Chapter 6. Curves in Polar Coordinates

Rovenski Vladimir, Haifa

> restart:

6.1 Basic Plots in Polar Coordinates

The graph of [Maple Math] = f(t) in polar coordinates. By assumption t=-Pi..Pi .

> plots[polarplot](1, t=0..Pi, scaling=constrained); # upper half-circle

[Maple Plot]

> plots[polarplot](t, t=0..4*Pi, scaling=constrained); # two coils of Archimedes' spiral

[Maple Plot]


Example 1 .

1. The polygon through some points of Archimedes' spiral.

> t:=i -> i*Pi/6: p1:=plot([seq([t(i), t(i)], i=0..40)], coords=polar, style=point, symbol=circle):

> p2:=plot([seq([t(i), t(i)], i=0..40)], coords=polar):

> plots[display]([p1, p2], scaling=constrained);

[Maple Plot]

2. A regular star (m,n)-gon (convex for m=1) with relatively prime m and n.

> n:=5: m:=2: plot([seq([1, m*i*2*Pi/n], i=0..n)], coords=polar, scaling=constrained, axes=none);

[Maple Plot]

The disconnected star (m,n)-gon .

> n:=8: m:=2: t:=i -> i*2*Pi/n: plot([seq([[1,t(i)], [1,t(i+m)]], i=1..n)], coords=polar, scaling=constrained,axes=framed);

[Maple Plot]


3. The circular diagram.

> with(plots): A:=[0, 10, 30, 40, 20]: # enter A[2],A[3]... in

Warning, existing definition for changecoords has been overwritten

> B:=i->sum((A[j]/100)*2*Pi, j=2..i): P:=polarplot([1, seq([[0,0], [1,B(i)]], i=1..nops(A)-1)], scaling=constrained): T:=textplot({seq([.5, B(i),"A"[i]], i=2..nops(A))}, coords=polar,axes=none): display([P, T]);

[Maple Plot]


Another method

> P:=seq(display(plottools[pieslice]([0,0], 5, Pi*i/10..Pi*(i+1)/10, color=COLOR(HUE, evalf(i/20))), scaling=constrained), i=0..20): display({P}, axes=none);

[Maple Plot]

4. Stopwatch (with moving arrow).

> n:=60: # 60 seconds in a minute

> q:=k -> polarplot([[0,0], [0.9,-k*2*Pi/n]], thickness=3):

> p:=polarplot([1,.1], color=blue):

> text:=textplot([seq([sin(Pi*i/6), cos(Pi*i/6), "i"], i=1..12), [-.1,-.3, "Cosmos"]], font=[TIMES, BOLD, 18]):

> display([seq(display([p, text, q(k)]), k=1..n)], insequence=true, axes=none, scaling=constrained);

[Maple Plot]

A more natural arrow for the stopwatch.

> q:=k -> plottools[arrow]([0, 0], [0.8*sin(k*2*Pi/n), 0.8*cos(k*2*Pi/n)], .05, .15, .2, color=green): display([seq(display([p, text, q(k)]), k=1..n)], insequence=true, axes=none, scaling=constrained);

[Maple Plot]

5. The butterfly and the cochleoid.

> f:=exp(1)^cos(t)-2*cos(4*t)+sin(t/12)^5;

[Maple Math]

> plot(f, t=-12*Pi..12*Pi, numpoints=999, coords=polar);

[Maple Plot]

> plot(sin(t)/t, t=-6*Pi..6*Pi, coords=polar, scaling=constrained); # cochleoid

[Maple Plot]


7. Conic sections, where p1 are ellipses, p2 are parabolas, p3 are hyperbolas.

> p:=1: f:=e->p/(1-e*cos(t)):

> p1:=plot([seq(f(i/15), i=9..14)], t=-Pi..Pi, coords=polar):

> v:=1.2: p2:=plot(f(1), t=Pi/2-v..3*Pi/2+v, coords=polar):

> v:=0.5: p3:=plot([seq(f(1+i/5), i=1..3)], t=Pi/2-v..3*Pi/2+v, coords=polar):

> plots[display]([p1, p2, p3]); # all types of conic sections

[Maple Plot]

