Finite Automata and Pattern Avoidance
Here we suggest a program for finding a formula for the number of matrices of size mxn on k letters that avoid a pattern p, namely |M_{m,n}^k(p)|, where the number of the letters k and the pattern p are given. This program supports two papers:

1. Peter Br\"and\'en and Toufik mansour, Finite automata and pattern avoidance in words,
2. Seregy Kitaev, Toufik Mansour, Antoine Vella, On avoidance of numbered polyomino patterns.

The program gives a complete answer (up to how fast your computer) to the problems which are related to the above papers, namely to find a formula for |M_{m,n}^k(p)| where given m,k and p. (See below the examples and applications for these programs).

For example, when m=1 we get a formula for the number of words on k letters of length n that avoid a pattern p. When m=2 we get a formula for the number of matrices with two rows and n columns that avoid a pattern p (which could be a matrix of size 2x2 or shape L of three elements). To avoid 2x2 matrix M is equivalent to there no submatrix 2x2 order-isomorphic to M. To avoid a shape L=(L11,L21,L22) is equivalent to there no three element (P_{i1,j1}, p_{i2,j1},p_{i2,j2}) order-isomorphic to L, where i2>i1 and j2>j1.

To find the formula for |[k]^n(p)| we use the ideas from the paper titled "Finite automaton and pattern avoidance in words" authored by Toufik Mansour and Peter Br\"and\"en.

This program divided to two parts: the first part construct in C++, and the second part construct in MAPLE.

First part: TOU_AUTO.
The program TOU_AUTO with
   Input the pattern p and number the letters k and number the rows m
   Output the automaton A_m(p,k)

/*Program to find the automaton A_m(p,k) for given p,k,m*/
/*                                    by                                              */
/*                           Toufik Mansour                                   */
#include <stdio.h>

#define MAXCLASSES 4000  /*Maximum classes of the states of the graph Au(p,k)*/

#define MAXLCLASS 100  /*Maximum columns in one class */

int NUMBERLETTER;  /*Number of the letters k in the automaton*/

#define MAXROWS 10  /* maximum rows in the matrices*/

#define MAXCOLS 10 /*maximum columns in the pattern*/

#define MAXBIN 5000  /*sum(k^i,'i'=0...MAXROWS)*/

/*list of all the possiblities to extend a state of length equals number columns in the pattern -1*/

int lmat[MAXBIN];  /*number column of the mat[MAXBIN]*/

int nallmat;  /*number of all the possibilties in mat[MAXBIN]*/

/* The pattern*/
int pattern[MAXROWS][MAXCOLS];
int numbercolumn,numberrow,kindpattern;
/* kindpattern=1d if vector length d,   kindpattern=22 if matrix 2x2,   kindpattern=12 if the pattern of the form L*/

/*three different states and the length*/
int state1[MAXROWS][MAXLCLASS],lstate1;
int state2[MAXROWS][MAXLCLASS],lstate2;
int state0[MAXROWS][MAXLCLASS],lstate0;

/*the Automaton Au(p,k) and the size*/

/*the set E(p,k), the set of equivalence classes for given a pattern p, and k letters*/
/*every element in E(p,k) is a state as a matrix of  maximum size maxrows x maxlclass*/

int lsetclass[MAXCLASSES];   /* number column for every state in E(p,k)*/

int nclass;   /*cardinality of |E(p,k)|*/

FILE *fout;    /*output file*/

/*built all the matrices that possibly to extend a state */
/*matrices of rows x d where 0\leq d\leq numbercolumn*/
void extendbymat()
 int nc,i,j,i1,j1,ii,nu;
  nu=1; for(i=0;i<nc*(numberrow);i++) nu=nu*NUMBERLETTER;
  lmat[nallmat]=nc; for(i=0;i<numberrow;i++) for(j=0;j<nc;j++) mat[nallmat][i][j]=0; nallmat++;
   for(i=0;i<numberrow;i++) for(j=0;j<nc;j++) mat[nallmat][i][j]=mat[nallmat-1][i][j];
   i=0; j=0; while(mat[nallmat][i][j]==(NUMBERLETTER-1)) {i++; if(i==numberrow) {j++; i=0;} }
   mat[nallmat][i][j]++;  for(j1=0;j1<j;j1++) for (i1=0;i1<numberrow;i1++) mat[nallmat][i1][j1]=0;
   for(i1=0;i1<i;i1++) mat[nallmat][i1][j]=0; lmat[nallmat]=nc; nallmat++;

