News & Views item - February 2011



Discipline Ranking for 2010 of the World's Research Universities by the Institute of Higher Education of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. (February 9, 2011)

While the Australian Academic sector digests the statistics published ten days ago under the banner of Excellence in Research for Australia, it may be of interest to note the placement of Australian universities by the Institute of Higher Education of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU rankings) within specific disciplines ("subjects") and what SJTU specifies as "Fields".


First the overall rankings of our universities within the World's top 500:



The five SJTU subject headings are: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science and Economics/Business. The top 100 universities are listed.


The five SJTU fields are: Natural Sciences and Mathematics,  Engineering/Technology and Computer Sciences,  Life and Agriculture Sciences,  Clinical Medicine and Pharmacy,  and the Social Sciences. Again SJTU lists the top 100 universities.




Notes:  Institutions within the same rank range are listed alphabetically.

  Click the links for explanations with regard to Methodology or Statistics.

  Scores a based on the top university being awarded a total of 100. For those universities falling below a world ranking of 50 no Total Score is published.