8. The sunflower [Maple Math] = 3+|cos(n [Maple Math] )|.

> n:=7: f:=3+abs(cos(n*t)):

> plot([f,3], t=0..2*Pi, coords=polar, color=[gold, black], scaling=constrained);

[Maple Plot]

9. The loop coupling [Maple Math] = 2 cos(2 [Maple Math] )+1

> plot(2*cos(2*t)+1, t=0..2*Pi, coords=polar, scaling=constrained);

[Maple Plot]

10. The Pascal's limacon [Maple Math] = 2a cos( [Maple Math] )-b (a, b>0)

(with a loop for b<2a, without a loop for b>2a, and the cardioid for b=2a).

> a:=1: f:=b->2*a*cos(t)+b: plot([f(3*a), f(2*a), f(a)], t=0..2*Pi, coords=polar, color=[red,blue,black], scaling=constrained);

[Maple Plot]

Plot a generalization [Maple Math] = 2a cos(n [Maple Math] )-b (a, b>0) of the cardioid and limacon for n=3, a=0.5 and b=2.

11. The leaf of a Japanese maple ( Acer palmatum )

> R:=(1+sin(t))*(1+.3*cos(8*t))*(1+.1*cos(24*t));

[Maple Math]

> plot([R,t,t=0..2*Pi], coords=polar);

[Maple Plot]

Plot another leaf:

> g:=100/(100+(t-Pi/2)^8): # For scaling

> R:=g*(2-sin(7*t)-cos(30*t)/2):

> plot([R, t, t=-Pi/2..3/2*Pi], coords=polar, numpoints=999);

[Maple Plot]

Remark 2 . Plot domains in the plane with nets of curvilinear coordinates:

polar, parabolic, elliptic, bipolar, hyperbolic, etc.

> coordplot(polar, title=`Polar`, scaling=constrained);

[Maple Plot]

by replacing polar with the name of the corresponding coordinates parabolic, elliptic, bipolar, hyperbolic .

b) Conformal transformations (defined by complex functions).

> conformal(1/z, z=-1-I..1+I, grid=[25,25], numxy=[100,100], axes=framed, scaling=constrained, view=[-6..6,-6..6]);

[Maple Plot]


6.2 Remarkable Curves in Polar Coordinates

1. The cissoid

> f:=2*sin(t)^2/cos(t): h:=2/cos(t): plot([f, h], t=-Pi/2+.2..Pi/2-.2, coords=polar, linestyle=[1, 2]);

[Maple Plot]

2. The strophoid (a twisted strip)

> f:=(1+sin(t))/cos(t): h:=2/cos(t):

> T:=[-Pi/2..Pi/2-.5, Pi/2+.5..3*Pi/2]:

> p:=i->plot(f, t=T[i], coords=polar, thickness=2):

> q:=plot(h, t=-Pi/2+.5..Pi/2-.5, coords=polar, linestyle=2):

> plots[display]([p(1), p(2), q], tickmarks=[2,3]);

[Maple Plot]

3. The conchoid (shell-shaped).

For l>a the conchoid has a loop; for 0<l<a it has a cuspidal point of the first kind.

> a:=5: l:=4*a: f1:=a/sin(t)+l: f2:=a/sin(t)-l: h:=a/sin(t):

> plot([f1, f2, h], t=.15..Pi-.15, coords=polar, thickness=[2,2,1], linestyle=[1,1,2]);

[Maple Plot]

4. Kappa

> a:=1: e:=.4: f1:=a*cot(t): f3:=a/sin(t):

> plot([f1, -f1, f3, -f3], t=e..Pi-e,coords=polar, linestyle=[1,1,2,2]);

[Maple Plot]

The windmill

> a:=1: e:=0.2: # windmill

> f1:=a*cot(2*t): f3:=(a/2)/sin(t): f4:=(a/2)/cos(t):

> p1:=plot([f1, -f1], t=e..Pi/2-e, coords=polar): p2:=plot([f1, -f1], t=-Pi/2+e..-e, coords=polar): p3:=plot([f3,-f3], t=e..Pi-e, coords=polar, linestyle=2): p4:=plot([f4, -f4], t=-Pi/2+e..Pi/2-e, coords=polar, linestyle=2): plots[display]([p1, p2, p3, p4]);

