News & Views item - May 2007



Malcolm Turnbull Continues to Lead the Charge for the Good of Our Environment -- Senator Bob Brown isn't Convinced. (May 6, 2007)

    The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued its fourth assessment report on Saturday.


Not unexpectedly the Government's Minister for Water Resources and the Environment gave the opinion that Australia was in the forefront of green house gas mitigation while Green's Senator Bob Brown disagreed.


As is usual, the public is left none the wiser since it continues to be treated to hand waving exercises by our politicians.



IPCC report backs Govt position: Turnbull

Green's Senator Bob Brown

AM - Saturday, 5 May , 2007 08:08:07
Reporter: Malcolm Turnbull
ELIZABETH JACKSON: Joining us now is the Federal Minister for Water Resources and the Environment, Malcolm Turnbull.

(to Malcolm Turnbull) Minister, this report has blown your Government's economic argument, hasn't it? The cost of stabilising carbon emissions is minimal, calculated at less than 0.1 per cent of the world's GDP.

MALCOLM TURNBULL: What it's done is confirm that our policies are correct. And I hate to say this, but you have completely misrepresented what the Government is saying. And I refer you, your listeners, to the speech I gave to the National Press Club on climate change - "What Next After Kyoto?" - which is on my website,

And you will see that the five points that I set out there as our climate change strategy are entirely consistent with the IPCC report on mitigation, released yesterday. And I welcome that report, I'm very familiar with it, and it is quite consistent. In fact, if you…

ELIZABETH JACKSON: Well, one thing that's not so consistent, though, the report says very clearly that we need a 50 to 85 per cent reduction in emissions by 2050. Why won't your Government set those targets?

MALCOLM TURNBULL: You can't set targets on… well, let me put it this way, the real issue is not the global target, and I said in my speech to the Press Club, we need, in the course of this century, a very substantial reduction in the level of the world's greenhouse gas emissions.

The problem with Labor's policy is that they say we should have a 60 per cent cut in emissions by 2050, regardless of what any other country does.

Now, if you look at Chapter 11 of the IPCC report that we're talking about, and it's on their website, you will see that they discuss the way in which if you have an increase in fossil fuel prices, an increase in carbon prices in one country, but not in others, you will get what they call carbon leakage. And this is the point that I made in my speech, that if you put a heavy price on Australia's energy intensive industries, those industries will move offshore, and the emissions with them. And therefore…


MALCOLM TURNBULL: Let me finish. Therefore, there'll be no benefit to the world. And it's very significant that when you interviewed Mr Garrett a moment ago and he was asked a very clear question - will these cuts lead to massive job losses - he did not answer that question, because he knows they will.

ELIZABETH JACKSON: The report sets out a very clear equation, it says we need to cap carbon emissions at between 449 and 490 parts per million, and that that would result in a two degree increase in temperature. Do you accept the need to set those goals, and, if not, are you prepared to accept a greater rise in temperature?

MALCOLM TURNBULL: I accept, and I said, and I again I'd refer your listeners to my speech, which is on my website, I accept the need, and the Government accepts the need and is committed to a very substantial, you could say a massive cut in global greenhouse gas emissions in the course of this century. But it has to be global.

And this is the key point that is being missed, it has to be global, and that's of course what the IPCC report says. There is nothing in there that isn't consistent with our policy. And your listeners that download it from the internet, if they go to page 10 of the "Summary for Policymakers", they will see a list of measures for early action.

One of the points I've made repeatedly is we have to act, we have to act now.

There's a lot of technological developments in relation to solar and in relation to renewables, hot rocks, clean coal, which are some years away. But if you look at the things that they say we should be doing now, they are all things which Australia is leading the world in. Energy efficiency - we're the first country to phase out incandescent lights; forestry use, you know, stopping deforestation.

We, we…

ELIZABETH JACKSON: Minister, we do, we do…

MALCOLM TURNBULL: We are leading the world in a campaign to reduce deforestation.

Now, I just have to say many countries envy our record on greenhouse. Canada is missing its greenhouse… its Kyoto target will miss it by over 40 per cent. We are going to…

ELIZABETH JACKSON: Minister, we do have to leave it there. I'm sorry, but we are out of time. Thank you very much for joining us on Saturday AM.

MALCOLM TURNBULL: Yes, thank you.



While Mr Turnbull is claiming the cost of stabilising carbon emissions calculated at less than 0.1 per cent of the world's GDP by the IPCC is not indicative of the effect on the Australian economy -- but cites no data, last Monday Labor leader Kevin Rudd announced the Garnaut Climate Change Review in Brisbane, saying it would outline the threat to the country's economic prosperity and investigate mitigation strategies. It's to be headed by Australian National University Professor of economics Ross Garnaut. He is expected to publish an interim report by mid 2008 (well after the coming federal election), and the final version by October 2008.




IPCC states that in its final publish document the 2000 and 2004 bars (left graphs) will be placed closer to reflect the smaller period between the years.