/*checking that two matrices 2x2,
  or two vectors of length 4, are order-isomorphic*/
int order22(int a,  int b,  int c,  int d,
   int a1, int b1, int c1, int d1)
 if ((a<b)&&(a1>=b1)) return(0); if ((a==b)&&(a1!=b1)) return(0); if ((a>b)&&(a1<=b1)) return(0);
 if ((a<c)&&(a1>=c1)) return(0); if ((a==c)&&(a1!=c1)) return(0); if ((a>c)&&(a1<=c1)) return(0);
 if ((a<d)&&(a1>=d1)) return(0);if ((a==d)&&(a1!=d1)) return(0); if ((a>d)&&(a1<=d1)) return(0);
 if ((b<c)&&(b1>=c1)) return(0); if ((b==c)&&(b1!=c1)) return(0); if ((b>c)&&(b1<=c1)) return(0);
 if ((b<d)&&(b1>=d1)) return(0); if ((b==d)&&(b1!=d1)) return(0); if ((b>d)&&(b1<=d1)) return(0);
 if ((c<d)&&(c1>=d1)) return(0); if ((c==d)&&(c1!=d1)) return(0); if ((c>d)&&(c1<=d1)) return(0);

/*checking if two vectors of length 3 are order-isomorphic*/
int order3(int a, int b, int c, int a1, int b1, int c1)
 if ((a<b)&&(a1>=b1)) return(0); if ((a==b)&&(a1!=b1)) return(0); if ((a>b)&&(a1<=b1)) return(0);
 if ((a<c)&&(a1>=c1)) return(0); if ((a==c)&&(a1!=c1)) return(0); if ((a>c)&&(a1<=c1)) return(0);
 if ((b<c)&&(b1>=c1)) return(0); if ((b==c)&&(b1!=c1)) return(0); if ((b>c)&&(b1<=c1)) return(0);

/*checking if two vectors of length 5 are order-isomorphic*/
int order5(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int a1, int b1, int c1, int d1, int e1)
 if ((a<b)&&(a1>=b1)) return(0); if ((a==b)&&(a1!=b1)) return(0); if ((a>b)&&(a1<=b1)) return(0);
 if ((a<c)&&(a1>=c1)) return(0); if ((a==c)&&(a1!=c1)) return(0); if ((a>c)&&(a1<=c1)) return(0);
 if ((a<d)&&(a1>=d1)) return(0); if ((a==d)&&(a1!=d1)) return(0); if ((a>d)&&(a1<=d1)) return(0);
 if ((a<e)&&(a1>=e1)) return(0); if ((a==e)&&(a1!=e1)) return(0); if ((a>e)&&(a1<=e1)) return(0);
 if ((b<c)&&(b1>=c1)) return(0); if ((b==c)&&(b1!=c1)) return(0); if ((b>c)&&(b1<=c1)) return(0);
 if ((b<d)&&(b1>=d1)) return(0); if ((b==d)&&(b1!=d1)) return(0); if ((b>d)&&(b1<=d1)) return(0);
 if ((b<e)&&(b1>=e1)) return(0); if ((b==e)&&(b1!=e1)) return(0); if ((b>e)&&(b1<=e1)) return(0);
 if ((c<d)&&(c1>=d1)) return(0); if ((c==d)&&(c1!=d1)) return(0); if ((c>d)&&(c1<=d1)) return(0);
 if ((c<e)&&(c1>=e1)) return(0); if ((c==e)&&(c1!=e1)) return(0); if ((c>e)&&(c1<=e1)) return(0);
 if ((d<e)&&(d1>=e1)) return(0); if ((d==e)&&(d1!=e1)) return(0); if ((d>e)&&(d1<=e1)) return(0);

