News & Views item - April  2005



FASTS Makes its Submission Regarding Future Approval and Accreditation Processes for Australian Higher Education. (April 30, 2005)

    The Federation of Australian Scientific and Technological Societies (FASTS) has released its ten page submission to the Department of Education, Science and Training regarding Building University Diversity: Future Approval and Accreditation Processes for Australian Higher Education.


In summary the submission argues:

a robust, credible and consistent regime for the accreditation of universities and other higher education providers is necessary to underpin quality and community confidence in higher education and makes the following key points:

  1. there are no compelling reasons to substantially change the National Protocols;

  2. diversity is important but should not be promoted uncritically, as diversity can undermine quality;

  3. there is more diversity in the university sector than appreciated and rigidities in funding mechanisms are the major constraint on diversity rather than the National Protocols;

  4. more emphasis should be placed on collaboration to enhance diversity and student choice rather than relying on misplaced faith in competition and markets;

  5. the nexus of teaching and research is crucial for SET education, particularly at honours and 3rd year level;

  6. the challenges and demands of knowledge economies are deepening the need for research capabilities in SET teaching not reducing it;

  7. competition is not a good enough reason on its own to justify expanding the number of private providers;

  8. allowing new providers to simply cherry pick profitable courses undermines the capacity of existing universities to deliver low demand, higher cost or specialist courses which have important national or public benefits.

A copy of the Department's Issues Paper is available online.