[Maple Plot]

5. The ovals of Cassini

> f1 := a -> 3*sqrt(abs(cos(2*t)+sqrt(cos(2*t)^2-cos(2*a)^2))):

> f2 := a -> 3*sqrt(abs(cos(2*t)-sqrt(cos(2*t)^2-cos(2*a)^2))):

> f3 := b -> 3*sqrt(cos(2*t)+sqrt((cos(2*t)^2+b))):

> p[0]:=plot(3, coords=polar, linestyle=2):

> n:=24: for i from 1 to 6 do ti:=i*Pi/n: p[i]:=plot([f1(ti), f2(ti), -f1(ti), -f2(ti)], t=-ti..ti, coords=polar): p[i+6]:=plot(f3(i), t=-Pi..Pi, coords=polar) od:

> plots[display]([seq(p[i], i=0..12)], scaling=constrained);

[Maple Plot]

For a= c ( p[6] in the above program) we obtain the {lemniscate of Bernoulli} [Maple Math] = c [Maple Math]

> c:=1: f1:=c*sqrt(2*abs(cos(2*t))):

> plot([f1,-f1], t=-Pi/4..Pi/4, coords=polar, scaling=constrained);

[Maple Plot]


6.3 Inversion of Curves

Example 1 .

1. The inversion of three-leafed rose [Maple Math] = R cos(3 [Maple Math] ) (see Section 6.5.1) is the trisectrix of Longchamps .

> a:=1: e:=.1: f:=a/cos(3*t): p:=i -> plot(f, t=(2*i-1)*Pi/6+e..(2*i+1)*Pi/6-e, coords=polar):

> q:=i -> plot([t, i*Pi/3-Pi/6, t=-3..3], coords=polar, linestyle=2): h:=plot(1, coords=polar, linestyle=2):

> plots[display]([seq(p(i),i=0..2), seq(q(i), i=0..2), h],scaling=constrained);

[Maple Plot]

2. The similar equation [Maple Math] = R/{cos( [Maple Math] /3)} defines the trisectrix of Maclaurin.

> p1:=plot(1/cos(t/3), t=-3*Pi/2+e..3*Pi/2-e, coords=polar):

> p2:=plot([cos(t/3),1], t=-3*Pi/2..3*Pi/2, coords=polar, linestyle=[1,2]):

> p3:=plot(-3/cos(t), t=-Pi/2+e..Pi/2-e, coords=polar, linestyle=2): e:=.7: plots[display]([p1, p2, p3]);

[Maple Plot]

3. Inversion of the four-leafed rose [Maple Math] = R cos(4 [Maple Math] ) leads to the cross-shaped curve [Maple Math] = R/{cos(4 [Maple Math] )}

> a:=1: f:=a/sin(2*t):

> p:=i-> plot(f, t=(2*i-1)*Pi/4+Pi/4+e..(2*i+1)*Pi/4+Pi/4-e, coords=polar): h:=plot(1, coords=polar, linestyle=2,scaling=constrained): e:=.15: plots[display]([seq(p(i), i=0..3), h]);

[Maple Plot]


6.4 Spirals

1. The neoid [Maple Math] = a [Maple Math] +l (the conchoid of Archimedes' spiral)

> plot(0.2*t+0.5, t=0..6*Pi, coords=polar, scaling=constrained);

[Maple Plot]

2. Galileo's spiral [Maple Math] = a [Maple Math] ^2-l and the inverse Galileo's spiral for l=0: [Maple Math] = a/ [Maple Math] ^2.

> plot(0.01*t^2-0.02, t=0..6*Pi, coords=polar, scaling=constrained);

[Maple Plot]

> plot(100/t^2, t=6..10*Pi, coords=polar, scaling=constrained);

[Maple Plot]

3. Fermat's spiral [Maple Math] = a [Maple Math]

> plot(sqrt(t), t=0..4*Pi, coords=polar, scaling=constrained);

[Maple Plot]

Its conchoid is the parabolic spiral [Maple Math] = a [Maple Math] +l, l>0

> plot([sqrt(t)+.5, -sqrt(t)+.5], t=0..4*Pi, coords=polar, scaling=constrained);

[Maple Plot]

4. The logarithmic spiral [Maple Math] = a [Maple Math] ( [Maple Math] in R), first studied by Descartes, is the curve for which the angle between

the polar radius and a tangent line at its endpoint is constant.