/*checking if two vectors of length 6 are order-isomorphic*/
int order6(int a,  int b,  int c,  int d,  int e,  int f,  int a1, int b1, int c1, int d1, int e1, int f1)
 if ((a<b)&&(a1>=b1)) return(0); if ((a==b)&&(a1!=b1)) return(0); if ((a>b)&&(a1<=b1)) return(0);
 if ((a<c)&&(a1>=c1)) return(0); if ((a==c)&&(a1!=c1)) return(0); if ((a>c)&&(a1<=c1)) return(0);
 if ((a<d)&&(a1>=d1)) return(0); if ((a==d)&&(a1!=d1)) return(0); if ((a>d)&&(a1<=d1)) return(0);
 if ((a<e)&&(a1>=e1)) return(0); if ((a==e)&&(a1!=e1)) return(0); if ((a>e)&&(a1<=e1)) return(0);
 if ((a<f)&&(a1>=f1)) return(0); if ((a==f)&&(a1!=f1)) return(0); if ((a>f)&&(a1<=f1)) return(0);
 if ((b<c)&&(b1>=c1)) return(0); if ((b==c)&&(b1!=c1)) return(0); if ((b>c)&&(b1<=c1)) return(0);
 if ((b<d)&&(b1>=d1)) return(0); if ((b==d)&&(b1!=d1)) return(0); if ((b>d)&&(b1<=d1)) return(0);
 if ((b<e)&&(b1>=e1)) return(0); if ((b==e)&&(b1!=e1)) return(0); if ((b>e)&&(b1<=e1)) return(0);
 if ((b<f)&&(b1>=f1)) return(0); if ((b==f)&&(b1!=f1)) return(0); if ((b>f)&&(b1<=f1)) return(0);
 if ((c<d)&&(c1>=d1)) return(0); if ((c==d)&&(c1!=d1)) return(0); if ((c>d)&&(c1<=d1)) return(0);
 if ((c<e)&&(c1>=e1)) return(0); if ((c==e)&&(c1!=e1)) return(0); if ((c>e)&&(c1<=e1)) return(0);
 if ((c<f)&&(c1>=f1)) return(0); if ((c==f)&&(c1!=f1)) return(0); if ((c>f)&&(c1<=f1)) return(0);
 if ((d<e)&&(d1>=e1)) return(0); if ((d==e)&&(d1!=e1)) return(0); if ((d>e)&&(d1<=e1)) return(0);
 if ((d<f)&&(d1>=f1)) return(0); if ((d==f)&&(d1!=f1)) return(0); if ((d>f)&&(d1<=f1)) return(0);
 if ((e<f)&&(e1>=f1)) return(0); if ((e==f)&&(e1!=f1)) return(0); if ((e>f)&&(e1<=f1)) return(0);

/*if the state0 avoids a 2x2 pattern*/
int avoid22matrix()
 int i1,i2,j1,j2,lm,rm;
 rm=numberrow; lm=lstate0; if (lstate0==0) return(1);
  if (order22(state0[j1][i1],state0[j2][i1],state0[j1][i2],state0[j2][i2],
   pattern[0][0],pattern[0][1],pattern[1][0],pattern[1][1])==1) return(0);

/*if the stae avoids a L pattern*/
int avoid12mat()
 int i1,i2,j1,j2,lm,rm;
 rm=numberrow; lm=lstate0; if (lstate0==0) return(1);
  if (order3(state0[j1][i1],state0[j2][i1],state0[j2][i2],
   pattern[0][0],pattern[1][0],pattern[1][1])==1) return(0);

/*if the state0 avoids pattern of length 3*/
int avoid13vec()
 int i1,i2,i3;

