1],-b[2]),-Pi/2),b[1],b[2])]) od; RETURN(plots[display]([p[m], seq(c[i], i=1..m)],axes=framed,scaling=constrained)) end:

> dragon1(10, 1/4);

[Maple Plot]

> plots[display]([p[7], rotate(p[7],Pi/2), rotate(p[7], -Pi/2), rotate(p[7],Pi)],scaling=constrained,axes=framed);

[Maple Plot]


> dragon2 := proc(k::algebraic, N::integer) local t,i,q1,q2,q3,q4,delta; global p; q2:=[k,0]; q3:=[1-k,0]; delta:=evalm(q3-q2); p[0]:=plot([[q2[1],q2[2]], [q3[1],q3[2]]]); for i from 1 to N do if (i mod 2=0) then t[i]:=t[i/2] else t[i]:=(i mod 4)-2 fi; q4:=evalm(q3+k/(1-2*k)*delta); delta:=evalm(t[i]*[delta[2],-delta[1]]); q1:=evalm(q3); q2:=evalm(q4+k/(1-2*k)*delta); q3:=evalm(q2+delta); p[i]:=plot([[q1[1],q1[2]], [q2[1],q2[2]], [q3[1],q3[2]]]) od; RETURN(plots[display]([seq(p[i], i=0..N)])) end:

> dragon2(0.2, 128);

[Maple Plot]


13.5 Menger Curve

Plot the figure based on the cube of zero rank hexahedron([x0,y0,z0], a0) .

> restart: with(plots): with(plottools): x0:=1: y0:=2: z0:=3: a0:=.8:

Warning, existing definition for changecoords has been overwritten

> display(cutout(hexahedron([x0, y0, z0], a0), 1/3));

[Maple Plot]

Elements of [Maple Math] and [Maple Math] can be obtained as follows:

> N2:={$3..421} minus {seq(21*i+2, i=1..20)}: nops(N2); N3:={$3..8842} minus ({seq(421*j+2, j=0..20)} union {seq(seq(421*j+21*i+3, i=1..20), j=0..20)}): nops(N3);

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]


> menger1 := proc(L::algebraic, lev::integer, x0,y0,z0) local i,j,k,f; global p,s; options remember; s:=s+1;f:=0.4; p[s]:=cutout(hexahedron([x0,y0,z0],L),f); if s=2 then p[1]:=p[2] fi; if lev > 1 then for i from -1 to 1 do for j from -1 to 1 do for k from -1 to 1 do if (k=0 and abs(i)+abs(j)>1) or (k<>0 and abs(i)+abs(j)>0) then menger1(L/3,lev-1, x0+2*i*L/3, y0+2*j*L/3, z0+2*k*L/3) fi od od od fi; RETURN(plots[display]([seq(p[i], i=1..(20^lev-1)/19)],orientation=[43,60],scaling=constrained)) end:

> s:=0: menger1(100, 2, 0, 0, 0);

[Maple Plot]


> menger2 := proc(L::algebraic, lev::integer, x0, y0, z0) local i,j,k; global p,s; options remember; if s=0 then p[0]:=hexahedron([x0,y0,z0],L,style=line) fi; for i from -1 to 1 do for j from -1 to 1 do for k from -1 to 1 do if abs(i)+abs(j)+abs(k)=1 then s:=s+1; p[s]:=hexahedron([x0+2*i*L/3, y0+2*j*L/3, z0+2*k*L/3], L/3) fi od od od; if lev > 1 then for i from -1 to 1 do for j from -1 to 1 do for k from -1 to 1 do if abs(i)+abs(j)+abs(k)>1 then menger2(L/3,lev-1,x0+2*i*L/3, y0+2*j*L/3, z0+2*k*L/3) fi od od od fi; RETURN(plots[display]([seq(p[i], i=0..6*(20^lev-1)/19)],scaling=constrained)) end:

> s:=0: menger2(100, 3, 0, 0, 0);

[Maple Plot]
