Opinion- 13 May 2005






Australia's Treasurer and the Future


The Federal Treasurer, Peter Costello, tabled the government's 2005-06 budget on May 11. If two words dominated his thirty-minute budget address to Federal Parliament they were "tax" and "future". They occurred 29 and 19 times respectively.


On the other hand a number of words were conspicuous for their absence. But we'll get back to that.


As for "future" in the first sentence of the Treasurer's introduction we hear, "The Budget I announce tonight is framed for the future — the future opportunities of our young people, the future care of our aged, the future health services that our citizens will need and demand, the security of the nation, and the future growth of the Australian economy which is necessary if we are going to realise these goals."


And then,

Tonight I announce details of the Future Fund — an investment fund — which will help us prepare for the coming changes. (p2)

In the future we are going to have proportionately fewer people of working age, under 65, compared to those of retirement age. We need to encourage as many people of working age as we can to join our workforce. (p4)

Along with our $5 billion investment through the vocational education and training agreements, these initiatives represent a comprehensive approach to meeting Australia’s skills needs now and into the future. (p5)

The changes I announce tonight ensure that future generations can continue to receive first-class health care services. Small steps taken today will help to put the health system on a sustainable basis for the future. (p6)



Our task now is to begin saving for the future to meet the costs of our ageing population. (p8)

Given the large distances between our major population centres, transport infrastructure is particularly crucial. It is an investment in our future. (p8)

[A] strong economic performance... requires businesses and consumers that are confident about Australia’s future. And it requires prudent policies that lock in our achievements for future generations. (p11)

This Budget is about sharing the benefits of this strong economic management not just with more Australians, but with all Australians:-
                         ...to fund their future.

Admittedly a speech of thirty minutes which has to cover budget papers some 8 inches thick by Treasurer Costello's reckoning is going to have to slide over a lot of detail, but surely he could be relied upon to emphasise what to him and the government is of major importance Investing for Australia's future?


A table that may hold some interest:



Number of occurrences

 Tax / taxes / taxpayers


    includes Tax cuts










 Labor (Party)


 Education (technical)


 Labour (shortages)


 Research (cancer)


 Research (other)


 Education (not technical)


 University / universities






 Math / maths / mathematics







What then would seem to be, at best, of minor importance in the bold vision for the future according to Treasurer and would be Prime Minister Peter Costello?



Alex Reisner

The Funneled Web