In view of this property a curve is intensively used in applications.

In nature some shells have the shape of a logarithmic spiral.

> plot(1.1^t, t=-6*Pi..4*Pi, coords=polar, scaling=constrained);

[Maple Plot]

5. The hyperbolic spiral [Maple Math] = a/ [Maple Math] was studied by P. Varignon in 1704. The pole plays the role of an asymptotic

(limit) point. The asymptote is the straight line parallel to the polar axis at the distance a from it.

(Its conchoid is plotted analogously.

> p1:=plot(2/t, t=.5..6*Pi, coords=polar):

> p2:=plot(2/sin(t), t=.4..1.5, coords=polar, linestyle=2):

> plots[display]([p1, p2], scaling=constrained);

[Maple Plot]

6. The lituus [Maple Math] = a/ [Maple Math] , the polar axis is its asymptote.

> plot(2/sqrt(t), t=0.1..6*Pi, coords=polar, scaling=constrained);

[Maple Plot]


6.5 Roses and Crosses

6.5.1 Roses

Plot the roses:

> p:=array(1..3, 1..10):

> for a from 1 to 10 do for c from 1 to 3 do b:=2*c-1: p[c,a]:=plots[polarplot]([sin(a/b*t), 1], t=0..2*b*Pi, thickness=[2,1], linestyle=[1,2], title=convert(k=a/b, string)) od od:

> plots[display](p, axes=none, scaling=constrained);

[Maple Plot]


6.5.2 Crosses

1. Leaf cross .

> f:=max(2*cos(2*t)^2, 0.3): plot([f, 0.25, 2.05], t=0..2*Pi, coords=polar, thickness=2, scaling=constrained);

[Maple Plot]

2. St. Andrew's cross .

> f:=min(1/(2*abs(cos(2*t))), 2): plot([f, 2.05], t=0..2*Pi, coords=polar, thickness=[2, 1], linestyle=[1, 2], scaling=constrained);

[Maple Plot]

3. Catacomb cross .

> f:=min(2/(3*abs(sin(2*t))),2): plot([f,2.07],t=-.1..2*Pi, coords=polar, thickness=[2, 1], linestyle=[1, 2], scaling=constrained);

[Maple Plot]

4. St. George's cross , two examples.

> f:=min((9/(10*abs(sin(2*t))))^5, 2): plot([f,2.05], t=-.1..2*Pi, coords=polar, thickness=[2,1], linestyle=[1,2], scaling=constrained);

[Maple Plot]

> g:=min(4/((2*sin(2*t)))^4,2): plot([g,2.05], t=-.1..2*Pi, coords=polar, thickness=[2, 1], linestyle=[1, 2], scaling=constrained);

[Maple Plot]

5. On-Bread cross .

> f:=min(1/(10*abs(sin(2*t))), 1): plot([f, 1.02, 1.2], t=-.01..2*Pi, coords=polar, thickness=[2,1,1], scaling=constrained);

[Maple Plot]

6. St. George's cross (sharp) . Explain the program below.

> f1:=4/(2*sin(2*t))^4:

> sol:=solve(f1=2, t): t0:=sol[1]; f2:=t->a*t^2-a*t0^2+2:

[Maple Math]

> plot([1/f1, 1/2], t=-t0..2*Pi-t0, scaling=constrained);

[Maple Plot]

> a:=2: f:=piecewise(t<t0, f2(t), t<Pi/2-t0, f1, t<Pi/2+t0, f2(t-Pi/2), t<Pi-t0, f1, t<Pi+t0, f2(t-Pi), t<3*Pi/2-t0,f1, t<3*Pi/2+t0, f2(t-3*Pi/2),f1):

> plot([f, 2.02], t=-t0..2*Pi-t0, coords=polar, thickness=[2,1], linestyle=[1,2], scaling=constrained);

[Maple Plot]
