News & Views item - April 2013



The Scientist Publishes its 2013 and final Survey of Best Workplace for Postdocs in the US. (April 4, 2013)

The Scientist opened its survey of US postdocs in its April 1, 2013 issue with "For more than 10 years, The Scientist has surveyed the postdoc community to learn what they value most from their training experience and which institutions best provide those lessons," and concluded, "we sign off here with the results of our final postdoc survey".


The charts and table below indicate the change in the ratings postdocs gave their position in 2006 compared to that of today seven years later, the distribution of expectancy following being a postdoc, and the ranking of the of the top 25 institutions as based on The Scientists interpretation of the survey.


Finally, read the article in its entirety to gain an understanding of how the survey was carried out as well as that of the 38 questions asked..



The Scientist also asked in its survey "What type of position do you expect to be in 2 years from now? and displayed the replies in the following pie chart.




And finally its overall rating of the top 25 institutions at which to undertake a postdoctoral appointment.