News & Views item - April 2008



A Comment on Utilising Model Biological Systems for Biomedical Research. (April 3, 2008)

Professor of Microbiology at LaTrobe University Paul Fisher makes the following observation:


   Having recently written a ConScience article for Australasian Science on the undervaluing of model organism research in Australia, compared to other leading science nations, I was struck by Bruce Alberts' comments on the value of model organisms and TFW's highlighting of his views. He clearly feels that simple model organisms are undervalued even in other leading science nations, revealing the plight of model organism researchers in Australia as even more acute. My analysis shows that papers on model organisms have several times the scientific impact as the average scientific paper and the research costs less. In terms of scientific bang for the buck, model organism research is an order of magnitude better value for money in biomedical research than the direct frontal attack favoured by our funding systems.



Professor Fisher is the recipient of the the 2007 Australasian Science Prize for his work on the slime mould model for mitochondrial disease.