/*if the state0 avoids pattern of length 4*/
int avoid14vec()
 int i1,i2,i3,i4;

/*if the state0 avoids pattern of length 5*/
int avoid15vec()
 int i1,i2,i3,i4,i5;


/*if the state0 avoids pattern of length 6*/
int avoid16vec()
 int i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6;


/*different kinds of configuration of the pattern*/
int avoiding()
 if (kindpattern==13) return(avoid13vec());     if (kindpattern==14) return(avoid14vec());
 if (kindpattern==15) return(avoid15vec());     if (kindpattern==16) return(avoid16vec());
 if (kindpattern==22) return(avoid22matrix()); if (kindpattern==12) return(avoid12mat());

/*checking tif the states state1 and state2 are equivalent */
int equivstates()
 int i,j,i1,j1,ans1,ans2;
 int statea[MAXROWS][MAXLCLASS],lstatea,stateb[MAXROWS][MAXLCLASS],lstateb;

 lstate0=lstate1;  lstatea=lstate1;
 for(i=0;i<numberrow;i++) for(j=0;j<lstate1;j++)   {state0[i][j]=state1[i][j]; statea[i][j]=state1[i][j];}

 lstate0=lstate2;  lstateb=lstate2;
 for(i=0;i<numberrow;i++) for(j=0;j<lstate2;j++) {state0[i][j]=state2[i][j]; stateb[i][j]=state2[i][j];}

 if(ans1!=ans2) return(0);

  lstatea=lstate1; lstateb=lstate2;
  for(i1=0;i1<numberrow;i1++) for(j1=0;j1<lmat[j];j1++)
   { statea[i1][j1+lstatea]=mat[j][i1][j1]; stateb[i1][j1+lstateb]=mat[j][i1][j1]; }
  lstatea=lstate1+lmat[j]; lstateb=lstate2+lmat[j];
  for(i1=0;i1<numberrow;i1++) for(j1=0;j1<lstatea;j1++)  {state0[i1][j1]=statea[i1][j1]; }
  for(i1=0;i1<numberrow;i1++) for(j1=0;j1<lstateb;j1++)  {state0[i1][j1]=stateb[i1][j1];}
  if(ans1!=ans2) return(0);

/*check if there a state in E(p,k) that equivalent to state1 which is given*/
int checkequivstates()
 int i,i1,j1,ans;
  for(i1=0;i1<numberrow;i1++) for(j1=0;j1<lstate2;j1++)  state2[i1][j1]=setclass[i][i1][j1];
  ans=equivstates();  if (ans==1) return(i);

/*finding the automaton A(p,k) and the set of all the classes E(p,k)*/
void automat()
 int i,j,flag=1,nst=1,i1,j1,ans,pns,ans1,numvec;

 numvec=1; for(i=0;i<numberrow;i++) numvec=numvec*NUMBERLETTER;
 /*number possiblities to extend by vector a state*/

 lsetclass[0]=0;  nclass=1; /*first state, the empty state*/
 printf("%d) empty state\n",nclass);
 sizeAu=1; Au[0][0]=0;
 while(flag==1) /*find another state, if there*/
  lstate1=lsetclass[i]; /*take old state*/
  for(i1=0;i1<numberrow;i1++) for(j1=0;j1<lstate1;j1++) state1[i1][j1]=setclass[i][i1][j1];

  lstate1++; /*extend the state by a vector*/
   for(i1=0;i1<numberrow;i1++) state1[i1][lstate1-1]=mat[j][i1][0];

   /*check after the extension there old state equivelent to it*/

   if (ans==nclass) /*if no*/
    lstate0=lstate1; /*check if avoiding the pattern*/
    for(i1=0;i1<numberrow;i1++) for(j1=0;j1<lstate0;j1++) state0[i1][j1]=state1[i1][j1];

    if(ans1==1) /*if a new state avoid the pattern*/
     flag=1; /*put it as a new state in E(p,k) and extend the automaton*/

     printf("%d) ",nclass+1);
            for(j1=0;j1<lstate1;j1++) {setclass[nclass][i1][j1]=state1[i1][j1];  printf("%d",state1[i1][j1]+1);}
            printf(" , ");
     for(i1=0;i1<sizeAu+1;i1++) {Au[sizeAu][i1]=0; Au[i1][sizeAu]=0;}
     Au[i][sizeAu]++; sizeAu++;
   else  Au[i][ans]++;
 nst=pns+1; pns=nclass;

/*print the automaton A(p,k) to output file*/
void printautomaton()
 int i,j;
 printf("The Automaton of the problem of matrices of size");
 printf("%dxN on %d letters avoiding the pattern\n",numberrow,NUMBERLETTER);
 fprintf(fout,"The Automaton of the problem of matrices of size");
 fprintf(fout,"%dxN on %d letters avoiding the pattern\n",numberrow,NUMBERLETTER);
 if (kindpattern==22)
  printf("                                 %d %d\n",pattern[0][0],pattern[0][1]);
  printf("                                 %d %d\n",pattern[1][0],pattern[1][1]);
  fprintf(fout,"                                 %d %d\n",pattern[0][0],pattern[0][1]);
  fprintf(fout,"                                 %d %d\n",pattern[1][0],pattern[1][1]);
 else if ((13<=kindpattern)&&(kindpattern<=16))
  printf("                                 ");
  fprintf(fout,"                                 ");
  for(i=0;i<kindpattern-10;i++) {printf("%d ",pattern[0][i]);fprintf(fout,"%d ",pattern[0][i]);}
 else if (kindpattern==12)
  printf("                                 %d",pattern[0][0]);
  printf("                                 %d %d",pattern[1][0],pattern[1][1]);
  fprintf(fout,"                                 %d",pattern[0][0]);
  fprintf(fout,"                                 %d %d",pattern[1][0],pattern[1][1]);
 printf("                     is given by the following matrix\n");
 fprintf(fout,"                     is given by the following matrix\n\n");
  for(j=0;j<sizeAu-1;j++) {printf("%d",Au[i][j]); fprintf(fout,"%d,",Au[i][j]);}
  printf("%d\n",Au[i][sizeAu-1]); fprintf(fout,"%d],\n[",Au[i][sizeAu-1]);
 for(j=0;j<sizeAu-1;j++) {printf("%d",Au[sizeAu-1][j]); fprintf(fout,"%d,",Au[sizeAu-1][j]);}
 printf("%d\n",Au[sizeAu-1][sizeAu-1]); fprintf(fout,"%d]]);\n",Au[sizeAu-1][sizeAu-1]);

/*the main procedure*/
void main()
int i,ch;
printf("Kind of pattern:\n");
printf("(1) 1x3=***\n\n");
printf("(2) 1x4=****\n\n");
printf("(3) 1x5=*****\n\n");
printf("(10) L= *\n");
printf("       **\n\n");
printf("(11) S= **\n");
printf("       **\n\n");
printf("Enter your choice 1-6 : "); scanf("%d",&ch);
printf("Enter the number of the letters : "); scanf("%d",&NUMBERLETTER);

if ((ch<=3)&&(ch>=1))
 ch++; ch++;
 numberrow=1; numbercolumn=ch; kindpattern=10+ch;
 printf("Enter the pattern: ");
 for(i=0;i<ch;i++) scanf("%d",&pattern[0][i]);
else if(ch==10)
    numbercolumn=2; kindpattern=12;
    printf("Enter the number rows"); scanf("%d",&numberrow);
    printf("Enter the pattern: matrix([[*],[*,*]])");
    scanf("%d",&pattern[0][0]);  scanf("%d",&pattern[1][0]); scanf("%d",&pattern[1][1]);
else if(ch==11)
    numbercolumn=2; kindpattern=22;
    printf("Enter the number rows"); scanf("%d",&numberrow);
    printf("Enter the pattern: matrix([[*,*],[*,*]])");
    scanf("%d",&pattern[0][0]); scanf("%d",&pattern[0][1]); scanf("%d",&pattern[1][0]); scanf("%d",&pattern[1][1]);

extendbymat(); nclass=0; sizeAu=0; automat();
fout=fopen("test.dat","w"); printautomaton(); fclose(fout);

Second part: TOU_FORMULA.
The program TOU_FORMULA with
   Input the matrix Au=A_m(p,k)
   Output the formula for |M_{m,n}^k(p)| in terms of n.

local S,Au,sizeAu,J,i,j,ii,jj,nn,Values,A,size,B,b,w,form,M:

Au:=args[1]: the input

S:=roots(J): sizeAu:=rowdim(Au): nn:=nops(S):

Values:={}: size:=0: for i from 1 to nn do Values:=Values union {S[i][1]}: size:=size+S[i][2]: od:

A:=matrix(size,size,[]): w:=linalg[vector](sizeAu,[]): b:=vector(size,[]): B:=linalg[vector](size,[]):

for i from 1 to sizeAu do w[i]:=1: od:

b[1]:=1: B[2]:=evalm(Au): b[2]:=evalm(B[2]&*w)[1]:

for i from 2 to size-1 do B[i+1]:=evalm(B[i]&*Au): b[i+1]:=evalm(B[i+1]&*w)[1]: od:

for i from 1 to size do jj:=0:
     for ii from 1 to nops(Values) do
         for j from 0 to S[ii][2]-1 do
            jj:=jj+1: if i-1>=j then A[i,jj]:=(S[ii][1])^(i-1-j)*binomial(i-1,j): else A[i,jj]:=0: fi:
od: od: od:

w:=linsolve(A,b); printf("First values n=0...12"); M:=vector(13,[]):
for i from 0 to 12 do
   form:=0: jj:=0:
     for ii from 1 to nops(Values) do
        for j from 0 to S[ii][2]-1 do
            jj:=jj+1:  form:=form+w[jj]*(S[ii][1])^(i-j)*binomial(i,j):
     od: od:
od: print(M):

printf("The formula is");
form:=0: jj:=0:
for ii from 1 to nops(Values) do
  for j from 0 to S[ii][2]-1 do jj:=jj+1:  form:=form+w[jj]*(S[ii][1])^(n-j)*binomial(n,j):
od: od: print(form):

Remark: We remark that we can find the generating function for the automaton A_m(p,k) by using the fact that generating function for the number of matrices M_{m,n}^k(p) is given by the Maple operation
evalm( (I-xA_m(p,k))^(-1)&*w )[1];
where w is a vector of 1's of length exactly size(A_m(p,k)) (the size of the automaton).

Examples and Applications

Now we give a several examples how to use these two programs and several applications.

Example 1: find a formula for the number of words on k=5 letters of length n that avoid the pattern 1324.
We use the program TOU_AUTO with input k=5 number the letters, and the pattern is a vector of size 4 which is 1 3 2 4, then the output will be in the file test.dat. Now, we take from this file the matrix Au which is
we put it in Maple, and apply our second step which is TOU_FORMULA by "formula(Au);" so we get the following formula
Besdies that if we apply our remark, then we get that the generating function for this number of words is given by


Example 2: find a formula for the number of matrices with 3 rows on 2 letters avoiding the 2x2 submatrix defined by T_11=1, T_12=2, T_21=2, and T_22=1.
First we apply the first part TOU_AUTO with input avoiding a matrix 2x2 pattern , k=2 number the letters, and m=3 number rows, and the pattern as defined.  Then we get in the output file (test.dat) the automaton which is given by the following matrix:
Now, we apply the second part TOU_FORMULA by formula(Au); , so we get the following formula

and by the above remark we get the genrating function for such matrices which is

Table for patterns of length four with repetition letters

Update on 15 June 2003.